Top 10 USA Players Online

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by JHow77, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. MasaRED

    MasaRED Well-Known Member

    Well, I think that my style is different from None other's. I have an impression that his style is more of an offensive one compared to me. Please keep in mind that runnning away and drinking is a typical tactics for Shun players, especially in my opinion when facing a very good player. I know you are pretty good at VF5 for American, and that's probably why you feel that way.
  2. Shinn_Akira

    Shinn_Akira Well-Known Member

    thanks guys for all the teachings you guys have given me. (denkai,konjou,flash) it has helped be become a better player. \i agree with the lists above, but didn't expect my name to be on them. thanks again guys, hope to play yall more.
  3. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    Thanks for anyone who mentioned me, means a lot to me. Jhow my tag is gl0ry85, but you almost got it right /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    This list of players in my top 10 are based on my opinion, and the people i've played enough to make a proper analysis.

    1-Adamyuki: Without doubt the most solid defense i've played. Has sharp analyzing and adapts very quickly. Execution is on point also.

    2/3- Konjou or Denkai: This is a toss up between 2nd and 3rd. Without a doubt, they are both solid players that play differently. Konjou being a bit more defensive and Denkai being a bit more offense.

    4/5- Chief Flash or Jerky: Second toss up... Both Flash and Jerky have an excellent foundation of "VF" and know exactly what their doing.

    6/7- Slide(action kungfu) or Gentlementhief: These are the new generation "VF" players. Their foundation of the game is becoming very strong and both are progressing at a very fast rate. I play with both of these guys all the time and am glad to be able to make progress with them.

    8- dennis: great player with strong fundamentals of the game, uses more characters than I can count with my fingers

    9- Laosho?? not sure on the spelling: I only got to play this guy 4 or 5 times in ranked, but I knew right away that he was no joke. He has an extremely solid defense.

    I'll try to think of some more tomorrow, getting late.
  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Actually I like this topic(thanks for Jhow77).
    Even though I'm not an American~ lol~

    However, I have couple ideas want to share with u guys.

    For me, what's the different between USA and ASIA players???
    The answer is that top Japanese or Korea players can use like 2 or 3 characters and they are fucking damn good at all of them!!!

    Until right now, it's hard for me to see these USA top players using different characters. Maybe Denkai is the only one I met on line who can use more than 4 characters.

    What I'm trying to say is everyone needs different opponents, but in USA, there are just a few players who like VF. So it is important to create more enemies. But how?? Just try to pick up another character!~

    In my opinion, the top players are who can give me more threat, especially on "mind". I think adam and chief are really good at this point!!! Moreover, I'm always curious about what happen if
    chief r using Brad or Jeffry or someone else? And then, maybe Shinn_akira can play w chief's Brad (Although he is already the best Brad player).

    What I say above is just what I consider, maybe u guys don't agree and that is okay.

    Everyone needs "spark", and that's the way we can grow up and improve further~~
  5. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys for some of ya'll mentioning me or my brother. I definitely do feel my brother should be put up there for Lei Fei, esp. since he hardly even plays the game yet has one of if not the best Lei Fei in America right now. Seriously, he plays like an hour a month, and he never practices in training mode. I don't think he's ever even been in there. If he played this game seriously he'd really be a force.

    Anyway, my personal top 10 USA players online would be.

    1. Denkai - Amazing Jacky. Really good defense and offense and can read your play style real quick. If you can't adapt along with him, he'll cream you. I do feel his sub characters are not up to his Jacky level, but they are still really good.

    2. Adam Yuki - Best Jeff I've seen. I only played him once in like a 3 hour session so my time playing him was limited, but that's all it took to know this guy is one of the best. He probably has the biggest win streak on me which was I think like 13 in a row. I think I managed a 5 win streak on him, but that's it, and that was just at the beginning when we were still learning each others style. Best defense I've ever seen. Getting a hit off this guy takes so much work, then one knee from his Jeffrey and it's game over. Very scary playing this guy with my Lion.

    3. Konjou Akira - Probably the best Akira in the US right now. Good solid defense and offense and can also adapt fairly quickly. When this guy is on, he'll work you quickly. Like the above 2 guys, you can't play around at all with him.

    4. JHow77 - Best Shun I've seen online. Always fun playing this guy, win or lose. Something about his style or maybe it's the character, but I always enjoy our matches and it's always so close. Honestly, I think we are really close in skill level. Probably the closest I've seen besides playing against my brother. Playing this guy let's me let loose and be creative, that's probably why I like playing against him.

    5. Flamingo Queen - Not really US but has to be mentioned. Best Sarah I've ever seen online. Well once I saw my brother play I believe Shou on Adam Yuki's account, and that was really something. He made Sarah look top tier, no joke. But Flamingo Queen is a really close 2nd there, and is definitely a top player. Just when you think you got this guy beat, he'll catch up in a blink of an eye. He has excellent offense and really knows his character well.

    6. Chief Flash - I haven't played Chief in a long time, but I remember him having a really good Wolf. In fact, probably the best Wolf I've faced online. I remember him having a ton of mixups with Wolf, and having a really good wake up game. He definitely impressed me enough to remember him as a top player, that's for sure.

    7. Jerky - I've played Jerky a few times way back, but I remember our matches being pretty even. He's another player that can adapt quickly so you got to constantly change up your own game or lose. He's just below Denkai with his Jacky, but I do feel if he played a lot more he could be right up there. Basically I feel the potential Jerky has is something you can't overlook.

    8. Dre Fei - This guy plays too many characters. I swear, every time I play him it's someone else. But really, that just makes it harder to beat this guy since by the time you start figuring out how to play against one of his characters, he'll go and switch on you next time and you got to start all over again. Very strong player.

    9/10. Chanchai/ET Pharaoh - Awesome fellow Lion players. I don't think I've played ET Pharaoh yet so I can't really say who is the better player out of these two, but I think the match would be really close.

    And I'm sorry to those names I didn't mention. I know there's a lot of other strong US players online out there, maybe even stronger then some on my list, but these are the ones that stood out in my mind, or the ones I remembered the most.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Now for an opinion that doesn't matter.
    This is simply from my personal experience
    and how well they deal with my amateurish

    1. Denkai
    2. Konjou

    The rest of those spots are yet to be filled imo because they all seem so close I can't rank them. Fyi, never played Adam Yuki but since he's historically extremely active in VF he's most likely up there as well. Chief is scary too but I need another go round with him, he definately didn't rape me like these two did.

    Just look at the RR tournament it basically mirrors that
  7. EndCA

    EndCA Well-Known Member

    My unbiased XBL experiance so far:

    Top 5 (Out of people played)
    1. Chief Flash
    2. Black Bauer CTU(Denkai)
    3. Konjou Akira
    4. HappyFriend
    5. JHow77

    Only top 5 Cause bottom five just don't jump out at me...

    Other Mentionables:

    Blahzie, DaBadSeed, ETPharaoh, FlammingoQueen, Gl0ry, BBoyDubC, NoneOther, Gentleman Thief, Oioron, Slide, Murder Material, Outfoxd, J6Commander, Mekahhineyhoe

    Adam Yuki, Junosynth, Texas Lion, Myke
  8. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    holy shit....

    3 pages into the thread already and this is my first time reading it. i guess that's what happens when you don't log in for a couple of days. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    anyways, thanx to those who believe in me. without you, i couldn't possibly progress in the same manner as i did. with each passing match against you guys, i become mentally stronger. filling out this list is extremely difficult, but i will try my best. to me, all of you deserve a top spot simply because of your potential and determination (yes that includes you hineyHOE /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif ).

    adamyuki - need i say more?

    konjou_akira - my mentor

    denkai - yoo bestud. only thing this nigga taught me how to do is BLOCK! hahahaha! but truthfully, i appreciate that. it taught me how to be patient.

    jerky - i didnt think jacky could be played any more differently with success, but this mofo does the job! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    oioron - although he's not online much, he TOO helped me grow by pushing me to stop doing unecessary shit. he drilled into my brain the meaning of "guaranteed attack."

    jhow77 - YOU TRICKY BITCH! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    dabadseed - when i first played him, i literally ran him over. playing this guy now almost seems like a different person is playing. his progression is uncanny.

    dennis0201 - very impressive.

    texaslion - i havent played you i a while, but til this day, i have yet to find a stronger lion.

    shag - the best goh i have faced.

    players worth recognizing:

    mekahineyHOE <=== DEF not the worst player /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    chefboy_OB - when i first met this kid, he was extremely quiet and didn't know much about VF. one year later, his vannesa is DEFINITELY worth recognizing. just play him if you think i'm kidding...

    trickyviper - this kid is learning at such a fast pace. not too many have this natural talent.

    cidextremist - one of the TOUGHEST offenses to crack. very similar to denkai. WHAT IS IT ABOUT PAD PLAYERS THAT DON'T KNOW WHEN TO STOP ATTACKING!?!?!? JK /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    yucky cookies - don't sleep on this kid...definitely a rising star.

    plague - "watch out for the fabulous knee!"

    phoenix_death - maybe the strongest lei fei player. he can also play as various other characters!
  9. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Thanks for the compliments Flash and EndCa. I don't think I deserve it, I have too many holes in my game currently.

    Like Flash said I'm not online much so my list is based on offline play.

    Not in particular order:

    Konjou Akira
    LA Akira
  10. Air Jacky

    Air Jacky Well-Known Member

    well this is the only I will be mentioned in this forum. lol
    Unfortunately I am no longer great at this game I can still hold my own but, by no means do I have any dominance or style like I use to in VF3tb, which frustrates the hell out of me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif but I still enjoy the game and have great fun playing people that I use to play in the old days and playing new people that play the game like a pro.
    I really haven't played alot of the players here that were mentioned, but here are the people that I have played that I think there game is top notch

    Konjo Akira - what can I say other then you still haven't lost your touch since VF3tb days. you still can take what ever character you play to the next level

    Adam Yuki - another VF3tb guy that still plays very well for being in the older more wise group still love playing with you. brings back the feel of the old days. and I love how Adam and Konjo basically switched there top charters around. Adam use to play Akira in VF3tb and was awesome at him and Konjo was a Jeffrey player, and with Jeffrey Konjo beat me on Sarah's stage on the steps, he had 5% and I had 75% power left and he turned me around and did one move over that killed me on the steps damn VF 3 for having different heights on the stages in VF3tb:) they now have switched roles ( you remember that Konjo??)

    Black Bauer CTU - I have played a hand full of times and he know the game very well a force to be reckoned with.

    ETPharoah - who also has playing since the VF3tb days is one of the best lions in America. I have always enjoyed playing Sam through the years always making me a better player.

    Chief Flash - Who I have only played a few times but has a mean ass wolf. I like Chief Flash for he has a great understand of the games macanics and makes you think outside of the box to beat him.

    Finally Jhow - who I got started into the VF2 many many years ago. that i have played the hell out of VF3 in America and Japan. who is my sparing partner for many years. Jesse has a natural ability with fighting games I am not at all surprised by how quickly he picked up on VF5. just like me he didn't play much of VF4 or EVO. but once he got VF5 he quickly excelled at the game and is one of the best shuns out there. I have played Jesse so much that we usually have close matches which he will win more then ido now:)but his style doesn't throw me off. like it does to other people but thatis just playing agaist each other for many years, but none the less he is great at the game and defiantly deservers to be on the list here.

    As for the Ryan Hart deal, not much to say about that other then JHow and I stole his thunder in Japan in 98" which I guess he didn't like. I actually went up to him and introduce myself and to say it was nice to see another good VF player, he just turned around and walked away from me. i played him a handfull of times and i didnt lose to his Kage thankfully. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif but a nice suprise was that some of the top Japanese players were very impressed by Jesse and I. Chibita was one of them that came up to me after I beat Shinjuku Jacky and basically said nice game and a good Jacky. I talked with Chibita for a bit with my broken Japanese which at the time was great but wasn’t bad either, and we had a few other that came up to talk with us.

    I haven't been to Japan in about 5 years now and the last couple of times I don't play VF that much when I am there since I no longer play the game like I use to.
    I hope to play some other 10 ppl on this list that I haven't yet in the near future.
    Well its been nice to reminisce about the old days and talk about all the new players that have come into the VF spotlight.
    keep playing all.
  11. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    Since VF2, Boyd. Not 3! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif I still remember the "bible" for VF2 that Brian had behind the desk.
  12. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Dennis I totally agree with what you are saying here. I think with VF5 I have explored more characters than I have ever experienced in any previous VF version. I think I can play a few other characters fairly well, i.e. Brad, Lei Fei, Pai, Kage. The problem though is I can only play those characters well against players thinking on that higher level. Against a simple basic style I often struggle because my basic fundamentals with those sub characters are weak. For example when I use Lei Fei against Chief Flash, I can often do well and win a few games because our minds are working on the same level. But then I play someone like RustSleeps and I can lose 3 straight easily and quickly because he isn't doing anything at all except waiting, random donkey kicks, and occassional throws. This is not an insult to his skill just pointing out that his game play is just simplistic and based around basic fundamentals. The reason I lost isn't because he out played me, I lost because I out played myself assuming he is going to fight on my thinking level. Now if my basic fundamentals were stronger I don't think I would have loss.

    The point I am getting at is with Americans their is not enough players to go around when it comes to VF. And the people who play usually have the goal of becoming the best person to use the character of their choice. So, naturally their game will be solid, i.e. the basic, defense, offense, etc. Since there is not enough players to go around, the learning process to master a single character often takes 5, maybe 10 times longer compared to Asian countries where they have many players. So American players I think have just come to accept the fact that one character will simply have to do. This goes back to what I was talking about above with Lei Fei. The reason why my basic fundamental sucks with him or the other sub characters I play is because I simply don't have the time to invest learning those sub characters from the ground up. It took me years to get my Akira to where it currently is because I only had like 5 other dedicated players to learn from. Just the thought of having to go through that again for another character makes my brain hurt. So to compensate for the lack of fundamentals I use my experience and advance skills to win. This is the same thing I think Denkai is doing, but he seems to be overall better at doing it than me. This is the main reason AdamYUKI switched to Jeffry as a main character. He wanted to reduce the amount of time it would take to get stronger. Since he is a good guesser he only needs to make 3-4 good guesses to win.
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    If i ain't know any better it sound like you hating.
    It simple he beat because Akira is you main character and your others are weak COMPARED to Akira's standards. Your subs are not used to the clutch situations Akira is (Maybe im wrong.) You got too technical against someone who just was probably playing to have fun and you got served. It happenss to me before and you know what i take like a man. Yeah i hate cause it happened in rank matches but what can i do beside go back and find that opponent and work his ass out? I mean if you were getting hit with random Donkey kicks a little bit then i guess its pretty safe to assume they was'nt random.
  14. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    hahaha it's funny that you mentioned this because me and Jhow was just talking about this same incident last week. Aaaaahhh the memories. VF3TB definitely brought myself and everyone who played it some really good gaming memories. I would kill for a version of VF3 with the ability to techroll and break multiple throws. HOLY SHIT it would probably be the best VF ever.
  15. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member didn't really sound like he was hating he was just saying how someone with an over simplistic style can beat him using a sub characters much easier then someone thinking on a more advance scale. Rustsleeps seems to play the game more then anyone judging from his record so its hard to make the assumption that he only plays for fun I think he plays to get better..why else would you play a fighting game for over 5000 matches and just the short time its been out?
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    You have a point Denkai. I misunderstood it because i never paid attention to his record. At the same time most people play the game according to their own speed. Also Denkai maybe he does'nt take every game personal? Its bigger mentally than anything else.
    Togo off into this subject would be a topic of its own.

    Anyways My 360 is in the hospital right now looking for a heart donor. Try to make it to DabadSeed crib on saturday. So we could get it in a lil sumpt'in
  17. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Definitely not hating! The point I was making was kind of what Denkai was implying. I have played against RustSleeps plenty of times and know he is a great player, but I went under the assumption he would play my Lei like how he plays my Akira, but he didn't. This now brings me to what my post was originally about. If my basics with Lei was as strong as my Akira basic I might not have lost. It's easy to fake your basic skill when you are playing on that higher level, because the match is flowing in a way where the 2 opponents are both mislead that simplicity is not going to cut it. Now this brings things further to what my post was about.... It takes time to make your basic fundamentals strong with a character where you can capitalize on small things like what RustSleeps was doing to me. And the reason why my skill lacks is because I don't have X amount of years to throw into learning another character like how I have learned how to play Akira. Now my post was really only directed at Dennis to begin with, because he was pointing out the difference between Asian players and US players. Since there is not that many US players to begin with, learning multiple characters than can function on a level roughly as strong as your main is just not possible. As you should know by now, VF is not a game like DOA or SF where you can spend just a few weeks / months to become an expert with them. If there was tens of thousands players like Japan then maybe, because then you would have exposure to multiple styles. But in the US we are often faced with the same style over and over again despite if our buddy / sparring partner picks another character. The attacks may be different, but the overall flow will still be the same. I hope this is not confusing to you on anyone else who reads it.
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member


    But Konjou keep in Mind that i started since VF and i undertsand the time it take to put it to completely master a fighter is tiresomea nd very time consuming.
    My only gripe is that if you (OR anybody) started late in 4 and Evo is lucky, Everything that learned with Jacky since VF to VF3TB is basically thrown out the window. thats why i never really like EVO or 5 the just seem to easy (Dumb down.) period.As far as having know how to play with different character i have subs (Wolf,Shun) but kowing how i feel when it comes to losing or ranking im playing my best card so win or lose i know where i stand with my best.Since i can't stand mirror matches i just relax on trying to play multiple char because unlike tekken fighter in VF has a real feel on control.
  19. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member


    You make two very good points I agree with. The time it takes for us to excel because of the lack of players is roughly 5 to 10 times longer. And something else you said is true for Boyd, Sam, Alexei, and me also. It's amazing that we are as good as we are with only a few competitors to make us better.

    By far the best ability I gained from playing Sam is being able to beat down an aggressive offense. Sam's Lion forced me to be on my toes 110% of the time. This shaped my Shun into the way I play today. The downside to this is I seem to do bad against machi. Great - I just gave away my secret! =P

    The second thing you said that rings true is... jeez I can't remember now. So I'll just agree with a VF3TB and VF5 mixed together!!! We can dream right?!
  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Don't worry man. It's a secret we share. I am not good against machi players either. I don't have the patients, although I am getting better at dealing with it thanks to VF5 since a lot of players tend to play this way online. No offense, but they are mostly Shun players LOL, follow by Pai and Jeffry.

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