top ten moves

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by shadow_angel, Feb 10, 2003.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Chouwan: They'll never take it away.
    [4][K]+[G] doesn't exist. I guess you mean [K]+[G].
    [3][P] doesn't give a nice combo off of hit. I suppose you mean
    [2_][3][P], no?
    [4][P] yes, is evil, but is also high, which takes some of it's evilness away.
    [K][K][P] - also starts high. If you hit someone w/ this more than once a match which isn't a fluke, then you're not playing very tough people.

    Good moves but quite over-used IMHO
    Jacky: [P]+[K][P] - totally abused and promotes boring gameplay - Actually his [6][P] is the worst.
    Akira: Any of the non-throw counterable elbows
    Lau: Jack-knife, [P][P][P][K]
    Jeff: Dodge, Knee, Follow up - lots of damage, and also gets really boring if you ask me.
    Jacky & Vanessas evasive attacks. If they hit, they do a decent amount of damange, and throw you in a total 50/50 - either one hurts.

    Hope everyone's doing okay.
  2. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Nice to have you back!
  3. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    sanjuro said:

    [3][K]-Good ol' sidekick. "Hide" this with your crouch dash in pursuit of your opponent or backstagger them or wall stagger them. The first not really "special" move I learned in VF2 and still a good friend. I know, I might as well mention [P] & [2][P] I just did.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can't believe only one person mentiond [P] and [2][P] - they're fast, uncounterable, excellent pokes, simple motion, every character has them... come on people, no one said the Top 10 is supposed to be containing so-called 'special moves' only /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif That said... my top 10, or top 5 rather:

    - Akira [6][6][6][P]
    - Jeffry [4][P] (version C only)
    - Kage [4][P]+[G]
    - Lau [4][6][P]
    - Lau/Jacky elbows in C.

    The reason for all the above have been given earlier by other people, can't add much.
  4. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    b+k+g is the retreating kicks
    df+p gives you the rest of the string on hit aka a nice combo.
    b+p is special high semim circular and very rangey
    kkp just because its high doesnt mean its not very good. thats like saying chouwan isnt good because it's not actually a true mid. any time i get a E class opening i get kkp. its always combos regardless of type of hit. it does like 50 thats pretty damn good. I guarantee i can hit most people in the english with this move atleast once a round.
  5. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Akira's [4],[6]+[P] is an awesome move. +2 on blocked. Perfect as a delay move on people who dodge throw escapes. Follow up with [P]->[3_][3_][4_][6_]+[P] in close stance, [6_][6_]+[K][K] on open stance, dragon lance when you think you can ring them out.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    The "basics" was a good point. With that in mind, lau and akira's high punches could take 2 out of the top 10 slots, because they're +2 on guard. Akira's in particular is retarded, block his punch and try to low punch --> eat a super dashing elbow MC for 74 pts.
  7. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Well... although I think that [P] and [2][P] should be mentioned, I do not think they need to take up 'slots' in Top 10 when split to each character (the 1. Akira P, 2. Lau P you mentioned). Of course I'm aware of the fact that basic [P] isn't the same for each character, and you can't probably say 'everyone's [P]' either.
  8. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Oops! Its +1.
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    +1, +2, +20

    doesn't matter.

    U gave the best example oledi...

    I really hate eating that move when I attempt to evade n becos they delay that single palm...I eat a combo~~~

    Reminded me of yesterday at the arcade lol~

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