Transition from Tekken

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Saisensatkubakoi, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. No worries EastBayKage im enjoying the game A LOT, what a huge change from Tekken xD
    And always is nice to listen good players speak of certain character ^^
    EastBayKage likes this.
  2. Vick Vega

    Vick Vega Well-Known Member

    Well, I've been playing both games since the late 90's. As far as movement, VF is definitely more free. Side stepping in Tekken makes NO sense. You have to double tap to do it in tekken bit in VF it's just one movement your opponent attacks.
    UroboroSx, BLACKSTAR and Eff Dot Doug like this.
  3. Eff Dot Doug

    Eff Dot Doug Member

    +17 post!

    Moves that have no logical reason to track in Tekken DO track!
  4. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    You don't need to double tap in Tekken, you tap once up or down to side step and hold that direction to side walk. Side stepping and side walking both have different evasive properties and sometimes the other evades something from a situation when the other doesn't. Move tracking, however, can be a bit vague in Tekken for sure as some moves that look like they shouldn't track at all track, while some moves that look like they should track doesn't. For instance jabs track to the left now a bit in TTT2 as does 1,2.
    SPINMASTER X likes this.
  5. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Just ordered TTT2 for Chmas - looking forward to writing to this thread soon. I largely missed out T6 too, so I guess there is a lot to get into I guess.

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    When you guys say "free" what exactly are you referring to? When I think of "free" I think of the how far you can go with something. In Tekken there are more things you can do with movement cuz it's quite open and "free". They have crouchdashes, roll dashes, back sways, as well as all of those supplimental "steps" and dashes that fans have mad such as Hayashida Step, Hwoarang's crazylegs, fox step, ho ho & ha ha step, wavedashing, snakedashing, sidestep cancels and probably some more crap that I'm forgetting.
  7. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    What they mean is that movement isn't so much 'on rails' like in VF where sidestepping and backdashing always goes the predetermined distance, but is more fluid, more smoother and more controllable.
  8. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    This video will make you instantly better at VF5:FS

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