UGS Boston Results

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Jerky, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    This is affecting the DOA community as well -- is filled with complaints re: unpaid prize money.
  2. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    ok now I am steaming fucking mad. I tried to be the nice guy and I tried to be an adult and work this out with JC-media behind the scenes professionally, but it seems they refuse to cooperate. From day one when I noticed that my check was post dated for July 9th(this was after the teller refused to let me deposit it at my bank) and not June 9th(which was the day of the tournament) I tried to call Chasity to speak with her to find out why my check was post dated. Now everyone who knows me knows I am a pretty cool guy(not to toot my own horn). I do not get upset about things. I usually try to stay in good spirit and keep everyone around me feeling the same. Well Chasity, I am asuming cause it's all I can do at this point, must have thought that I was going to be pissed and make a scene. Well she didn't answer her phone when I called her on June 10th. So I left a simple message just saying hello and that I had an issue I would like to speak with her about. I never said it was about the checks or anything. So I left my home phone number and my cell number, and I really don't give out my cell number unless it's a good friend. WELL TO THIS VERY FUCKING DAY I AM STILL WAITING FOR CHASITY OR ANYONE FROM JC-FUCKING MEDIA TO CALL ME BACK! I then had to resort to emails, it only took about 3 or 4 for me to finally get a responce, but that took almost a week. I was then told about the sad story of the stolen checks. Again I am a cool person, so I was like no problem work it out and then let me know what's up. In return just keep me informed. They never did! I then had to send more emails, then I got hit with the oh I responded to your emails, but you probably didn't get it cause it went to your spam folder. WTF we have been emailing each other even before this ever happened, so I highly doubt that there emails are gonna just randomly start going to my junk box. Fine! I'll play the idiot. I was then made another bogus promise that new checks would be mailed out to me asap once their new checks arrived. That was roughly 3 weeks ago and I am still waiting. Then my friend Triforce and CEO of Empire Of Arcadia randomly called me and told me he spoke with Damon and he said that it was ok to deposit the checks that I had. Myself and Triforce is like WTF you said the account was closed due to someone stealing your checks. Oh by the way they own Empire Arcadia $500.00 bucks too. Anyways, on my way to work in the morning I decided to stop by an automated teller and deposit the checks. The next day the bank cleared the checks. I was so happy and thought I was home free. I had recently taken $400 bucks out of my savings to buy some stuff and I wanted to put that money back. You know how it is, no one likes to dip into the old savings. Especially me considering I am one poor fucking bastard. Anyways, I put the money back and I used the rest to pay a few bills, buy me a new messenger bag, etc, etc. I even ended up spending more than I had inteded too. Well on Monday I get a call from Denkai & Flash(Eddel). It was a nice little 3-way call and they told me that I may get pissed, because Damon told them that the checks probably won't clear since the account is closed. Again WTF, why would Triforce tell me to deposit bogus checks, since 1 of the checks is money he is trying to collect from them. So now today I get home from work and I go online to check my fucking bank account to see if by chance I probably got lucky and everything worked out. HELL FUCKING NO! My fucking checking is in the negative and now I have to go log into my ING Direct account and transfer more money from my fucking savings to fix this god fucking dam mess. I can not explain to everyone here on this board how fucking raging mad I am right now. It pisses me off even more because when everyone was bashing Jc-media on IRC and forums I was the one who was like DUDE GIVE THEM A CHANCE, THEY ARE REALLY TRYING TO HELP OUR VF COMMUNITY.... well did I get something nice shoved up my ass. I am going to calm down first and then try to contact Jc-media. I will probably do it by email since getting them on the phone seems impossible and really I do not even want to speak to them on the phone as I know I will say something very bad that's out of my character.

    I SERIOUS THINK WE(THE ENTIRE VF COMMUNITY) SHOULD NOT SUPPORT JC-MEDIA AND THEIR EVENTS ANYMORE. Instead of continuing with UGS, JC-media needs to cut their loses cancel the next event and use the money that they plan to spend on the venue to pay all the people that they own. I will definitely not be attending anymore of their events and I hope none of my NYC peeps do too. If JC-media wishes to have a future from this point on then they seriously need to fix all the damages they have caused.

    maybe it's time to file some small court papers to teach them a lesson, cause it's obvious they think they are dealing with kids.
  3. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">maybe it's time to file some small court papers to teach them a lesson, cause it's obvious they think they are dealing with kids.</div></div>

    Unfortunately you'll find that legal action will cost you more than it's worth Rodney. I would just as you said, cut my losses and not support any future events... I'm sorry for all those involved.
  4. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Rodney that sucks. If you need some muscle I'll be happy to clear up my schedule and do some crimes.

    Also, could we maybe get rid of the JC media banner on the site?
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    That's where I was headed.

    Instead of getting rid of it though, how about slapping a "boycott" tag over-the-top, Sly Stallone style?

    This is seriously unprofessional, and just not cool.

    p.s. I do not condone the crimes btw /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Check with the law on this - like Jerky said, it's probably not worth it - however, not paying as promised is one thing, trying to pay with a bad check might be worse (as in criminal rather than civil).
  7. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    shit is fuckin whack! but ay yo rodney, u know i got ur back 100% of the way man. just holla at me...
  8. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Getting a post-dated check from my placement in the Richmond tourney was one of the reasons why I didn't come up to Boston.

    I guess I will be hearing from my bank as well as I deposited my check 10 days ago. I didn't spend my winnings so hopefully it won't be too much trouble.

    Time to sell that I-phone Rod. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  9. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    you should contact jinmaster and post this up on doac. jinmaster and a representative of jc media constantly go at it on the doa boards so posting your message on there accompanied by a post from jinmaster will definetly bring some attention to your problem and give you a chance to chat with one of their representatives 1-on-1.
  10. Jinmaster

    Jinmaster Well-Known Member

    JC Media
  11. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    This is some horrible shit. On DoaC, They(JC Media) was making it seem like JinMaster was lying about their shady tactics. I didn't know who to believe, so I stayed out of it. Now after Reading this shit, DoaC will have no longer be associating itself with JC media.

    Rodney, Bro.. I feel so bad for you. All you was did was support a scene that you love, and got shafted in trying to make it grow. What comes around goes around, and JC media will get theres.
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Damn, sorry for everybody who got raped by JC Media. Its to bad that you all can't find a huge contingent of people to sue them for the 10 dollars that they are worth.
  13. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    This sucks virtua rocks!

    The $$$ amounts are relatively small, as far as the legal system is concerned, so I would check out the options in small claims court.
  14. Camilo

    Camilo Member

    I love the whole thing!! ill need this later!
  15. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    I smell a spammer! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    welcome to vfdc /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  16. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I just hope this spammer is not as bad (or as cracked out) as the one that's temporarily banned.
  18. FiveDalaNoodle

    FiveDalaNoodle New Member

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