UK crew ~

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by BK__, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    i checked my uni timetables and Ive got a hand-in date the monday after meaning im prob gonna need to work my ass off so i might not be able to make it down.

    so @ the moment I'm gonna have to be a maybe. sorry bout that guys /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  2. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    It looks ok to me. I will need a room for saturday night, what do you suggest? shall we share?
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    If Monkey can't make it we only need a triple room.

    I'm still going down on the 14th though.

    If no one else is I can get myself a single for the Friday and we can get a bigger room/more rooms on the Saturday.

    I'm gonna bring my 360 as well, I trust there will be plug sockets and a TV that I can connect the 360 to.
  4. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    That's great, we are going to have one hella good time!
  5. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Matt, are you just going on the 15th or are you gonna be there on the 15th?
  6. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I am going to London Saturday morning, cause I will be working on the friday.
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Cool, who is there on the 14th?
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    both thanks, cheersĀ¬
  9. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Gamerbase VFDC Tourney - [BK_London] Wolf vs [Hatim] Lau, Match 1


    HD Download:;12022583;/fileinfo.html

    Gamerbase VFDC Tourney - [BK_London] Wolf vs [Hatim] Lau, Match 2


    HD Download:;12022584;/fileinfo.html

    These are the only matches I didn't upload till now. Rest are on my Youtube page if you haven't seen them.
  10. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    thanks man, appreciate it
  11. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    No Prob Bro.
  12. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    Sign me up pls ZeroEx. I couldn't come to your last one, but would be interested in this one.

    I got a stick and camcorder & tripod too.
  13. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Cool. I'll sign you up, since MonkeyPunch opted out I had 1 free space left.

    Don't worry about cameras, unless you want to, I've got video capture equipment.
  14. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    I said I was a maybe, I should find out soon if i can definitely make it or not /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  15. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Be sure to come, because a weekend of VF with fellow minded geeks is sure to boost your Project-making skills, guaranteed.

    I will help you revise, promise.
  16. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    hahah thanks Matt.

    I got a little more insight into whats going on the week before so if i play my cards right and do plenty of work i should be able to go.
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I'm getting my train tickets tomorrow.

    Zero, I'm taking my Xbox to the hotel anyway so if you need another box let me know.
  18. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    Cheers ZeroEx. By the way I think you said At least 10-15 people, meaning 10-15 is the minimum you would like to attend and not the maximum. Anyway I'd love to come to to this so if you can squeeze me in I'd appreciate it.
  19. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    my stick is messed up and my guard button broke ... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    anybody know how to fix a stick?

    i'll get withdrawl symptoms if i dont play VF!
  20. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    Open up the stick by unscrewing the screws on the back.
    Spray some air spray or blow hard around buttons and stick, clean up a bit.

    Plug it into your x360, go into practice mode. Try some stuff out. Once it's open you'll see what else you can do in there.

    Give it a try. Don't be lazy and expect someone else to do it for you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif unless they've got time/effort/money to burn.

    Good luck.

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