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Update on Evo Shundi

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Shundi_05, Oct 11, 2002.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I've tried all kinds of ways, but to be honest, [4][K][P] is extremely easy to dodge, so I don't really do it that often. Definitely not every match.
  2. longhair

    longhair Member

    I got a good situation to use the [4][K][P] move;
    when ur opponent is down, and u r guessing he gonna use the "fastest" kick (the fastest kick mean the one u need to hit [K] in advance, not that delay one), u can step back to use [4][K][P], if u do right, he hurted.
    One thing need to know is the command when step back. You should do [1][1][G] follow with [4][K][P], instead of [1][1], [4][K][P]or u will do the new shun evo kick [2_][4][K]

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  3. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    Sorry, I only remember getting [2][P][1][P][K] in both stances with certain characters and in 1 stance with certain characters. As for which characters belongs to which situations, I dont really remember.
    I am quite busy with my exams lately so couldnt do much Evo-ing.

    Plus one good way to use [4][K][P] is after [8][K]+[G] cos it would enable opponent to techroll after the [4][K] and the opponent will get up just in time to get hit by your [P] which will stagger him. But one bad thing is that this is not guarateed cos sometimes the [P] actually went to the side of opponent thus missing opponent and giving him advantage. I think there might be some hidden properties behind. Will find out after my exams. Anyway this move should be able to be used in similiar situations where opponents can techroll after the [4][K] hits. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  4. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    Realised that I actually left out Shundi's Punch Kick Turn Away ([P][K][4]) in my first post.

    This is quite an effective move as the kick is a circular move and opponents tend to crouch down after Shundi backturned. So I normally continue with [K]+[G], [K]+[G]. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    But do not abuse to preserve its effectiveness. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  5. Oni-Kage

    Oni-Kage Well-Known Member

    Actually, [4][K][P] really is hard to escape if the [4][K] hits (or CH, not sure yet). The stagger from the kick makes stun punch hard to avoid. Blockable yes, but I don't think you can interrupt or dodge it if the kick staggers you.

    [2_][4][K] is good against bulldogging opponents... I usually set it up with [2][P] and if the kick hits, it gives me enough time to get a drink in while they are staggered.

    [4][P]+[K] (10dps) is great when you can anticipate a high punch poke in close range. This really depends on your opponents style though... if they start a lot of strings with high punches, or are known to try to poke you out of grabs, then this is pretty decent.

    If the sabaki-throw hits from [4][P]+[K], (BT)[K]+[G] will cross over them while they are down. Of course, they wont fall for this trap more than once or twice, but it looks cool :p

    Also... I heard that the [4][4][K] creates a throw opportunity... has anyone tried (BT)[K]+[G] for guaranteed damage?

    I'm still trying to master the drunken stance (one legged). The drunken dodge is pretty decent, but Shun doesn't seem to have any good pokes after the dodge. I always get poked after I dodge... any help?

    That's all for now...
  6. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    For your information:

    [4][K][P]-----Even when the [4][K] staggers, the following [P] is not confirm. You just have to struggle out of the stagger and dodge. This leaves Shundi vulnerable.

    [4][P]+[K](10Dps)-----Can also reverse mid [P] attacks including elbow.
  7. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    for drunken stance. if the f+k entry kick doesnt hit your at a severe frame disadvantage. nothing from ds comes out in less than 17 frames. only reason its good is beacuse if they block the entry kick your at +6. I would suggest sitting down or hopping away.

    Here is a question of my own. Why do the japanese shun players hardly ever use b,df+p+g? The combos you get from it are typically more damaging than the df+p+g and the chouwan seem just a guaranteed. Only thing i could think of is that the b,df+p+g must be a very bad position if they break it.
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I don't believe anything is actually guaranteed from that throw...I could be wrong.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Most of the combos from [3][P]+[G] are also guaranteed for [4][3][P]+[G]...at least for Version C. I doubt it's changed in Evo. The reason not all players go for that throw is exactly as Lonelyfighter pointed out...not all players think the extra 10 points damage is worth the considerable disadvantage from the throw break.
  10. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Okay thats what i figured. Thanks for confirming it ice. I tend to use b,df+p+g because i like the b.df+p+g->chouwan->p->df+ppk combo alot.
  11. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    When you do the df+p+g or b, df+p+g throw, don't forget that if you play against advanced Aoi players, they will backwards reverse your chowan. The results look pretty for Aoi not for you! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  12. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    You tend to get hit by that BT reversal atleast once. then you start to get your free backthrows. I never have decided which one i like better 5 free dp's or the full damage combo. Prolly the dp's since the back throw does okay damage for shun.
  13. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I find that what I go for is dependant on time left in game, round, and lifebar situation. If its in the early rounds, I try to go for the back throw..its sort of making a long term investment..however, in the latter rounds and late into the rounds, I stop worrying about DP's and go for all out damage....though if shun's back throw will give me a win by time, I will definatly take that.

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