Use for 8/2 P+K

Discussion in 'Goh' started by SUGATA, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Re: 2 pk and 8 pk

    If you start learning Triple Throw Escapes you can even reduce the already low number of three (or four) TE patterns that I mentioned on my site to just one (or two).

    I noticed that the side I play on - 1P or 2P - has even greater impact on the TE success ratio. Always try to practice TEs in Dojo mode from both sides equally. (Quite easy with Goh as most of his throws switch sides anyway.)
  2. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Re: 2 pk and 8 pk

    this move btw is gohs only low move that puts him at adv, plus 3. and on CH, watch for the yellow flash or sound of a CH.. and thats plus 6. that would mean that, if ur close enough. you gotta a guaranteed throw unless they Crouch fuzzy, which i doubt most ppl will do after a CH down PK... so its good also if u wanna go for a low and wanna keep pressure. thats my opinion.. as for evasive properties.. I duno how to use it yet
    ) :
    if u can get him sideturned from 2pk which is situational, K is not a bad follow up as suguta mentioned b4 ciould maybe create side back crumple.
  3. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Re: 2 pk and 8 pk

    The "evasion window" is in the first half of the moves frames. Try putting opponent to block and P, d+P or elbow and do 6K, 2/8+P+K. Mostly I would see it as an extra option you have at nitaku disadvantage. You might even want to throw it out after getting hit by opponents MC P or MC d+P and see what happens.

    How it works in each situation is a bit character, stance and move specific so don't rely on it too much.

    Also, I wouldn't say a throw is guaranteed at +6 as it certainly is not.

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