Utah Ogden area and rounabouts New Start.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by THE_WALL, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. pointers

    pointers Member

    sure, just update any info when its available, i'll check back here on friday. thanks!

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Didn't get the vid yet maybe it will be here by next week. This might be better in the long run so I can give people a heads up to see if they will come out.
  3. pointers

    pointers Member

    cool, we'll see about next week then. just let me know, at least i know there are two of us who are still interested in vf around here as of now lol. thank you for your effort.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    I have finallly chosen this Saturday at 1:00 for casuals. The 2009 so cal video has been sent out and should get here by wednsday or thursday. I will let the former players know to garner some interest and see if they want to come for casuals. I will try to do monthly vf casuals and if the interest is there bi weekly casuals. If anything in your schedule changes let me know, and if you need my address or # just p.m. me.
  5. pointers

    pointers Member


    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    pointers came over today and I had my first local gathering in what has been quite some time. He has a really good sarah and pai. Pointers it was great having you over!

    Well do our next one sometime in april, we just got to figure out how to get more people over next time. It was kind of last min planning on my part. Next time well look into schedules and try to fig out what would work best.
  7. pointers

    pointers Member

    It was great fun, thanks for hosting. we also watched some of the SoCal VF dvd, The_Wall taught me some tricks, it was great for a lazy bum like me who doesn't want to spend too much time reading guide and figuring stuff out on my own.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Casuals this Saturday from 2 to 4. Pointers let me know if this works out if not we can plan for next week. The sooner I know the sooner I can get the word out to other people.
  9. pointers

    pointers Member

    uh, i'm all booked up the next three weeks. hope you guys have fun. i'll update here when i will be available again. thanks for the heads up.
  10. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Ill prob just call it off. Yeah when you know when you have an open weekend let me know and i'll plan something.
  11. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Gonna do 1 final casuals for vanilla before fs comes out. It will either be this Friday at 5:00 or Saturday at Noon, depending on what works out best for people.

    On the 9th of June I will try and get a tournament hosted with the srk crew and put up some of my own money for the tournament pot. I don't know what time they will hold it more details later.

    Excited for vf5fs hopefully the players will come out of the woodworks for this great game.

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