Vanessa in general

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by akiralove, Sep 24, 2001.

  1. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Ah, thanks for clearing that up! I wasn't sure exactly what conditions would result in k.d. prior to your post (having access only to the test version still)...

    Some time ago, I read somewhere that SDE is throw-counterable in ver.B, BUT, after checking Daily VF4, I think that was a mistake... it's still uncounterable. (w00t! abuse move!)

  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    U're gonna have to excuse me when it comes to describing Mcs..Kd..etc etc etc etc etc

    While not a newbie to VF, am definitelty a newbie when it comes to uhmmm contributing technical stuff

    I dun really know how to put all the technical goodies floating in my head into words

    Sorry for any stuff ups n more sorry for any future stuff ups~

    <font color=red>~~~ 'exam time=lotsa maggie me, very broke, no real food, no sleep, no sex!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'
  3. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    just played Vanessa.

    Loved the offensive mode. Dunno why people use defensive move. Picked her up with four moves.
    1) PPP REALLY REALLY fast. I think she retained loads of initiative if the ppp connects which SHOULD be the case UNLIKE Lion's PPP.
    2) f+p,p,k. Very good move. Three mid hitting move that can be delayed. first f+P will stagger crouchers, while second P will float on stagger. dunno what float combo to tag in though. The BEST thing is that the whole chain can be delayed thus making this move very powerful. The final knee on MC allows you to throw ???
    3) G,u+P. One of the best move in VF4 IF your opponent do not know how to break low throw. Does close to 50% with the low throw, ground kick. Dodges a lot of moves. Much more useful in offensive mode as you can rush with opponent with fast moves, and currently in Singapore, to break rush people uses d+P or some fast move which is easily dodged and MC. Does anyone know the throw break command for Vanessa Low throw?? It is definately breakable but the info is not found in VP. Can one double break low throw? In that case, the low throw is pretty useless. What is the most damaging confirmed followup in offensive mode??
    4) throws of course. Her low throws are really good.
  4. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Vanessa's low throws

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    . Does anyone know the throw break command for Vanessa Low throw??


    Yeah, it's not listed because it's considered a catch throw - but you can reverse them just like ordinary low throws: either df+P+K+G, or d+P+K+G. We'll change the list to reflect this - thanks alan.

  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I think people use DS because it's her default, and she has more options from it.

    Most of her strong throws are not available in MS, her "hold" moves and reversals cannot be done in MS, her low throws do not have the catch property mentioned in MS etc. I think MS is also very strong, but people probably want to use these techniques.

    I don't' see any reason why the double command throw escape wouldn't work for low throws as well. Since you don't have to return to neutral you can just roll from d/f+P+K+G to d+P+K+G, or the other way around.

  6. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa's low throws

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Yeah, it's not listed because it's considered a catch throw - but you can reverse them just like ordinary low throws: either df+P+K+G, or d+P+K+G.


    You're talking about the throw that can be done when the crumple animation takes place right? Is it that one? I tried escaping just now (df+P+K+G) many many times but couldn't. Got totally trashed by Alan using that low throw when the crumple animation takes place. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  7. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa's low throws

    maybe alan was using d+P+K+G
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I don't' see any reason why the double command throw escape wouldn't work for low throws as well. Since you don't have to return to neutral you can just roll from d/f+P+K+G to d+P+K+G, or the other way around.

    Well, there is one very, very good reason:
    Any time you are allowed 0,1,2, or more throw escapes, it's only because the Sega programmers decided to make it that way.... it's not a coding bug or fluke.
    That's why the number of escape options grew from 2 in VF3 to 3(or more?) in VF4.
    But in VF3 you could not double low throw escape, and I'm fairly sure you can't do it in VF4, because that would make low throws useless. Sega's competent like that. /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif
  9. KNK

    KNK Member

    It is possible to double or even triple low throw escape in VF4. That makes her low throws pretty useless, especially from guaranteed situations like SS P which, if hit on MC, makes the opponent fall slowly forward.
    But of course, Vanessa can choose not to low throw in situations like a blocked sweep and if that is the case, Shun for example is f****d. He ends up with his back turned (d+P+K+G) or special sidestepping right in front of her (d/f+P+K+G) in an attempt to escape her low throws :( So in that sense, Vanessa can make use of her low throw threat very effectively.

    It's the same when you play Jeffrey or Wolf and you block the opponent's sweep or other low attacks with slow recovery times. Opponents can actually escape any of their low throws now by entering triple low throw escape. Therefore knee, shoulder ram or whatever floats may be a better option for them.

  10. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    can you clarify on the low throw do not have catch property in MS?? does that mean that low throw in defensive mode is unbreakable??? For that I might consider using DS.

    I saw the Korean clips of Vanessa, IMHO I think if DS Vanessa is like that... my MS Vanessa has much more potential. maybe it is because in Singapore not that many people dodge well. If one do not dodge against MS Vanessa and tries to interrupt her with quick moves... very bad.

    I do not really fancy her reversals. I mean learning not to hold guard will be detrimental to my Lion play :) and I think she cannot reverse elbow right which I think makes her reversals very dangerous. Okay her DS throw is stronger esp her leg break throw, but I can live with a weaker throw if they give me a faster P.

    I used d/f+P+K+G on pinkgirl. I told them about the the throw command but somehow I guess they are not used to it yet. I just saw it being broken ONCE. maybe I was in DS mode during that throw??? I am really curious about this catch low throw of Vanessa. Is it different in MS and DS??
  11. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Started messing around with Vanessa today, so far she is really cool. With the CPU Vanessa she just stands there and catches your punches over and over. Against the CPU at least, d+K,P,P seems to be a good safe move if you can sneak it in at the right time. Even if you whiff the first two, the last punch can still get them sometimes and will still cause the same KD animation. I also noticed that after her jumping heel kick b/d+KG, you should be able to tack on a P,K (although it's not a standard PK combo), but I'm sure there are better followups.

    I got a question, what's the timing of the P after her tackle takedown f,f+P+K? I think I only managed to do it once the first time I tried the move, couldn't get it again. Her other hit throws, like f+K,f+PG I could get after trying a few times.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Loved the offensive mode. Dunno why people use defensive move. Picked her up with four moves.

    I like both styles for different reasons. As well as the reasons spotlite mentioned, Defensive style has longer ranged attacks in general. The majority of the attacks in Muay Thai style are with elbows and knees, so you don't get the same range as you do in Defensive style.

    I'm really digging Vanessa because of the different styles. And they really are different styles of play rather than stances from which a different set of moves become available. It's almost like two characters in one.

    In MTS, good float followups are:

    * f+PPK
    * f+PP - d+KPK (light weights)

    In DS:

    * f+PKK
    * f,f+PP

    By no means an extensive list, but something to get you started on.

    As for her low throws, I believe they do have some kind of catch property simply because you can low throw the opponent out of the kuzure down animation. Can other characters with low throws do the same after a k.d? And all the low throws can be escaped. I have mine escaped after the k.d a lot of times, which is really annoying because I've yet to find a way of really punishing them if I know they're going to escape. Obviously, they don't don't whiff or perform another attack when attempting the low throw escape because they're in the k.d. animation. Grrrrr
  13. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I used d/f+P+K+G on pinkgirl. I told them about the the throw command but somehow I guess they are not used to it yet. I just saw it being broken ONCE. maybe I was in DS mode during that throw??? I am really curious about this catch low throw of Vanessa. Is it different in MS and DS??

    <hr></blockquote>Hmm. Maybe my reflexes aren't fast enough. Does the input to escape have to be entered really early????? The only person who managed to escape your d/f+PKG was Kiat's "sleepy" /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif friend, ironically! lol Maybe we should ask him when he inputs his d/f+PKG... /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif
  14. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    As for her low throws, I believe they do have some kind of catch property simply because you can low throw the opponent out of the kuzure down animation. Can other characters with low throws do the same after a k.d?

    According to Creed who said in another thread (according to Spotlite) any KD can be low thrown with any low throw... but I think continuing with a combo vs. a krumpled opponent is the better option, simply because they cannot stop the combo, while they have the chance of escaping the low throw. It is nice to know that you have the option, however, as it might be useful with regards to gaining the advantage with ring position, or you may prefer the okizeme options after some throw vs. the okizeme after a krumple down combo *shrug*

    Basically as a krumpled player vs. any character who has low throws, you might as well enter in the low throw reversals as there is nothing else you can do. You cannot struggle out of KD AFAIK, and your stuck in the KD animation, so you don't have to worry about getting major countered and making the situation even worse...
  15. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about the exact timing, but by repeatedly pressing punch has soon has the move connects always works for me.
    A jacky player got out of the the ground punch after the tackle (dare i say it, very similar to Tekken style ground punch after tackle escapes) anyone had this happen to them?
  16. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    every character with a Low throw can throw a KD. Hey does Wolf have a KD move??? He has plently of low throws but not one move that gives a KD.

    I am wondering about a confirmed followup for Vanessa after her KD. Is d/f+p,k, ground kick confirmed?? The CPU actually tech rolled my d/f+p,k. I thought that these moves which thrust the opponent to the ground are not techable. I guess they are, just that it is much more difficult. Anyway, I think I saw Alucard tech roll a Giant Swing into wall. I used to think that wall bounce is not techable.

    How about the f+P+K (MS)?? Spotlite mentioned two followups depending on Stance. I find it rather irritating to check stance everytime. Is there a CONFIRMED followup for that move?

    Tried some defensive moves. Sucks. f,f+G+K, f+p+g gives good damage for a low move but it is soooooo slow. Is there another move that looks like it to confuse the opponent else it is pretty useless. Does DS Vanessa have a fast mid move? read somewhere that her d/f+p is very fast but it is a high move.

    err any ideas what to do after her surprise exchange??

    Tried her wall throw. Looks very good :)

    Is there any top Vanessa players in Japan??? There doesn't seem to anyone using her... I hate to pick up an underpowered character...
  17. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    So far in my experiene with playing Wolf - he has NO MOVES which crumple the opponent for a low throw!! As much as that sucks, it's ok. He got a dodging throw which is so very very useful and so very very sick at the same time.

  18. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    "Anyway, I think I saw Alucard tech roll a Giant Swing into wall. I used to think that wall bounce is not techable."

    I don't think I was slammed into the wall, I sort of "brushed" against the wall from the side.
    I'm thinking of playing Vanessa too, looks fun. =)
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    f,d+K causes crumple, but I'm not sure of the conditions and I don't know if it's the crumple you need. I think wolf recovers too slowly to try a low throw.
    There's a free ground pickup.
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    KD followups

    I think now, since everyone (here) can double-escape all my low throws, that it's preferable to go for the combo. I've yet to find the best combo but the real potential lies in the fact that after the KD, the opponent is face down and head towards. So then the game turns into conditioning them into a TR to avoid the following ground hits, but then the TR is then begging to be interrupted with a sidekick.

    BTW, Jeff's hellstab (f+P+K) KDs on MC, so someone might want to see if they can low throw in time.

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