Vanessa in general

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by akiralove, Sep 24, 2001.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Not really, I distinctly remember the animation being sucked into the throw.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    So do you think it's a property of that attack, or throws in general? My experience is that you can't grab ppl during attacks, even slow ones.
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Huh? Did you miss out on a previous discussion of throw interrupts? To answer your question, obviously it's a property of the attack.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I read the previous discussion, but didn't buy it. Do you see sega coding specific moves to be interruptable by throws... one move at a time?
    I mean I know they like depth, but it doesn't make sense. Why not apply it to more than... what is it? two moves so far?
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Yes, one at a time; there are definitely more than two; and as for the game design theory behind it, I need to know more about the mechanics of the concept before speculating.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I think I convinced CreeD on IRC that Interrupt Throws exist. The term is a little misleading IMO, since it's implying there's a special property attributed to Throws which allow them to Interrupt attacks, but, as already pointed out, it's a property of the attack which allows it to be thrown during execution time, and hence any throw can be used.

    I've found that this 'throw-interruptable' property usually applies to combo attacks, but there are some single/isolated attacks which can be thrown during execution as well, like, Vanessa's (G) u or d+P.
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

  8. 22222

    22222 Active Member

    i would like some answers b,f+p+k does she avoid high punches and kicks???
    and the f,f+p+k....does it bring down an opponent if he is squatting??
    for vanessa.....besides needing to switch to mt mode.....frm there any combo which can knock down besides g+k?
    i tried the ds mode b+p, d+k ,...the d+k is not confirmed is there any combo which follows up well frm B+p??
    any good vanessa combos to share any1 frm ds or mt mode??
    thanks me a vanessa beginner any help u can give is greatly cant seem to get pass there any way to avoid his double attack....where he clench both his arm into a fistlike and attack u frm the u block high or low???
  9. blurp

    blurp Member

    sup everyone =) I hope no one minds me ressurecting this thread. There are a couple Vanessa thread's in the character discussion forum, but they're pretty specific. I just started using Vanessa a couple days ago. I read through this post, and saw the Chibita replay in the ps2 disc. So far what I use is this:
    from DS: d+KPP, PPPK, PPK, f+K, evade attack, ff+K, and throw in a couple ff P+K, bf KP and bbK+G variations, b+P, and her hold G, u/d+P.
    I havent really gotten into the MT stance yet, I figure learn DS first then focus on MT. Er...basically I'm looking for input on playing Vanessa in both DS and MT. Am I utilizing her moves properly from DS stance? Is there anything I'm missing? Much thanks in advance for any help and suggestions =)
  10. blurp

    blurp Member

    Sup again everyone. couldnt edit my previous post so Im going to follow up on it. Against kumite opponents yesterday I was getting free low throws off the BLOCK stagger of K+G and bb K+G max charge, does this work against human opps? thx again!
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    no, it's a weird thing vs. the cpu only.
    it's an easy way to breeze through kumite mode though.
  12. DamienColt

    DamienColt Member

    I have a question, since this thread is about Vanessa, is the Vale Tudo style used also by Bryan Fury from the Tekken series?
  13. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    Tekken Muay Thai vs. VF4 Muay Thai

    <font color=orange>Old Tekken hand here... The style Bryan Fury uses is the similar to what Bruce uses. Vanessa's version of the same art is more fluid in it's delivery and there are similarities between hers and Bryan's style on the technical end. Eye candy-wise, how can you not like Vanessa's version better: it's more expansive, deeper in portrayal, plays out more dramtically and Vanessa a Virtua Babe!

    OK, that was over the top but you get the point. Seriously, after watching Bryan work the art, would you think that Muay Thai only had a hand full of low attacks it could put together in it's offensive? Well over 95% of Bryan's offensive attacks high or mid... Vanessa can easily attack 1/4 fo the time below the waist with much less repetition. That's real. And that's the way I like it...

    And the Okizeme? Hands down, Vanessa has all kinds of game over Bryan when you want to play Wake Up.</font color=orange>
  14. Mad_Beef

    Mad_Beef Member

    Craig Marduk uses Vale Tudo style in tekken bryan uses Muay Thai. Vale Tudo from what i know pretty much means anything goes. Muay Thai I think focuses alot on knee and elbow strikes along with holds and throws.
  15. DamienColt

    DamienColt Member

    ah, ok, thanx alot!
  16. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    Craig Marduk's Vale Tudo vs. Vanessa's Vale Tudo

    <font color=yellow>I'm a bit curious as to who's got the better Vale Tudo moves: Craig Marduk or Vanessa Lewis. Truth be known, Vanessa Lewis isn't one of VF4's faster characters when she goes to her Defensive stance. When she's in Muay Thai mode, she can blaze some fists (PPP, et. al) with the likes of Lion . Does anyone who has played Tekken 4 in the arcade have an opinion? Craig Marduk has that standard slow, strong guy look that is associated with Tekken's Jacks, Kuma, Ganryu, and VF's Jeffry. I know now that Vanessa has the wider range of moves: 177 for her to 86 for Craig.</font color=yellow>
  17. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa's Vale Tudo Rules

    Truth be known, Vanessa Lewis isn't one of VF4's faster characters when she goes to her Defensive stance. When she's in Muay Thai mode, she can blaze some fists (PPP, et. al) with the likes of Lion . Van is fast-(!) df+P is executed in ten frames. Van's Punch is awesome. If it's blocked you have advantage still! On counter you have 8 frame advantage! strings are longer with Van then Lion. P->df+P->b,f+P,PPP,K and you still have the (next move=frame advantage)! Lion is screwed if he does PPP and the opponent blocks the punch string ( throw!). Van's hit throws cause the human oppo to constantly think throw reversal. Where the button masher really gets in trouble w/ Van is with moves that take forever to execute...moves like d+P+K and K+G come to mind. The depth of gameplay is protected by these and similar moves that recover slowly. I hope <font color=orange>Myke</font color=orange> and <font color=blue>Alan Tan</font color=blue> release their <font color=white>Van dojo</font color=white> soon! Over 6,000 views of this thread make it obvious that Vanessa is one of the most popular characters in the game.
  18. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    Where are the Frame Rates?

    <font color=yellow>Thanks for the info, nycat. I have only consider her MTS punches quick. Where did you find the frame rate information? A wittle weeny math can't hurt; it can only help, eh?

    Thanks in advance!</font color=yellow>
  19. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    Re: Where are the Frame Rates?

    <font color=yellow>::bump::

    Does anybody know where the Frame Rate information is at?</font color=yellow>
  20. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

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