VF: Final Tuned info

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Pai_Garu, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I don't want to be apart of this point less war. But I just wanted to post my two cents. I honestly think VF4EVO is fine the way it. But everyone knows deep down in there hearts there are somethings about the game although not broken, do need to get changed. I refuse to give examples, because I don't want to hear the whining from person A or person B about how I'm putting down there character. With all that being said, I have to say I welcome VF4FT. There is no doubt in my mind that Sega is going to do a bad job with balancing issues. All the new flashy stuff really is not all that flashy. Over all I think the new stuff will attract new players which is something that I think no one in the U.S. should bitch about. If it's going to take a silly air beat down combo from kage to attract 10 more players to the VF scene. Fine, give everyone some sort of new triple combo, just keep the damage issue within place and there should not be a problem. Anyways pulling off most of the things everyone saw in the vid in not going to be as easy as it looks. I think everyone is forgetting that. The trailer is just show casing what the new stuff can lead too. I do agree this is a poor attempt from Sega to make some extra money. But this is all about money and making the best business decision for everyone. Everyone would prefer VF5 over FT. But come on, it is way to early for VF5. EVO by it's self can last another 2 years easily with out the FT upgrade. There still are no Champion's(I don't know the Japanese equivilant name) in any arcades and believe me the players are trying to make it to Champion. It's just ridiculously hard. So, I think to make some extra money and not to bore everyone, while there fighting there way up through the ranking system. We get FT in place of VF5 till it is ready. I think everyone should stop the complaining till more details surface or they themselves personally get to experience what FT has to offer.

    Oh by the way. According to Kazu, he did not know Sega was making a new VF4EVO. But while he was in Japan a month ago hanging out with Kyasao and other tetsujins. He got a chance to personally speak with one of the VF5 developers. He said that THEY ARE MAKING VF5. It is in development along with and possibly something about VF6. Now don't jump the gun about VF6. Kazu just said the name was mentioned. So take it as you want.The developer also asked Kazu what he thought about EVO and what are some things he would like to see in VF5. As for the release date for VF5, only Sega knows when it will happen. This is nothing new, Kyasao leaked similar information to us about VF5 over 6 months ago.
  2. BLooDBLaZe

    BLooDBLaZe Well-Known Member

    Nice post Konjou. I do agree whole-heartedly with the your first(long-ass) paragraph.
  3. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Urm VF5 was officialy mentioned in the interview me and Zero did with Osaki.
  4. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    I gotta say I'm psyched to hear about VF: Final Tuned... Way back when when I heard first about Evo, I was like wtf is this? Hoping Sega wouldn't go the route of the SF franchise, but they totally delivered on Evo... If FT is as big as a step up from Evo as Evo was from ver C then I don't think anyone will complain...

    It might seem like a money hungry move by sega, but there are people in Japan (my brother included) who would love to have more players playing in their area... If FT gets more people playing, both players and sega will have something to be happy about...


    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Llanfair said:

    Wow. A new game and people freak out. Negatively. I have some comments on what I've read - not responding to anyone in particular.

    First of all, if this was nothing more than Evo Ver.C, then guess what? it'd be freakin called "Evo Ver.C". It's not Evo. It's a new version of VF based on the VF4 engine - hence the new *name*. How many new moves, completely new, were added to the game between VF4 Ver.B and VF4 Ver.C? None, really (some Jumonji additions to Kage and Vanessa got another low throw...). How many between VF4 Ver C. and Evo? Plenty.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Llanfair, I realised that I was talking shit and jumping to conclusions without knowing much about the game. That's why I gave the benefit of the doubt. The Evo Ver. C comment was retarded and unfounded I know, and HONESTLY I hope that I'm dead wrong. AM2 hasn't made a bad upgrade yet, why would they start now !? I know basically nothing and neither does anyone else in this thread but still I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt simply because AM2's track record speaks louder than my opinion. I'm not sold yet so I'll wait before jumping on any bandwagon but that totally doesn't mean I'm right just means I'm being cautious. Overcautious... maybe but that's my problem.
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Maybe people forget that it cost money to develop games? It also cost money to upgrade all the exisiting machines with the new game? If the general gaming public really feels that Final Tuned is not a new product, most likely they or the arcade owners will not adopt it. It's not like Sega is forcing people to buy the game. If they really want to be lazy they can just jack up the price of operating existing arcade units. Why bother spending the time/money/resources to make a new version, when they can just sit on their asses and people are still playing evo anyways.

    On the side note, to celebrate the announcement of Final Tuned, sega is beginning a "special present campaign" for players who will fillout a survey or questionaire on vf.net. The campaign will take place 3 times over these dates.
    Round 1 3/1~3/31
    Round 2 4/1~4/30
    Round 3 5/1~5/31
    Players who fill out the survey can win rare items or vf.net money for their vf.net accounts. So if you have a vf.net account, you might want to check it out.

    If anything, this shows that they are trying to satisfy the fans. I appreciate AM2's effort to listen to their fans. Sure they are out to make money, but if they make something the fans enjoy, they win, we win. If they don't find a way to make money with vf, why would they continue to support the franchise? When did vf players become such stingy and demanding people? Sega makes money because we like to play their games and we support them, not because we are forced to pay them.
  7. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    My sentiments exactly.

    Here's something I found at IGN . The statement concerning the home version is something I'm inclined to believe. The rest I'm not sure about:

    [ QUOTE ]
    IGN said:

    February 20, 2004 - Virtua Fighter 4 has been updated once again for the arcade market. Debuting at the AOU arcade show, now ongoing just outside of Tokyo, is Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned, the latest update to the company's prized fighting series.

    While not offering the same wealth of features found in the Evolution update that later made its way onto the PlayStation 2, Final Tuned does promise plenty in the way of new items and new skills for the characters. New missions for each stage will also be included as part of a Challenge Mode.
    The game also promises some big changes in the area of artificial intelligence, with advancements apparently providing for human-like CPU opponents. This should make for some interesting player versus CPU bouts when real life players aren't around.

    All these changes seem to make for a worthy arcade update, although we doubt you'll see this new version of Virtua Fighter 4 in the home. Still, VF fans will want to make another trip to the arcade when Final Tuned arrives to Japan in Summer of this year.

    -- Supai Hitmitsu

    [/ QUOTE ]
  8. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Spong VG Archives had an article about this as well.
    [ QUOTE ]
    In a brief press release distributed at the AOU 2004 show this morning in Tokyo, the game is described as a more single-player friendly version of Evolution, centred on an all-new challenge mode, in which different fighters and tasks will be put to the player in what seems to be a massively extended training mode-inspired subgame. They will be broken down into various Missions that, when cleared, open up the challenge mode.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I interperet that as AM2 taking Evo's training mode and copy pasting it into the arcade, but because there are new moves (and changed ones) I have a feeling that most of the [new] tutorials will revolve around the new/changed moves.

    [ QUOTE ]
    New items will be thrown into the mix and, more interestingly for devotees of the series, every character will have new moves and a slightly tweaked control system. Massively enhanced AI has also been promised, which, according to series creator Yu Suzuki, will make VF4 Final Tuned's CPU players indistinguishable from human battles.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    As far as the AI is concered, considering the leap AM2 made from Kumite to Quest, I'll bet the AI won't fall short of what most us expect from a significant revision. But do I think the AI can emulate human competition to the degree at which they are describing? No of course not.

    What I'm really interested in, is this 'new control system.' It won't be an E-button (thank god /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif), but looks like the game mechanics might get a substancial rehaul.
    [ QUOTE ]
    The old ranking system of letters will be replaced with a more cerebral title system, with each fighter being digitally assessed and given a title, such as "novice" or "master" or whatever - You get the idea…

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That sounds somewhat, but with innacuracies.
    [ QUOTE ]
    The game, which will be released onto Sega's Naomi 2 coin-op platform, will more than likely see a PlayStation 2 release within the next 12 months, though speaking on the matter this morning, Sega Europe said, "There are certainly no plans for a home console port, certainly not for the time being if at all - it's just an incremental arcade refinementswith new AI, some new moves and new missions," which is a blow, though of course, we live in hope.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Spong seems pretty confident about a future PS2 release. Let's hope that confidence pays off.
    - - - - - - - - - - - -
    1up.com had this article, some highlights:
    [ QUOTE ]
    The name obviously suggests Final Tuned will be the last such expansion, although hints like that are about all that can be discerned as yet. The game was not playable at AOU. Sega only showed off video, displaying new stages, new moves, and new customization accessories for existing characters, but no new fighters of the kind included in Evolution.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So I guess that means there are either brand new stages (doubtful), or further revisions on previously existing VF4 stages (more likely).
    [ QUOTE ]
    Final Tuned will also have a new "Challenge" game mode, seemingly similar to the Weapon Master mode in Soul Calibur II, where solo players have to fight through a series of missions with special conditions. Progress through the single-player game -- which is saved, as always, on a magnetic VF.NET card -- now grants players a series of nicknames or titles, reflecting a user's style and level of skill.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I have not played SCII's Weapon Master Mode, so I'll let our SCII players draw their own conclusions from that statement.
    - - - - - -
    In general, it seems that this is another flash for VF4, where Sega extends the longevity of the game through changing the balance around a little, tweaking some characters, changing stages/music, and adding more items. I also think revision is going to focus more on solo arcade action, such as instead of going to a crowded arcade in Japan, people could play VF:FT against the AI, or do mission training at their closest arcade. This would allow for people to better themselves at VF, without having to seek out local competition immediately.

    I think that style of VF, with a more single player emphasis, would be the first step for getting VF popular in the states. Think...people could sit down at a VF machine for hours and play/learn, without having to gather competition. A VF arcade machine is nearly worthless without human competition...you can only play arcade mode so long right? This would eliminate the immediate need for someone to play against you.

    But also, the amount of currently existing VF machine's in America, well anywhere outside of VF.Net's bounds is rather pathetic. So perhaps this is the best, and last chance we have at boosting VF's arcade prowess outside of Japan, before VF5 comes out.

    Oh, and be super pessimistic about this game so it won't dissapoint.

    Oh and, does anyone else sense the shortage on Kakashi avatars?
  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:
    If anything, this shows that they are trying to satisfy the fans. I appreciate AM2's effort to listen to their fans.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Srider.... how the heck did you live the 20 some years of your life without dying from some sort of accident being so naïve?

    Give me one example of how Sega cared about you as a fan. In fact give me 1 example of how Sega has cared about this site, the western vf “communityâ€Â, or anyone here. If VFDC disappears tomorrow along with every registered users here, Sega wouldn’t give a FUCK! All they care about North America as far as vf is concerned is people buying their software, they don’t care if you play it, they don’t care if it just sit there collecting dust. They only care if you dish out the cash.
    Why are people so stingy and demanding? What do you think? How many Sega sponsored VF tournaments were there in the past 5 years in America? How many decent vf books came out in America? Video? Any sort of Event? That pathetic “tournament†Josh won? Don’t make me laugh (or cry)!
    Everywhere you go people wow and ahhh about how great vf4 is, yet no one plays it. You think if Sega had actually made some efforts promoting people how to play the game things might have been different? I’m not talking about promoting people buying the game; I’m talking about teaching people how to play the game. Fuck Sega as far as caring about you, me or anyone else who doesn’t live in japan and love vf. You think Sega don’t know vfdc, they do. You think Sega don’t know the save system in evo blows without vf.net, they do. You think Sega don’t know there are vf players in US, they do. THEY JUST DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU! Spare me with this bullshit.

    And for the rest of you Sega Fanboyfuckers, nobody is saying FT is gonna suck. But some of us question where VF is going base on the video. Take it easy, we aren’t taking away your Sega cock.

    Srider.... how the heck did you live the 20 some years of your life without dying being so naive I ask again..
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Shang how have you not committed suicide yet? With such a harsh view on something as trivial as games I worry for you. Jesus I'm almost afraid to tell you this, but gas companies are ganking you WAY more than Sega ever will be able to.

    Ok so I'm going a tad overboard. I do appreciate your concern for where this game might be going, and I definitely appreciate the others enthusiasm. I guess it's safe to say that this news has hit a nerve in all of us /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

  11. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    blah, I'm not exactly included in the fanbase in the first place. Do you see me flying to japan to drop money for vf everyday? No. So how exactly do I compare to a japanese player who go to a gamecenter and drop money to play the game, to buy vf.net cards, and register to use vf.net? I'd say that any random japanese john doe player drops more money to play a few hours of evo in one day than my entire vf career. Conclusion is that I am a player that sega would careless about. I drop at most $30 for ps2 evo, and I'm done with. I don't feel one bit left out knowing that Sega could careless about me. In fact, I'm glad they don't care, cause if they do, they'd go bankrupt supporting this franchise.
  12. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Man, where are all these Freaks suddenly coming from? We have the Otakus, the Whinners, the Flamers etc... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif All b/c of this Stupid VF FT shit.
  13. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Shang was always here LOL
  14. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    getting back to the topic at hand, we all know it ain't commin to ps2 (atleast it hasn't been announced yet), but i was wondering...will it ever hit US arcades (or any arcades outsite of japan) by any chance???
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Not to offend anyone here, but how are people coming to all these conclusions about final tuned after just a teaser clip? How can anyone discount a home version of final tuned? If there's any truth to "milking the franchise" then you can bet on a sub arcade conversion to the ps2 in the future. I'm not saying there will be or there will not be a home version, but when evo was first announced for the arcade, there was also no info on a home version.
  16. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Shang does make a bunch of good points. If Sega cared half about the N.A market as, say, Namco, we would know about it and read about it. Sega has done shit for N.A...its all been word of mouth.
  17. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    I'd say there'll be a PS2 VFFT just about 100%. It'll be like free money for Sega. Let's imagine FT being a XBOX or Gamecube exclusive for a moment....
    Honestly, FT would probably be good no matter what. I'm just tired of reading while waiting about a new vf, then reading more while waiting more about it while JP players are playing it, then trying to get a import version where I have no fucking clue what the training mode is saying..
  18. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    welcome to fighting games?
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:
    If anything, this shows that they are trying to satisfy the fans. I appreciate AM2's effort to listen to their fans.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Srider.... how the heck did you live the 20 some years of your life without dying from some sort of accident being so naïve?

    Give me one example of how Sega cared about you as a fan. In fact give me 1 example of how Sega has cared about this site, the western vf “communityâ€Â, or anyone here. If VFDC disappears tomorrow along with every registered users here, Sega wouldn’t give a FUCK! All they care about North America as far as vf is concerned is people buying their software, they don’t care if you play it, they don’t care if it just sit there collecting dust. They only care if you dish out the cash.
    Why are people so stingy and demanding? What do you think? How many Sega sponsored VF tournaments were there in the past 5 years in America? How many decent vf books came out in America? Video? Any sort of Event? That pathetic “tournament†Josh won? Don’t make me laugh (or cry)!
    Everywhere you go people wow and ahhh about how great vf4 is, yet no one plays it. You think if Sega had actually made some efforts promoting people how to play the game things might have been different? I’m not talking about promoting people buying the game; I’m talking about teaching people how to play the game. Fuck Sega as far as caring about you, me or anyone else who doesn’t live in japan and love vf. You think Sega don’t know vfdc, they do. You think Sega don’t know the save system in evo blows without vf.net, they do. You think Sega don’t know there are vf players in US, they do. THEY JUST DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU! Spare me with this bullshit.

    And for the rest of you Sega Fanboyfuckers, nobody is saying FT is gonna suck. But some of us question where VF is going base on the video. Take it easy, we aren’t taking away your Sega cock.

    Srider.... how the heck did you live the 20 some years of your life without dying being so naive I ask again..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    AM2 cares, if they didnt Evo would have never been released in the US, they went way beyond the call of duty to convince the assholes at SCEA to allow the release(the same idiots who refused release of MS3, Puyo Pop Fever etcetera on PS2).

    You are an idiot.
  20. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    Shang does make a bunch of good points. If Sega cared half about the N.A market as, say, Namco, we would know about it and read about it. Sega has done shit for N.A...its all been word of mouth.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sega has done way more then you will ever realise, the fact that it was released at all in the US was becouse AM2s comittment to its US fans.


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