VF FS on Playstation Now Is Too slow!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Vanessa stand in, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    So is dick riding/sucking. But that aint stopping you from hopping all over Dullfuckfacebrentford's..
  2. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    This all starts with me addressing an ecchi picture and here you are sharing your perverted thoughts about me again.

    Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
  3. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    (Insert groan here.) LAAAAAAAME!!!
  4. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I finally check out this thread and come to find out MM Dodger @Jason Elbow is writing VF fanfiction between @Seminasuke and I. Do I have the greatest fans or what. He can't even get on this site for a day without writing something about me. I wish he would spend less time stalking us and more time learning VF. He so weak he can't even win in the VFDC shoutbox let alone a VF match.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
  5. uhh can't believe this turn into who's gay who's not gay situation......

    But yeah the next virtua fighter game HAS TO have cross-platform online so X1 and PS4 players canfight each other. Since VF fan base is too small and to cut in two hafts hurts online play. On two different consoles.
    PlayStation now streaming a online game is a joke. And, I'm not paying for. I
    want to buy download and play VF on my PS4 period!. No monthly service fee!! 5c52ef331d08fe523e2ad669e7fe7a04.jpg VF__Vanessa_Lewis_by_J_indmand.jpg
  6. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Cross platform between PS4 and xbone will never happen. That will be like McDonald talking to Wendy. The best ver. of Cross platform right now is between xbone and 360. Maybe soon since Xbone is trying to make all their games cross play with pc we might get a pc port of FS. Fingers Crossed.

    BTW Didn't @Kamais_Ookin already do this thread on his youtube channel when it was put on PS Now?

    Anyway Honestly if you love the game that much I would suggest you break down and get the 360 ver. or the Xbone ver. Xbox Live at least has better online then PSN.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
    Ytpme_Secaps, spacetime and IcKY99 like this.
  7. I never had a problem with PSN the whole time i had a PS3 I never understood the complain people say about it. But my persnaol experice have never had any problems. So it's not psn I'm up set about.
    It's sony dession not to allow full PS3 game via dwnload. Only on thier PSnow Program. Which sucks
    Also Microsoft said recently that they would want cross platform. And Sony responded saying they are open to it. So it not so far as you might think here some links to prove it.


    If any Game needs it it's Virtua fighter!!
    9992499c2bbf9c216d3aea5dce604a10.jpg c5d16b1ff431a9b3e4d33ebc87edaa52.jpg
    IcKY99 likes this.
  8. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I totally agree that a FS port to PS4 would be great. From what I've seen from PSN online from Streams. Whenever @BLACKSTAR tried to do PSN RAW players was constantly getting kicked out of the room matches, frame drops to a stop, and many other problems. Now I get that it's online and things like that happens, but it happens way way way way way more times on psn than live. Now that could be better now, but the one thing that VF Community all agree is that PSN is way inferior to the xbox live.

    As for this thread, Isn't PS Now is a streaming service? VF is made to be played 60FPS now your adding online lag to the real game and if you go online in the game you will have lag on top of lag. Honestly common sense should tell you that you should never play a fighting game over a stream service. So I feel your pain and hope we get a port to ps4 also. fingers crossed.

    BTW on the subject of posting a picture after everything you say. You should really look at or add to the VF artwork thread.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
  9. Yeah it would be great if they just port it already. Lag on top lag it's unplayable!.
    I might still get Yakusa 6 just because. And Now that X1 is got VF FS. It might be time i have both of the top consoles in my house again. (Fuck nintendo)

    My only concern now is if i get an X1 will i be able to play 360 player or just people who have X1 version??

    And to touch on the online comment. PSN works great with VF FS. I was on it from launch. I'm not sure what happen to this blackstar guy. But i had a PS3 and 360 version at the time. And don't remember have any problems on either. You guys might have bad internet, (just a thought no disrespect)

    The Online gripe i did have. Was waiting in the lobby from a match. If anything I would say PS3 was better in this regard. Because they gave VF FS away for free to PS+ members, when it came out.

    So I would say their a few more players on PSN then XB Live. Personal experience on both networks here as well.
    I can fight pretty good, with both PS3 controller Or an 360 controller. At Almost on the same level. more or less. But The PS3 D-pad make side stepping SOOO much easier over the 360 control you can't deny that?

    As for pics. If you haven't guess it um BIG Big Vanessa fan. My Gf says all the time. "I only like her because she looks like Vanessa." I tell her "girl you crazy." But deep down um like "dame rite". Lol don't tell her i said that.
    31375d7f8c20813f46eae87345a8098b-d803ayv.jpg sarah_vanessa_by_hayame_82-d9kyahq.jpg
  10. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I lol'd.
    IcKY99 likes this.
  11. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Lol. Fuckbooooy!
  12. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Yeah i remember Sony and Microsoft was in talks about crossplay. But i dont think they decided yet.
  13. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Well of course there are gonna be more vfers on PSN. Provided you have a internet connection: ONLINE IS FREE!!(at least for PS3). But in my experience PS3 online in lackluster in comparison to 360. I even had the system restart or suddenly cut to the home screen mid match. Now the crap PS4 is pulling(a monthly subsciption to play a downloadable game?)is bullshit.
    steelbaz likes this.
  14. Well to each his own i guess, I've never experience anything like that. And my friends on psn, I've never heard them say that either. But hey I could be wrong.

    @IcKY99 hey you played on PSN. Did you feel like your fighting experience on psn was sub-par?
    And i couldn't agree with you more on that PS subscription to play vffs on lag on top of lag is complete bull shit. And that's the driving force on why i'm getting a X1 now. Sony made a dumb decision by doing that.
    jeffry_vs_vanessa_by_candybeyatch.png commission_pai_vanessa_bondage_by_doubleleaf-d45xpdp.jpg
    Tricky likes this.
  15. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    For the record, apart from the obvious fact that the Vanessa pics are unrelated to the actual OP, some of said pics have very questionable anatomy.

    In fact, take that pic accompanying the OP. Look closely: vane's boob to the left is far smaller than the one to the right. CANNOT UNSEE. The forearm to the right has to be atrophied, T-rex like, to be hidden by the other lady's wrist (sorry don't know who that is). Said other lady's boobs... look, do i really need to explain that boobs don't work like that? LIke, even 100% artificial, enough-silicone-to-build-a-mainframe bazoongas don't pop up like that.

    What else? Look at vane's army pants to the right: practically to the waist (bit lower than navel). Now look at the left: no pants until mid thigh. Now think - just how wide these pants have to be? Can't be army pants then. Is it an army print skirt? Impossible, why would vane wear PRETEND army clothes?

    Anyway, obviously, her head is wider than her waist, let's not delve too much into this in case someone defends it as an "artistic choice". Also, now that I'm looking at this again, the lady is pushing vane's bra upwards (look at the bra-strap -it's not taught like the one to the left), meaning that the larger boob is actually meant to be squeezed - so it's meant to be EVEN BIGGER. Told you, cannot unsee.

    All in all, nice concept, vanessa would be indeed on top during such an escapade. But some of the other pics are of a far better caliber.

    So, if you're gonna post smut, fine, at least have some some standards, you know? ;)
    Ellis likes this.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

  17. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Lol. Mentions everything else except the elephant in the room...
  18. COOKpls

    COOKpls Member

    Input lag + internet delay = R I P
    Vanessa stand in and oneida like this.
  19. Yes it's a nightmare TRUST ME! But it's the only way I can play Virtua fighter right now. Until I get an X1. And I love VF, so I have to put up with it. It killing me slowly on the inside tho. I just want VF6 to come out so I final stop the madness.
    vanessa_by_setsuna22-d82bg3y.jpg vanessa_lewis___virtua_fighter_by_ganassa-d5t8hna.jpg
  20. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Lol I know a minefield when I see one - you'll never get me to comment on THAT!

    Convo starts with "look, ropes don't work that way - where are the knots? what's keeping them from sliding off?" and next thing you know you trying to defend yourself by explaining "no, really, I have a skipper's licence, I teach at a maritime school - I was practically born on a sailing boat dammnit!" but it's pointless, you're branded as THAT guy for life.
    Ellis and Ytpme_Secaps like this.

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