VF.net question

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Yupa, Oct 3, 2001.

  1. Tot

    Tot Active Member

    Lei wears Pig stuff animal mask. Blue bunny is much better
    than that! I can take if off with I-mode but I hated to wear it
    since it is so ashame plus could be an insult to the opponent.
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I KNEW that fucking rabbit meant I was weak!

    In Sendai, I was able to ascend to 2 dan in a couple weeks, but once I got to Tokyo... start racking up those losses!

    Yupa, yeah that TT low sweep was the coolest finisher I've ever seen in a comp, I thought for sure Hiro had you with f,f+P+K+G.

    Although, I don't think I got the chance to play you, unfortunately. Ito kept playing VF3 until he moved back to Japan, which was before people started hanging out at Port Authority.

    people are really showing up on the board for 4, new and old, it's so cool.

    Tot, thanks for the nice info, and thanks Rich for the report... those were the days.

  3. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Hey Yupa! Yep...Ito was playing vf3 for a while in NYC. There is definitely a good chance that you played him while coming to Times Square to play CrewNYC (Andy) and I. From what i can recall...Ito disappeared soon after i started getting into vf3 for the first time. I distinctly remember him telling me to "go practice some more" after slaughtering my ass (his Jeffry vs my Akira). Spotlite, whatever happened to him?

  4. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "I think I might have played him again when I visited the Times Square arcade to meet up with Adam and Andy... erm CrewNYC?"

    hey yupa this is sal, I was also there with adam and andy, let me refresh your memory :)
    I was playing vf3 at the old "playland" in 42st, i was waiting for adam and andy since they told me they were expecting you, when someone challenged me with sarah, you used the good old D+K (delayed) K (MC) into throw. then i started wondering if i was playing yupa hehe, then i saw that you were wearing a t-shirt that had a chibi akira and aoi together (i've seen this pic somewhere on the net too), then i realized that it must of been you, then after all of that they finally arrived, played, then went for a pizza at sbarros. after that i never heard from you again. hehe

  5. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Wow! It's amazing how many of us on this board have met each other in person... even unkowingly. And our little group spans the world...

    If VF4 shows up in NYC, you'll be seeing most of us down there again. I'm sure.

    Getting wupped by Adam's Akira on a later visit to Times Square was the beginning of the end for me in VF3... I lost hope in finding anything worthwhile to do with Sarah and when VF3tb came out I felt even worse. I didn't have the motivation then to start learning another character, so I just stopped playing for a (long) while. I now feel re-energized (Energizer Bunny! See this post is still on topic with this thread ;> ) and even if I find I don't like the new incarnation of Sarah, I believe I'm more than ready now to learn another character like Jeff, Jacky or Vanessa.

    Re: the chiba Akira and Aoi shirt
    I made those up for the Toronto crew for one of our pilgrimages up there to play in a VF3 tourney. The image is from the VF3 mook. I believe its some fan art or maybe a phone card. Firestarter/kbcat also used it as the background on his VF3 site. That's probably where you saw it before.
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    Wow! It's amazing how many of us on this board have met each other in person... even unkowingly. And our little group spans the world...


    And there are also those we could have met... in my case, I had heard of two strong VF2 and VF3 players that had reputations in Portland. One was some Korean guy for whom I never knew the name.... but guess who the other is.... TOT!!!! Our fellow here (on this thread even) who has been posting from Japan! Man, I wish I at least got to meet him (he even lived around my family's neighborhood).


    But Tot, I definitely look forward to meeting you, either here or there. Just let me know!

    Yupa, I definitely would like to meet you and a lot of the others. On a side note, #vfhome seemed to light up when they heard you were still in existence!

  7. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Interesting. Are these presents universal or character speciffic?

  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    VF.NET cat shop?

    Running the link:


    through babelfish produced news that you can apparently win gold pieces (not real ones obviously) and that these can be used in some sort of vf.net shop. The contents of the shop will apparently change every 24 hours. That's neat stuff. I wonder what you'll be buying...
    PS: Vanessa's "jason hockey mask" is funny stuff. Especially since it was an intentional reference to the Friday the 13th movies (its description has the word "slaughter")

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  9. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: VF.NET cat shop?

    Cheers. None of the Present seem worth while though. I mean, the bunny on your shoulder is funny but after a while it will get stale. I was hopping for extra costumes and pattern designs.

  10. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    >That's exactly what I thought when I saw Alan Tan's name
    >crop up. Now all we need is Colin Leong, Mason, Bigcat,
    >and Darcy Brockbank back and posting here... =)

    Reminds me of all those Dougs in r.g.v.a. 8b

    BTW, and AFAIK, the VF4 machines in Hong Kong don't use the VF4.NET cards either, though many arcades in Hong Kong has another Sega game that uses such a memory card, Derby Owners Club, a horse racing game that simultaneously serves up to 8 players. Each card holds one horse that the player can raise and, well, race.

    "Ekhis balles? Ela na pexoume."
  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Derby Owners Club

    Ah-hah! That's what I meant by VF.net's predecessor in that Itagaki thread eons ago...
  12. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    I presume someone already mentioned that, with the VF.NET function disabled or unavailable, the Ring Name column in the VF4 high score lists are blanks.

    "Ekhis balles? Ela na pexoume."

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