VF online- does it make or break VF?

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by BK__, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    definitely makes it since it provides a whole new audience to VF5.

    and gameplay has definitely changed due to online play (scrubby noobs spamming long range attacks...>_<)
  2. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">IMHO? Nitaku went from 3/4 of the game in VF4, to maybe 2/5 of the game in VF5. Kinda silly for a game that's based on rock paper scissors.</div></div>

    VF3 wasnt based on rock paper scissor *at all*, the problem about VF5 is that people are playing it like VF4.

    in the same way that you have 12 frame throw which lose at small adv, you also have 0frame throws that are used when an opponent is pressured, this concept is more like VF3.

    every VF is different...
  3. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry but I cannot take your fanboy opinion seriously. Not only do you think that VF5 would be better without having the online option, but you tell yourself that 4 is better than 5 without having a valid reason.

    Most of us here absolutely love playing online and get great satisfaction from sparring with each other over Xbox Live, complaining about the barely noticeable lag and acting like you above all of us that do play each other online is ridiculous. Just remember, we are all playing great player after great player and learning new strategies each time we play - while you are stuck to your VF4 dojo playing the odd mate who comes round for a game - or do you live in a tent outside a bustling Japanese arcade filled with VF masters?

    You need to accept VF5 for the great game it is, get online and enjoy playing other VF players.
  4. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    although it's a fair statement to want to play against humans as you prepare for a big event, it also takes me back alittle to what i mentioned about practicing and improving VF. and yes, it can sometimes get fustraiting.. however i feel you wont find full enlightenment by playing multiple challengers if you stay at the same understanding of VF each time.

    i mentioned, or atleast i meant to include that arcade / home console events come inside a similar catagory. however replacing or overlapping online events instead of an organized gathering, world event is the small but big change that is likely to occur within the VF community aslong as online play becomes more like offline play interms of quality.

    if i had to compare it to something relative, i'd say it's like a cousin or friend who would rather type on msn than visit my house and hang out.
  5. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Barely noticeable??? o_O There is nothing barely noticeable about it, regardless of whether you play in the same region or not. Although it's something that you just have to accept unfortunately.

    That's cool, You should play Konjou Akira he is the best /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif Just behind Bun Bun Maru of course. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    I would gladly take the VF4 training mode over on-line play. I'm sure I'm not the only person to feel that way.

    Because despite VF having on-line play it's a game that was made for off-line play. This isn't an attack to you by the way, just sharing my thoughts.
  6. KingZeal

    KingZeal Well-Known Member

    Geez guys, just like everything else in life, there are good sides and down sides to VF5 online play. Whether or not the good outweighs the bad is up to you. Some people find being able to find a human opponent without having to drive for miles to be rather convenient. However, more convenience means an increase in "scrubby" players. I know that I'm better than 60% of the people that I seemed to be matched up against online, and playing a Lion that spams 2P for three rounds straight won't do much to make me a true competitor. Still, part of being "good" means that you have to adjust to any and all play styles.

    And lag will eventually become a factor in online play. That's inevitable. Some people are doomed to spend the entire online VF career playing in practical slow motion. Then, some of us are a bit more lucky and can go from playing 15 seamless matches against mediocre opponents and then suddenly get choppy as hell against a worthy opponent. Whether or not this is a problem is up to you and your connection.

    But anyway, I'm trying to understand the hostility between the two different opinions. Either you're going to play online or you're not. The only way the matter will be settled will be when a top-ranked online player faces against a top-ranked live player (which means one of them will have to come out of their element).
  7. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    What was your username before you changed it? Pot, kettle, black.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You need to accept VF5 for the great game it is, get online and enjoy playing other VF players. </div></div>

    Huh. I suppose you haven't seen me entering brisal's online tournament, talking about online matches in the good games thread, or bothered to read my sig, which has my online gamertag. Obviously I play VF5 online, despite it being NOT a great game. Obviously I think online has it's uses, I'm just saying that it's not all milk and honey.

    Stop being pissy because I pointed out that VF5 has problems (it does), or that your blindly pro-online arguments were wrong (they were).

    The entire VF series is based on rock paper scissors with unequal rewards. Or are you saying that in VF3 throws beat attacks, attacks beat guard, and guard beat throws?
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Online definitely didn't do much to expand the scene as people hoped it would back then....
  9. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    aren't you in china right now? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    well, in the US, im sure the scene has expanded quite drastically. we used to be lucky to get 8 players in a tourney. the last tourney i went to (VTYME) had over 30. in addition, im seeing new faces everytime i play the game. i mean, just look at the registered users count for vfdc! before 360 version hit the shelves, it was BELOW 10,000! it is now at 10,637. i know this may not be a lot to some, but for VF i think it's a win.
  10. EndCA

    EndCA Well-Known Member

    Definitely make... Before lucky to fight 1-2 people proficient with their characters locally. So now I can play against and learn from all the characters in the game and against some of the best the VFDC scene has to offer.
  11. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Don't care either way, really. As I see it, if it even brings just a handful of new players to a scene, it was worth it.

    And the sales figures of VF5 has very little to do with gameplay. It's a simple fact that fighting games as a whole just sells a whole lot less then they did a few years ago. I think T4 sold more then twice of what T5 sold, despite being a far shittier game.

    The worst part about online is that people, even on these very boards, are actually reaching down to the retarded level where they're actually drawing conclusions on the gameplay of VF5 based on online experiences.
  12. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Going back a few pages, to KoD:
    When I said "launch game", I was referring to PS3 version of VF5, not the xbox one.

    Also, I can honestly say that the offline community in my area has greatly strengthened since the xbox release of VF5. Now, I can't say for sure whether that's due to the online mode in and of itself, or some other factor, but for me specifically, online was a large factor that led to me getting involved.
  13. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    VF4 was a massive change after three - it changed the entire feeling and threw away the environmental differences for boring flat floors. VF5 has almost the exact same feeling and gameplay to 4 but you seem to disregard VF5 for reasons unknown to even yourself. After this long I've gotten used to the flat floors - but when they first changed it, it was un-natural to go from something so exciting to something so bland, but even I (the biggest VF3 fan there is) realise that it's almost impossible to revisit VF3 seriously now after all the added moves, characters and tactics. Keep telling yourself that "It's more hardcore to like 4 as it's not what everyone is playing at the moment"

    You must be the kind of person that listens to shit underground bands just because it's different (no one buys them for a reason - because they are shit). VF is getting more mass maket - and that's a good thing. Get off your high-horse and accept VF5 as one of the greatest games there has ever been. I suppose you'll be singing the praises of VF5 when people are playing VF6 online. Next you'll be one of those morons saying VF2 is the best one there has been so you can sit there smugly thinking you are the only one still playing it (because you obviously know better).

    VF5 not a great game? You are absolutely ridiculous. Get off this forum and go and play some other muck like PGR4 if you think it's shit. Even though I prefered VF3 over 4 - I wasn't stupid enough to say that VF4 was a crap game.
  14. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    The lag is barely noticeable. When I stick to UK players with good connections it feels identical to offline matches. And even when the lag becomes slightly noticeable, I still love playing it and learning more about the game. It's still VF against great players - regardless if some minor tactics don't work 2% of the time.

    I'm sorry but I wouldn't trade anything for the online play. The game is all about competition, and online allows you to play people 24 hours a day. You are not confined to arcades or in tournaments. It's opened the game up for everyone to experience competitive playing. And that's the best thing that could have happened to VF. I don't need to fall asleep hitting a static opponent in dojo mode for 3 hours - that's not VF.
  15. alucard19

    alucard19 Active Member

    Got some questions that i hope someone can answer for me.

    1)Will version C come to PS3 (with online mode)?

    2)How is the lag and delay when you guys play VF5 online?

    Please rate VF5 on how well it plays online,1-10.1-being a totally different game and isn't worth getting if you plan on playing online only.10-Meaning it's virtually no lag and delay.
  16. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    IMO it is noticeable with tight combos i miss online, even with a good connection. i have to adjust my timing early to get the combos out, and it effect my timing offline.

    i'm a Blaze player and he has an extreme hard time against players with lag, his whole game play is based around combos, since his distance poking game is lacking and no long reach attack except /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif, which is sloooow. therefore any lag i'm already disadvantage. and if it's really lagging... chances of me winning against a fast poker is like 40%.

    haven't said all this, it's better than nothing.

    p.s. all you turtle spammers is giving me a hard time. you just wait when i find a way in. jackyssss!!! grrrr....
  17. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    1) No, but it's possible that by Ver.E or something they could re-release VF5, same as they did with VF4:Evo, and it might be on PS3, and it might have online. All we know is that there are no immediate plans for an update to the PS3 version, though.

    2) I would probably give it about a 9. Obviously, it varies from match to match, a few have been unplayable, a few have been perfect and felt like offline play, and most I would describe as feeling just a tad bit slower than offline play... there's definitely a lot more good than bad. If you've tried online in any other 3d fighters, like Tekken or DOA, then word is that VF is by far the best of the group.
  18. alucard19

    alucard19 Active Member

    Ok thanks alot guys.Thanks all I needed to know.
  19. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Oh, sure, I'll stop cleaning up threads and writing wiki strats, and cancel my ticket to socal, just because you lack reading comprehension:

    Context, man, can you dig it? VF5 online is NOT a great game. VF5 offline is an ok game, not as good as some predecessors, better than most games out there.

    The lag may be barely noticeable to you.

    I've lost track of how many times I've been beaten out of advantaged situations online, lost the round, and seen the (apparently local) match replay come out with a DIFFERENT RESULT than what just happened. That's lag. I have to do combos at max speed online in order for them to come out; If I do them at the same speed offline, it results in dropped moves. That's lag. I've played lei feis that literally looked like flipbook movies. That's lag.

    Yes, online is useful for seeing a variety of tactics. But is it worth it if the fundamental reliability of the gameplay is compromised?

    I'm glad it's apparently helped some people's local scenes. It hasn't helped mine. Even the locals who used to offhandedly say they wanted to play VF sometimes have stopped (anyone in austin who wants to put down 3s or GGXX?).
  20. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    From a strong local scene perspective I think it has been positive and negative.

    Positive because I can now play against people that I know from offline gatherings. I know online play isnt perfect but it still makes for a fun time.

    Negative because our Local Gatherings have diminished as less people have time to travel when you can play on XBL from the comfort of there home.

    The big thing is to see what happens when the SOCAL 08 March Gathering comes around. If I remember correctly it was roughly around 30 players that met up for offline play last year. I doubt that it will be even close to that number this time. We shall see.

    At the same time I think if an event like EVO happens and VF5 is included the turn out and level of play will be much higher.

    Just a thought thanks for reading

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