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VF Preference poll

Discussion in 'General' started by Mirkan, Feb 22, 2002.

  1. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    lol. jeff, "fashionable"? Is this hollywood? has there been an outbreak of lesbians?

    VF2 was a brilliant game. The rest of them try to recapture that brilliance and succeed in varying degrees but none have ever been able to recreate amazing thing that VF2 was.

    And really, the balance was fine. for almost every "buggy" thing that evolved into a tactic there was another evolution that allowed a counter.

    I still play VF2 because of the fast paced, screw up and die type of game that it is.

    I still play VF1 because it is so basic and stripped down and is completely adrenalizing with the right crowd (right crowd = bungle, shroud, jo shun). being good at VF1 is like mastering the art of Haiku.

    I play VF4 because it shares similar properties to VF2 and because my friend, Shroud, loves it.

    I have stopped playing VF3 altogether and will likely pick it up again only the way some people thumb through high school year books . Boredom and to laugh at what used to be.

  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I say fashionable because few really knew any one of the franchise well enough to make a well-supported reason why one is "better" than the other. If you doubt this, skim through any preview of VF4 or read the average post by the average user on the average Internet gaming forum. The only indubitable difference is that VF2 was the most popular in the U.S., and thus, more memories for some people.

    VF3 never tried to recapture anything from VF2; it was completely different, had different principles, and almost completely ditched the OS component of VF2. A lot of people say that VF4 is supposed to emulate VF2, but I attribute that as more of a marketing ploy than actual fact. VF4 plays closer to VF3 than VF2 does. The whole "recapturing the brilliance" is in reality closer to "recapturing market share."

  3. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > I'm in far too good of a mood to have someone like you rattle me.

    good mood or not, it'd take an argument along the lines of an anvil dropped from 30,000 feet landing on your head to rattle you, el ferrous cranus boyo. the only reason i bother is to amuse myself (and hopefully others) and let off steam.

    anyway. you may have "played it plenty" (ahAHhHAHh), but you've made it crystal clear that you know absolutely jack-shit about vf2, and that you let your ignorance and not your experience talk. no presumptions there.

    > Maybe you shouldn't presume too much and concentrate on improving your skills against Shang eh?

    why would i want to do that? well, actually, i know what sort of quasi-high-school comment you were aiming for there, so i'll just say it for you: i suck at vf4. in fact i probably suck at all vf now, it's been so long since i've played with any fire. but since i don't really like vf4 and have so little interest in it (and also since shang is 250 miles away from me), and never ever even hinted at any pretense of skill in vf4, it doesn't matter too much to me.
  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > I say fashionable because few really knew any one of the franchise well enough

    heh. like you! and i love how you presume to know _everything_ about _all_ who played the "franchise" to make such a grand statement like that. please, give me a break.

    > A lot of people say that VF4 is supposed to emulate VF2, but I attribute that as more of a marketing ploy than actual fact.

    /me holds his head in savage, paralyzing brain-agony at the realization that he actually agrees with jeff 100 % on this

    the line that vf4 is a sequel to vf2 is such a crock of shit.
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Virtua Fighter 1 was the game I did indeed like and did introduce me to the series. To this day, I still play it at least once a month (in various forms).

    Virtua Fighter 2 was the game that had me fall in love with the entire series. For some stupid reason, I delayed my inevitable obsession of VF2 by holding off on the game for a few months while I was playing way too much KI (something as I regret, because to this day I believe that KI 1 and 2 is the most boring game when played at a competitively good level). Anyways, eventually started playing VF2 and fell in love with the game. The game single-handedly brought my attention to Sega that would forever shape my bias. Anyways, I loved VF2 and I play that game to this day too!

    VF3 was the game I sought for for many years prior to VF3DC. It was hard to find for me, or I just didn't know where to look for a good long time. First time I played it was at Disney World in 1998 and I loved it.

    VF3DC was the game I was finally able to put a lot of time in and play. VF3tb is ultimately the game that is my favorite. For a variety of reasons:
    1) I personally love the engine and maybe I just haven't played it to the point of boredom yet, but I still love it. So far, the engine just suits my tastes.

    2) For me, all the effort I put into it was worth it and rewarded well. The more I work on it, the more I feel I'm at one with the game so to speak.

    3) I didn't travel around for VF2 unfortunately, though playing many people at VF2 during its popularity is nice, I just don't think it makes up for all the nostalgia that many others have had of the game. Unfortunately, I just wasn't there, so I missed out on a special something that was there for the traveling VF2 players, I wish I was there. But I got to participate in a similar thing for VF3dc, though it was on a smaller scale from what I've heard and a different generation, but I really did enjoy these times.

    Thus VF3tb carries virtually all of my likes, efforts, and nostalgia (though short-lived) in my VF career (or whatever one wants to call it). I have not grown born with the system yet, rather I love it more and more all the time. For me, it supplies a certain element that is very fun for me.

    VF4 is a great game imo. It's different, for the most part, but it feels wonderful if you ask me. So far I haven't really been disappointed with anything in terms of gameplay. But we'll see what I have to say about the game in retrospect in the future...

    Altogether, I still love every VF game deep down. Maybe it's bias, maybe it's because I can play the games (or so I think), but whatever it is, they all have something I love about them. Some unique qualities, some similar. And to be honest, I love each of them almost equally as much as the other. Though I'd still say I go with VF3tb, for a variety of reasons--including the ones I wrote up above.

  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    As usual, Bungle's vitriole contains 1% argument and 99% verbal garbage. I almost want to argue with you, but am left with little to argue with.
  7. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    translation: standard jeff exit reply

    really, how is there any vitriol in asking how you presume to speak for all who played the series and how many had enough experience to properly (in your mind, of course) judge each game? you're left with little to argue with because your statement, like so many others, is patently absurd and megalomaniacal.

  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    It is both an exit reply since I have long realized that there is little point to argue with you (like I really care what you think) and a plea for you to think over what you wrote a little more, which I don't really expect you to heed.

    The only statement I made towards VF2 versus the other VFs is: "I have a hard time believing that if only one could be chosen, one would choose VF2 and put up with the now-dated graphics, no systematic 3D movement, match-up imbalances, etc." The statement about graphics, 3D and match-up imbalances are so obvious, it's practically a truism. True, the overall balance isn't as bad as other games, but it is definitely not as good as TB.

    Hardly "patently absurd and megalomaniacal." Grasping at straws? Sorry Rich, some people have better things to do than look to flame on some Internet forum with people you hardly know over a video game.
  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > It is both an exit reply

    apparently not..

    > Hardly "patently absurd and megalomaniacal."

    no freak. did you read the fucking post? although that was insulting enough, this is what i was referring to (as if it wasn't clear enough):

    "I say fashionable because few really knew any one of the franchise well enough to make a well-supported reason why one is "better" than the other."

    that fits "patently absurd and megalomaniacal" pretty goddamn well. just who the fuck do you think you are to say that? you yourself fit that description far, far better than anyone who would ever be able to actually make such a sweeping and definitive statement - which no one really could.

    > some people have better things to do than look to flame on some Internet forum with people you hardly know over a video game.

    not that you're one of those people, yourself..
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    no freak. did you read the fucking post? although that was insulting enough, this is what i was referring to (as if it wasn't clear enough):

    "I say fashionable because few really knew any one of the franchise well enough to make a well-supported reason why one is "better" than the other

    This was partly my fault. I had edited in: "If you doubt this, skim through any preview of VF4 or read the average post by the average user on the average Internet gaming forum" but was late for a party and forgot that a preview comes up first before submission, and so you probably missed it. Further, while I never was as good in VF2 as I am VF3--and never claimed otherwise--I at least understood the design theory that went behind the game.

    > some people have better things to do than look to flame on some Internet forum with people you hardly know over a video game.

    not that you're one of those people, yourself..

    The key word is "flame" here.
  11. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Even though I'm new to VF, I think VF4 is definetely my Favorite. It's bringing a hoard of Tekken players to its doorstep. Down here in Fl., All the tekken players are converting. It's caused there to be quite a demand for guys that kind of know what they are doing /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  12. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I have a hard time believing that if only one could be chosen, one would choose VF2 and put up with the now-dated graphics, no systematic 3D movement, match-up imbalances

    I think there is an inherent problem in basing part of your argument in "out dated graphics". It has--for many people--no bearing on the game itself. I still play Pac-man, Donkey Kong, Tron: deadly disks, Karate Champ....the reason is not the graphics which are decidedly dated. And, truthfully, I enjoy the graphics of VF2. it is a beautiful game.

    No 3d movement. well, SF is still doing fine based on that premise and it is not exactly true. Two characters have access to dodging.

    match imbalances. sure but really, so bad to destroy the game? I played VF2 to *death* and beyond and it was proven to me beyond a doubt that with very few exceptions those imbalances existed only for sunday players.

    Memories. I'm not speaking out of nostalgia. I still like playing the game. pulling combos, jockying for position, capitalizing on one instant where I had the better strategy than the opponent and received my opportunity to eliminate half an energy bar.

    Honestly, I think TB was a fun but ultimately souless entry. It practically killed the wont to play for me in the later stages. there's more to say (in a completist sort of way) but this is more effort than I really wanted to put in to this thread anyway. : (

  13. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    "this is more effort than I really wanted to put in to this thread anyway"

    You're breaking my heart... /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    ...for a while there at least.. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  14. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    >>TB was a fun but ultimately souless entry

    Why souless? Because it's so unbelievably balanced, having ejected the irritating character imbalances of previous installments?

    Maybe you were simply better at VF2; had more people to play it with; more memories, etc than with tb. Don't get me wrong, I can see why someone could prefer VF2, but to call TB 'souless' is, well, not the way I'd put it /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Maybe your relative dislike for tb also has something to do with success: your name seems to crop up much more in VF2 tourney reports than VF3 ones. Again, don't get me wrong here, but people usually prefer stuff they're better at /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    I'm not on one side or the other here really, but I must admit there has been a feeling of VF2-bandwagonism lately. And so many people dissing VF3TB too, which is sad for me to see.
  15. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Damn, I'm still here. Shouldn't I be at work?

    oh no. I fared as well in VF2 as I did in VF3 which is to say, average to bottoming out. I am spanking at VF4 (excepting tournament performance where I usually do quite badly) so by your logic I should be rooting for that installment.

    Everyone keeps quoting imabalances in VF2 without mentioning specifics. It's not that I don't believe they exist, I just never considered them at all bad (and I played Sarah).

    souless: in the middle of the arc I came to recognize that I was playing VF3TB (VF in general) for the competition and social aspect more than any "like" for the game. VF3 just didn't seem to have any internal energy and I saw the "proof" of that in the way that everyone seemed to drop off from playing and there was little more than 2-3 people around the machine on the weekends.

    If there is a platonic VF form then VF3 was the copy of a copy of a copy. Diffused and dilluted until little was left.

    If people can be seen scraping their knees to jump on the VF2 bandwagon maybe it is simply time to consider that there might be valid reason for it.

  16. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    >>by your logic I should be rooting for that installment.

    not necessarily.

    i think this is all subjective really. if you're saying that because lots of people are resorting back to VF2 and therefore that virtually "proves" that it is better/deeper/has more soul, then that is bullshit. (it's like someone saying that rugby union is better than rugby league because union draws much more spectators). hopefully, you are just saying that as your opinion, though: which i have no problem with (i.e. that you prefer VF2 to 3). each to his own i say......and, again, i don't mean to sound arrogant, so if i do then i apologize /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  17. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > Again, don't get me wrong here, but people usually prefer stuff they're better at


    there were many, many more vf2 tournaments than vf3 tournaments in the first place. tool.
  18. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > VF2 and therefore that virtually "proves" that it is better/deeper/has more soul

    oh come on, dude, don't think like jeff. he didn't say anything about proving which one was better, but that there are very valid reasons why people are defending vf2, and not just jumping on the bandwagon for the sake of jumping on the bandwagon.
  19. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    let me make myself clear.

    all i'm saying is this:

    popularity is not a valid indication of overall merit. by saying "If people can be seen scraping their knees to jump on the VF2 bandwagon maybe it is simply time to consider that there might be valid reason for it", it sounded like GE was almost suggesting that because people are going back to VF2 (and thus leaving behind VF3), then that must mean VF2 is better, because why else would all those people choose to do so...? to me, that sounds like nonsense, because i disagree with the argument of: popularity = quality. thassall.

    maybe you meant something else, GE?
  20. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member


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