VF4 Lion - notes on Damage

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Jason Cha, Oct 21, 2001.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    You know, when I saw Chibita play in Tokyo, I wasn't sure if it was him or not because his teeth aren't as fucked up as they used to be.... I was like, looks like him, using Lion, but nice teeth...? He also doesn't really look like a kid anymore, he looks like a nice yound lady.

    Did you guys know that Segirl had a budding carrer an idol?

    Anyway, found this Lion combo of Chibita's in DoRiMaGa:

    FC f+P+G- b,f+K+G- big Down Attack. I think it says the DA only hits if they don't roll. Since I don't play Lion, I'm not sure if this combo is interesting.

    also, there's a Kage Combo here:

    TFT- d+P+K- b+P,K- P- f+K+G- DP. think it says won't work on Akira, Jacky, Wolf or Jeffry.

    Yupa, this article also has a VF.net ranking from a month or so ago, but as many ring names are in Kanji, I can't translate them all.

    At this time, Kyasaoh was in 3rd.

  2. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Yeah I remember seeing pics of him in hardcore gaming's vf site a long time ago and I could have sworn chibita was a chick. Plus ya know.... the teeth even in photos man the grill.
    Made my day man.

  3. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    he looks like a nice yound lady.


    While his looks have *changed*...it doesn't sound like they have improved much. lol.


    <font color=white>Llanfair</font color=white>
    <A target="_blank" HREF=http://virtuaproject.com>virtuaproject</A>
  4. hamand

    hamand Member

    I don't know about the uf+P, but yesterday I did backturned u+p+k which moves away from the opponent a fair bit, but probably can't be used for much more than annoyance value. i.e. I don't know if anything particularly good flows from it.
  5. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    I have tried it in combat and it works very well, maybe a bit too well : )

  6. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    some thoughts about Lion.

    f P K,K is useful for punishing tech roll. Looks uncounterable as it pushes people far back.

    d/b k g, good range, slow, stagger standing guard. d k looks confirmed followup. useful in punishing tech rolls.

    f k g. Someone mentioned good move to punish teech rolls. Not bad. Looks like not longer throw conterable as when blocked, pushes opponent back so this move is definately improved from VF3. Knocks opponent down and far away. Hard to okizemi after a hitl.

    b/d p, better than low P in some cases as cannot be blocked high and very good range.

    sidekick, I am wondering if this move beat low P?? haven't really tried it at close range.

    QCB P. Lion's sabaki. Looks pretty useless. When I sabaki a high P, the opponent can block (I think) my attack...
  7. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    just some more thigns I picked up.

    b,d/f+P. This move look uncounterable. Best thing to do is move in and throw. or if you have reversal, do your low P reversal.
    Followup for Lion, f,f+k,k. Opponent will land face down head away. If he tech roll by P+K+G, a d+k, will make him back facing you. so the second k is confirmed. Then you can followup somemore. If he tech roll by u+P+K+G, your d+K will miss and I think he recover slightly earlier.

    b+P+K+G will dodge rising kicks.... saw it but haven't really tried a lot of that.
  8. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    Boy Alan, that low jab really got my knees shaking.... =( This move has a terrific follow-up: the combo that follows is unescapable and takes a lot off the bar...I remember getting slammed into the wall, failing to do a quick rise, ending up taking another d+kk, and then getting squashed. That took half off my life bar...


    Btw, how did you manage to get home from Bugis so quickly?

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  9. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    Not really, you should tech roll by u+P+K+G then I can only tag in the f,f+k,k. But d+p is kind of irritating. have to add in more u+k into my moves. Actually the BIG weakness for Lion has always been low attacks. He cannot do anything after blocking a sweep. Can Lion do an elbow from crouch by buffering a back dash, ie b,b,f+P. must try this.

    I drive home from Bugis. Lost my parking ticket. Luckily someone else have the same problem and the gate was banged down.... else dunno how to get out...

    you should ask your BF to smile a bit more :) my way of playing is if it works, I dun mind winning with one single move...
  10. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Haha...Don't worry, I wasn't offended. I was just thinking of how to counter that move. Got to utilize more of Akira's Sabaki move, seems to be pretty effective against punches, but recovery seems slow though.
  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Can Lion do an elbow from crouch by buffering a back dash, ie b,b,f+P. must try this.

    From crouch, try b+G, f+P or f+G, f+P. Should work; this method worked great in VF3 at least.

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