VF4 Sarah Questions

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ReCharredSigh, Feb 17, 2002.

  1. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    Cheers Nutlog. Can Anyone give an actaul description of the kicks? And another thing, does anyone know if the FL throws work against an opponent with their back towards Sarah?
  2. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    I see no reason to use the clothesline now that the leg hold is out... it does more damage, looks better, and leaves you in a better okizeme position. Besides, most opponents expect the leg hold, so they'll be escaping f+P+G anyway (and it's rather bad if escaped). For Jacky, on the other hand, it's great to shake up your opponent (since they're escaping b+P+G and df+P+G, and P+G does next to no damage).
  3. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    when i was just trying stuff out against the CPU and tried the staple DC, chop-kick, kickflip combo, the opponent hit the wall and screwed up the rest of the combo.


    When opponents are floated too near a wall, they will flop down rather quickly. Don't do the chop-kick and go for the PPPx combos. That way you will keep them banging on the wall for all your hits. I suggest the PPPb+K. You don't get a lot of air time just in case the fella gets up faster.
  4. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    When I'm seriously close to the edge and the round looks bleak the LHTD is good for a sly ring out.


    b+P+G is wonderful for ROs /versus/images/icons/smile.gif When opponents have their backs against the edge of the ring. Roughly just a little close to the "DANGER OF RING OUT PERIMETER" tiles, a b+P+G will cause an RO. The opponents fall with a flopping back animation and causes them to RO.

    I found out that if the opponent is perpendicular with their backs against the edge of the perimeter tiles, the RO will occur. If closer to the edge of the ring, it works even when their backs are off the perpendicular.

    Excellent tactic for people knowing that you are agressive combo pusher. Of course they will try to sidestep to escape but a throw like a b+P+G will RO them /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  5. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    Ah but the LHTD makes Sarah stand upright regardless of her position in the ring, if it's escaped she's open to a side throw too. So If you want to get back into the centre it's not the most effective, damage wise, yes.

    The Neck Breaker Drop switches side regardless of hit or miss, and though Sarah may land on her back, unless you're facing Jeffery, Wolf or Aoi the worse you can expect is a pounce. It's a shame that the two throws share the same escape motion but form a psychological point it adds variety to your game and gives your opponent extra factors to consider.

    As Genie put it perfectly, sometimes it's better to go for style than power to deliver a more varied and enjoyable match.
  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    The "Leg Hold Takedown" (b,f+P+G) is her strongest throw from her regular stance at 55pts but all it does is break your neck.

    Heh heh, reading that made me chuckle.
  7. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    LOL well, with the exception of Sarah mounting the opponent, the end result is hardly "fancy" when compared to the Fallen Angel and Lightning Knee Smash, those two throws make me say "Ouch!" I don't have any experience breaking human necks (I've killed chickens in Jamaica) but the process is rather simple and unspectacular after you do it a couple of times.
  8. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    sarah says "go home" after the 270 catch throw? ah man, i gotta head back to SVGL and screw around more with flamingo stance then if that's what i hear! for what i know of, sarah has some of the coolest throws in VF(strange though how they never really do quite the damage the same real life situations would deserve, but then if this were real life, any throw that breaks your head or neck deserves 200+ points)
  9. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    She actually says "Go back home!" just as the last kick hits.
    Adio, when you get the PS2 version you'll be able to watch it in slo-mo... =)
  10. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    yeah, all the throw does is break your neck, paralyze you, end the match in real-life situations...

    all it does, heh, i agree with ice-9
  11. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    i'm curious, if i hold guard during flamingo stance, does that pull me out of the stance and then block? or can i not block?

    and does anything happen if i try to sidestep during flamingo stance? (i heard you can't sidestep during flamingo, so i dunno if anything happens or sarah sidesteps out of flamingo)
  12. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    Yes, pressing block will bring you out of the stance and you will block if you hold the button. You cannot side step in the Flamingo per say but, the genius system that it is the Flamingo possesses the Dodging Roundhouse (FL: u/d+P+K) which effectively dodges and kicks mid. Great for a counter, perfect set-up for a throw. just plain stylish.

    Back will make Sarah backflip (perfect escape for hit and run tactics as you are near invulnerable while flipping) and forward will make her step forward (she looks slick here too).
  13. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    Hey! Don't feed the fire mate, I'm already developing a tolerance to my current VF4 fix of listening to Sarah's bgm (courtesy of vf.dyndns.org) via my Hi Fi system over and over and over again. And the miss quote was a typo.

    On a more stable note. How does the training system teach you to perfect her Hit-Throws? Is there some sort of time management option that you can invoke at anytime for Slowmo analysis?
  14. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    Stability? /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    How does the training system teach you to perfect her Hit-Throws?

    I don't remember Creed mentioning hit throws in the training translation... the FL low kick hit throw is a natural in any FL flow charts IMO. But if you can successfully land the FL heel sword hit throw in actual game play, you'll earn my eternal respect. I was thinking of trying it for okizeme when I get bored... =) I know I'll teach my Sarah AI to do it... heh!

    BTW, I don't know if this is a Ver C thing or if it's strictly PS2 related, but the timing to the FL low kick hit throw is different. On Ver B arcade, I just whack out [FL]d+K~P+G as quickly as possible and get the hit throw every time. On the PS2 I had to slow my timing down. It's not harder, just different. Maybe the flamingo low kick comes out a little slower in Ver C <shrug>

    Is there some sort of time management option that you can invoke at anytime for Slowmo analysis?

    Dunno. No one has described this mode with much detail yet... other than the damage values you get are out of whack.
  15. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    Well The PS2 conversion is version C so I guess it's been changed for good. Yes, the Heel Sword hit throw is the Holy Grail of Sarah players, I can pull it off 40/100 against a CPU Lion if i've had my breakfast. I input the second part of the string a frame before the kick actually hits but, it's off and on really.

    The Heel Seed itself is good for a wedge move when you want to get out of the Flamingo but I've never used it as an attack as her f+K+G has more range and options afterwards.
  16. chucky

    chucky Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    Which is a soo cool feature!!/versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  17. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    Yes it seems the [FL]d+K,P+G must be timed this time. I can't seem to get it with the fastest input.
  18. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Sarah Questions and a bit of trivia.

    BTW, Yups, I can't remember which thread it was in but you asked about using the P,P,K after DC, chop-kick instead of P,d+K. P,P,K is preferable just about every where. P,d+K is a stance dependent ender, so use the wrong launcher (knee vs DC) and the d+K portion will whiff, knocking about 10 points off the combo. The kick in P,P,K will always connect, the stance question just determines whether or not the second punch will connect, which raises the damage a bit more (about 5 points more).
  19. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    Talking about damaging combos. Been doing research. Like Feixaq, got a little time in my hands /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    I remembered Akora posted a devastating combo that looks good. Works on lightweights. Its d/b+K > d/f+P,K > P,G > d/b+K+G. Well, I can't really do for the life of me. Seems impossible. BTW, all this is done in Free Training.May need an MC from the DC. However, I did find out that this one doesn't need an MC on lightweights. Takes off 80 pts damage total. Goes like this: d/b+K > P,G > d/b+K+G > u+P

    The resulting pounce is seems completely inescapable from TR or QR. I had my AI tried it on me and I cannot escape the pounce. It catches me when I start to roll or get up. Without the pounce is 55 pts damage. The pounce by itself carries 25 pts. All in all, 10 more pts worth of damage compared to the staple DC > chopkick > kickflip.

    As for combos ending with b+K > f+K+G, the last move (FL, Heel Sword) hits on the bounce and will miss when the opponent TR. d+K+G however will hit anyone doing a TR.
  20. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    that's interesting; what are the restrictions for the DC, PG, side hook kick, pounce combo?

    and about how much damage does the DC, chop-kick, PPK combo do(or whatever combo Yupa put down?)

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