VF4 tourney clips, new

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by GLC, Aug 16, 2001.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Maybe the commentator meant "bitch combo?"
  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    As far as I know, there is no terrain effects that affect gameplay.

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    The only way to say this - AM2 has turned Pai into a wu-shu whore ;=(...I just hope she was not given butterfly kicks..or even worse..the NASKA verson...a butterfly twist...

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  4. Vicks Biru

    Vicks Biru Well-Known Member

    I agree entirely.

    By the way, I seem to notice that voices have improved... drastically.

    <font color=black>Yowai...yowai sugimasu wa!</font color=black>
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    The fifth clip is now up:
    <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.ykh-vfd.net/vf/movies/streaming/vf005.wmv>http://www.ykh-vfd.net/vf/movies/streaming/vf005.wmv</A>
  6. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    anyone else think (or at least hope) that they're gonna tone down jacky's P+K,P,K real soon?
  7. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Yes she has butterfly kicks....f,f+KG....kinda slow though, less useful than in Soul Calibur, but floats well.
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Hehehe.... Jacky's P K,P,K is looking to be a real pain in the ass... But I'm guessing that there's gonna be lots of pain in the ass material coming from various characters.

    I'm curious if any of the insane LAU combos that I saw at SVGL made it to the final version. I'm very sure they did though, just one of those aspects of Lau.

    Indeed though... Range, damage, expanded options in different situations.... Yeah, the beatknuckle crap is gonna be unbearable for a bit. Though I imagine there are a lot of tools against it. Punch inashis seem to be all over the place among other things, etc... However, get hit by a beatknuckle, kiss a good amount of life away and await the results/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    BTW, I do really like all the zoning moves that are implemented in the game. Lau's hammer fist, Jacky's defensive setup (stance), Pai's defensive setup (stance), etc.... Then again, it's already a part of my style of play.

  9. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    everyone seems to be pretty balanced to me... ya just gotta know what moves to pull off at times. i.e. beatknuckle is fast but can be countered with a jab or a crouching jab. sometimes ya gotta play machi or ya gotta back off or side step your way to victory. But that is just my opinion :p
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Things we've learned

    Some observations:

    - The series of clips were obviously a Pai showcase, and these clips definitely show that Pai is a far more interesting (and pretty to look at) character in 4. The provider of the clips probably published only the ones that made Pai look good, but damn, Pai is looking really strong.

    - Why do I get the feeling Andy is going back to Pai in 4?

    - b,d+P+G -> f,f+K -> f+P -> f,f+P,K looks guaranteed! If it is...whoo whee! But I think it may not be since the Pai player didn't do it over and over again and opted for the throw.

    - I actually don't think Jacky's beat knuckle is that bad. The combo took less than 1/3 life, which roughly corresponds to VF3's beat knuckle -> flipkick. Plus, now that Jacky doesn't have that easy pounce after ESK, you figure he's got to have something buffed up in return.

    - There's been a lot of talk about Wolf's extended range for throws, but looking at the clips, I didn't notice Wolf attempting a throw at all. It was mostly E -> P+K+G. In fact, I notice that very few players/characters actually did E -> buffer attack...it was mostly E -> P+K+G.

    - Vanessa...Suzuki wasn't kidding when he said her visual style would be different. She sticks out like an eye sore! The person attempting to play her obviously doesn't know her very well though and it really showed. The she was played in the clip made her seem slower than even Wolf/Jeffry.

    - Because of the quick get up...getting knocked in the air is definitely preferable to getting staggered. What does this mean? If you have a good hop move for okizeme (i.e. Kage, Lion, Sarah, et. al.) go for it instead of blocking the low rising.
  11. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Things we've learned

    re: bitchslap: *sigh* the POINT is that P+K,P isn't exactly commiting (at least it doesn't appear commiting). in vf3, P+K was fairly commiting. in vf4, no more stop animation, no more difficulty in doing the P+K (blocked), P. see? low risk, high damage = abuse move.

    change this to "things you've observed"...
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Things we've learned

    I can't be sure about the K part (it looks mid now), but P+K, P...just like Lau's elbow-palm right? Again, I guess the improved BK (let's have an acronym for beat knuckle...I'm betting we'll be writing this move a lot in the future, heh heh) is in compensation for the less useful ESK.
  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Things we've learned

    wtf? lau's elbow-palm like the beatknuckle? um. no. can lau float you for 1/4-1/3 your lifebar if he so much as hits with the elbow? no.
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    OK.. I've managed to download this file in its entirety. If anyone wants me to upload it somewhere or anything like that you can private message me. I don't have ICQ or AIM or anything like that that though, sorry.

    Anyway, the highlight of this match for me was Kage breaking the stone wall with a b+P+G float against Jacky, Jacky quickrises and gets R.O. against Kage. The following round Kage gets R.O. against Jacky through the hole made previously, Jacky stumbles back and remains standing outside the ring... he looks so disappointed. The motion capture was excellently chosen. :eek:)

    And people are rightly concerned about P+K,P floats. They are hideous, taking 1/3 of Kage's life on counter. Yuck.
  15. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Oops, replied to the wrong thread earlier. Okay, this new clip is now mirrored at <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.clandxm.com/vf4>http://www.clandxm.com/vf4</A> . Filename is yamiyodare_vs_kyasao.mpeg.
  16. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: Things we've learned

    "- b,d+P+G -> f,f+K -> f+P -> f,f+P,K looks guaranteed! If it is...whoo whee! But I think it may not be since the Pai player didn't do it over and over again and opted for the throw."

    Tried this out today (but only against the CPU, couldn't get it off against FeixaQ), seems like a fairly safe bet. Still, it might be struggled out of by advanced players.
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    anyone else think (or at least hope) that they're gonna tone down jacky's P+K,P,K real soon?

    I certainly hope so.

    Another thing that I don't like is that a good chunk of damage is added when the opponent (in this case, Kage) finally hits the ground. In most games I've played where damage is inflicted when hitting the ground (as far back as Tobal2), quick rising would avoid this bit of damage, but in VF4 it seems to matter not.
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    But aren't they playing on the final version?
  19. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    they can still put out revisions. vf3 had four revisions, one after the other, fixing bugs and balancing moves, through about four or so months. then came tb one year later.

    vf2 only had a bug fix revision before 2.1 (which sucked, except for being able to run up to opponents).
  20. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: Things we've learned

    Managed to rack up some nice win streaks with Pai today after watching the movies over and over to augment my understanding of Pai (the movies definitely were an inspiration!). Pity some of the moves aren't in the test version, like b+P+K+G stance into wushu punches (the arms flapping around move).

    I had fun using two variants of the Pai ST combo vs Jamie, Don and Akira tonight (SVGL VF4 regulars):
    ST ~ f,f+K ~ f+P ~ f,f+P,K and
    ST ~ f,f+K ~ f,f+P,K ~ D+K,K
    until Jamie started struggling out of the ST and blocking the f,f+K consistently. So it's definitely not guaranteed, although the "stumblee" has to struggle a fair bit. Definitely worth mixing it up with ST ~ (df,df) f+P+G

    I don't see the beatknuckle - punch - side kick in the test version... it comes out as a crescent all the time? Don and I tried this for the longest time but couldn't get the sequence to connect like in the new Kage vs Jacky clip.

    About being able to quickrise to avoid damage... well, maybe not in most cases, but there *was* one instance where it seemed to reduce/avoid falling damage... I used Wolf's giant swing vs Akira (the VF4 player, not the character) and he managed to quickrise just as he landed, thus avoiding the last bit of damage. Very cool.

    P.S. Yamcha -- nice meeting up with you today! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

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