VF4FT Location Test Impressions

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by sekaijin, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: FT on PS2?

    i already find that timing the shining wizard plays with my mind. it's not like the d+p+k does it all for you.. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    Activate - deal damage
    Miss it - chose your followup acordingly

    i would perfer that it's up to you make that choice game by stuffing it up. SW dont even deal that much damage after the knee either.

    its like making the toe-stunner reversable, it's the same sort of timing! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: FT on PS2?

    I prefer 1 frame mid attack over potential mind game or guaranteed dmg.

    Wolf should get a 1 frame half circular mid.
  3. Gorbag

    Gorbag Active Member

    Re: FT on PS2?

    Guaranteed damage exist in ALL fighting games (or it would be very boring). There are a good number of ways to prevent from taking guaranteed damage, and it is this way you have to think. You know if you do this hit, you will get kicked back? then do something else.

    I regret only one little thing. I don't know if more players than me have the same opinion as me about this, initiative don't give enough advantage. Often waiting the error and countering is the easiest way to win (at hight game level). But that's another story (still about game balancement).

  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: more infor on FT( Akira's got owned hardcore)

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    there any word of this games release...it was not even featured at E3

    [/ QUOTE ]

    VF4FT Release Date

    Looks like Zero's nameless friend was right. It wasn't a hard shot to call though -- a very similar timeline to Evo's release date. Beta tests during Golden Week, etc.
  5. Shaolin_Hopper

    Shaolin_Hopper Well-Known Member

    Re: FT on PS2?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I regret only one little thing. I don't know if more players than me have the same opinion as me about this, initiative don't give enough advantage. Often waiting the error and countering is the easiest way to win (at hight game level). But that's another story (still about game balancement).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, they have to make defense pretty powerful, or it turns into Marvel vs Capcom with people dashing across the screen basically flailing at each other. I understand how you feel about turtling, but I have to say that defense in VF4 seems to be much less guaranteed than in, say, TTT or T3. Besides, rushing in on someone who is prepared for you in real life is a bad thing. There are only two things I wish they had more of in VF4: guard breaking moves and catch throws. I wouldn't mind every character getting a low punch parry, either.
  6. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Re: FT on PS2?

    Shining Wizard does deal a decent amt. of dmg when combined w/ the knee. 66-70 is very nice; especially when you consider the work involved to pull it off (being able to escape it is just retarded). Guessing games aside, there are players out there that are fast enough to escape the SW and ETEG the guessing games that follow if you botch it. IMO, that possibility shouldn't be POSSIBLE! I hope I'm making sense, because I'm starting to confuse myself. Fucking beer!!!
  7. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: FT on PS2?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Guessing games aside, there are players out there that are fast enough to escape the SW and ETEG the guessing games that follow if you botch it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Choosing evade throw escapes is a guess just like lp is a guess just like guard is a guess. Delay shoulder/knee, slow or charged moves, half/full circular moves, delay throw can all be used to beat ETEG.

    Something like the above is chronically mentioned whenever ETEG is suggested as a cure-all.

    Also...we don't know (do we?) exactly how tight the Shining escape will have to be & we don't know exactly what the situation will be immediately thereafter...I'm imagining Wolf will have the advantage, but just what the respective articulations of the characters are & how much advantage Wolf has are, from the looks of it right now, anybody's guess. It isn't the end of the world.


    As an aside...Raider in Boston would do the first part of the Shining then go GS (If you have any doubts as to whether I can escape SW & boogie, you'll figure it out when you consider how many of these I ate. Durnit. I forget). I don't know if he was missing it (I've got my doubts /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif) or if that was just his particular brand of nasty. Like myke said...looks like am2's particular brand of nasty as well, huh?
  8. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: FT on PS2?

    I don't know what the fuck you people are yapping about, have you ever played wolf in your life? Throwmasta is right, having Shining Wizard escaped is fucking gay as hell. The move is already pretty hard to do and wolf already has problems dealing with d+p whores. Yea of course you "might" get a shrm off if you guess right, but if you guess wrong you lose your Free damage + you eat a AT LEAST a p,k from all characters, and you are -2. Wtf is that about? Fuck this shit, Sega's just tossing a bone to keep the cash rolling. Hello remember vf3 > vf3tb SPoD was escapable.. FUCKING GAY. OMG don't even start to tell me making a move escapable somehow helps makeing wolf stronger. If you have any doubts about wolf's ability please refer to my avatar on the left. Thank you!
  9. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: FT on PS2?

    I suppose I could reiterate that we don't know anything about the new shining wizard situation apart from the fact that as of this test version of FT, the throw part is escapeable. I'd rather look at it another way.

    Say there's this girl around the way who looks pretty hot and she has given you every indication that she's 'bout it. All sorts of inuendo. So you ask your friends about her and you're starting to have mixed feelings. You find out that she can't stand Italian food at all and one of your boys seems to think she might be a lesbian. That's right, FUCKING GAY. Still. Girl looks pretty well designed. No perfect pehaps, but in the vicinity. So you give her a call and rather than the movie/dinner you're thinking about, she springs that you should free up the weekend and go camping...with her and her "good friend" Jessica. Oh...and pick up "a few bottles of wine".

    You are:

    A) +13

    B) -2

    C) Not interested
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    More clarification needed.

    Brads moveselect has been posted as two different things so far:

    "Brad: 3P+KP (the second P) (Rising elbow(Evo)<-> Rising upper)" and now from Myke as "(Rising elbow/Rising upper) 2_3P" - which one is it m8s?

    And (as a bonus question for the 1million dollar prize), since one can not look it up on the VerC list for obvious reasons - does anybody know if there is a difference in stats etc and what these are if that's the case?

  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: More clarification needed.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    Brads moveselect has been posted as two different things so far:

    "Brad: 3P+KP (the second P) (Rising elbow(Evo)<-> Rising upper)" and now from Myke as "(Rising elbow/Rising upper) 2_3P" - which one is it m8s?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's 2_3P, just check various japanese sites like dlmaniax. I don't know where 3P+KP came from...

    [ QUOTE ]
    And (as a bonus question for the 1million dollar prize), since one can not look it up on the VerC list for obvious reasons - does anybody know if there is a difference in stats etc and what these are if that's the case?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't think anybody knows yet. FT was on test for just a week, so even if people tried to work out the frame stats via arcade play, it might end up changing in the final release anyway.
  12. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: More clarification needed.

    Thanks.I'm abit sad that FT won't hit the arcades until the end of July - was really hoping for now in June.

  13. Mr_Frankie

    Mr_Frankie Active Member

    Re: more infor on FT( Akira's got owned hardcore)

    What levels have you seen so far and how are they remixed (background, size, and if it has walls or not)?
    I know these levels so far thanks to you & screenshots:
    Sarah's Stage: looks the same, daytime, and seems bigger
    Dural's stage: darker and bigger
    Aoi's stage: More jungle like
    anyone know of any others?

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