VF5 360 stick coming out soon.

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by Four_Wude, May 17, 2007.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    You forgot to quote the most important part actually...

    and to allow specific classes of hardware to be used without requiring individual device drivers to be installed."

    There, just because it's USB it doesn't mean jack. Don't read wikipedia but read up on some USB spec sheets.
  2. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    This vf360 stick doesn't even exist until Sega announce it themselves... unless Gamestop wanted to try and get some early pre-orders in before the stick arrives....

    Don't jump the gun just yet...
  3. kaiyouske

    kaiyouske Active Member

    But I did quote it.....I just didn't bold it. ;p

    But it has a jack. ;p I used to work in the hardware PC industry, so believe me I've read my fair share of PC hardware spec sheets. It's just that I didn't really have much time to look up the information. When I have the time I'll do some more research and put it on these forums.

    Besides, the wiki definition of USB and the definition that EmpNovA was totally wrong and that's what I pointing out. If USB merely meant that different signals could be sent out on it, then HDMI is the same as USB.

    That'll teach me to bold stuff.... ^_^;
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Well, it's funny that you didn't think drivers are needed or you expect USB to be universally compatible if you used to work with hardware.
  5. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    The whole point of the USB HID joystick / gamepad class is to avoid writing device-specific drivers.



    Yes, there is an issue of which button maps to which in-game function, but that isn't the problem. The problem is that microsoft intentionally took an open standard (usb hid), then added proprietary checks to prevent anything but licensed controllers from even being recognized by the o.s. Surely this pattern of behavior sounds familiar to anyone who knows microsoft.

    I can plug any old generic HID hardware (including VSHG) into a pc or a ps3 and have it recognized without specific drivers. Maybe the buttons wont be quite right, but that's workable.

    Plug the same devices into a x360, and it wont even acknowledge the controller exists.
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    You people are such tools. Good luck spending your hard earned money (AGAIN) on something you should have got the first time you paid for it... X360 = 300, Game = 60, Sticks = 120. Another 500 for what upgrade? Plus VF5 sucks anyways. The game is VF4 FT2, 80% of the game is the same. I played EVO for 5 years and not bored. Played VF5 for 2 month.. ZzzzZ. Part of the reason why Sega doesn't give a shit about its US customers is cuz all you fanboys can't get off the sega dick no matter what. Wake up tools! That's the truth like it or not.
  7. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    That is a bitter pill to swallow... but you do have a point.
  8. kaiyouske

    kaiyouske Active Member

    I'm sorry, but you really need to L2R before you start to respond to posts. I never said that I thought drivers were not needed. I merely stated that that was what the USB developers intended when it was developed. Unfortunately, that was all 'in theory', which was why I said "But with all things technology, this didn't end up happening now did it?".

    Actually, I think it's funny that people are EXPECTED to buy new hardware when new software that should support old hardware comes out.

    There really isn't anyone else to blame but the silly consumers. It is WE that mindlessly buy hardware after hardware blindly without putting up a fight to the companies.

    I understand that you might think that you are 'hardcore' by trying to make these purchases, but to me I think that it's just silly. I refuse to make these unjustifiable purchases especially when it could be easily remedied by a simple software driver. Call me crazy, but I don't HAVE to play VF5 on the X360. If you want to spend your money on it, then more power to you. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    And for anyone that feels up to the challenge, here's the official USB tech docs.

  9. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I still don't get bored of EVO.
  10. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    lol at least thier relesing a new stick for the 360 why are you guys fighting?

    A new stick is being released for the 360.....just mod it ....
  11. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    The whole issue is that the VSHG should be able to work on 360 since its usb, and now people that want to play the 360 version have to shell out more money for another stick. I would be pissed off too.
  12. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Since VF5 came out for the PS3 I've played more VF3:Evo than VF5. This is a reflection on the poor quality of not just VF5 in my opinion, but also of the PS3 system as a whole.
    The 360 is designed so that devices like the VSHG, that are not MS approved, don't work on the 360. The device will never work as it is intended on a 360. And there's no reason to be pissed over spending money on VF5. If you don't want to be pissed about buying an arcade stick/VF5/360/PS3....don't buy them.
  13. kaiyouske

    kaiyouske Active Member

    We aren't fighting....we're Virtua Fighting<span style='font-size: 8pt'>TM tonyfamilia</span>!!

  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    What is up with people thinking that hardcore players WANT to spend money? lol

    Is this a way of making people who doesn't have the money to spent feel better? by accusing people with money to be stupid consumers?

    In fact, I doubt most hardcore even gives a shit about 360 news cause they are already playing VF5. I doubt most hardcores even gives a shit what stick comes out for 360 or not cause it makes no difference or it can just be custom built.

    I'm not even a hardcore player lol, I don't even play VF5 all that much cause of work/lack of time/competition.

    All I'm trying to say is that companies are out to make money, to take advantage of people's lack of knowledge. And this "but it's USB" business is exactly why these companies make money.

    VS:HG is a game peripheral for PS3. If you are not going to play VF on a PS3, don't buy it. If a 360 stick comes out, don't buy it unless you want to play VF5 on a 360. The only reason these things are USB is because there are no other place to plug stuff in on PS3/360.

    What's the point of speculating whether or not they will work on an incompatible platform? Oh, because it's USB and it should be a universal standard?

    DVD is a standard, but do you expect PS2 games to work on X360? or HD-DVD's to play on PS3? Can I accuse you that you want to spend money and think you might be hardcore cause you are buying XXX products based on certain standards?

    What is up with the extent that people go trying to justify their "smart consumer sense."

    Smart consumers don't play games, they depreciate real quickly over time, and 99% of the world don't give a shit about games. Neither does USB/MS/Sega about you having to spent money for them to profit.
  15. tokerblue

    tokerblue Member

    LOL. I don't have a PS3 or Xbox360 yet, but I have two VSHG that I only use for MAME and the PC at the moment. I was avoiding buying any joysticks for the Xbox360, but now I may actually buy these sticks before they are impossible to find again.

    Now I just have to finish my backlog of PS2, Xbox and Wii games before buying yet another console I won't have time to play. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

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