VF5 Brad Thread

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Adio, May 14, 2006.

  1. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    The following comments refer to this (stubbornly hosted) clip: Here.

    0:19: Brad <font color="red">D</font> from [4][K]. This is astounding from my perspective as this has the potential to lead into a whole lot of mischief. He didn’t <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> from [4][K] but he’s yet to have a move where he could duck from and couldn’t slip…so I’m excited. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Heck, he should have had this sort of kick from Evo…but I digress. [4][K] was blocked but it does hit mid and considering the function of it in reality (Teep/push kick/poke) I’d wager that it crouch staggers like [6][P] (Elbow Hook) so that he can capitalize with <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font>.

    I have my reservations though; due to the lack of Brad clips the only proof we have of its properties on hit was this Brad vs Lion clip where [4][K] hits on a light/yellow counter and knocks Lion down (0:31). Now, there are a few possibilities that we could consider:

    1. That the clip came from an earlier build of the game where [4][K] knockdowns on counter. Take note that the latest clips no longer have the “LOCATION TEST VERSION†moniker at the bottom of the clip with the typical VF logo and Sega brand.

    2. When Lion was hit he was in the middle of one of his new stance attacks. Now during the attack he was on one leg for a moment, this may have caused Lion to be knocked down by an attack that wouldn’t have done so if his two feet were firmly planted.

    Personally, I’m convinced that it doesn’t knock down, regardless of hit type (unless it produces a stomach crumble after say a heavy/red counter that would only facilitate the stance follow ups, but that's wishful thinking on my part) as it would completely negate the <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> that can follow from it. So I’m for my first suggestion.

    0:47: Brad performs two mid uppercuts in quick succession from neutral, considering what I could fathom from VFmemo, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that they were probably [3][3][P][P]. However, what’s more interesting is how quickly Brad followed with <font color="red">SL:</font> [P] for the head crumble and the standard [K][P][K] follow up combo.

    VF5memo isn’t the be all and end all of VF5 data so it’s quite possible that it failed to note that Brad could <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> from it. Well, I’m not complaining. Also, as I mentioned about [4][K]’s properties; it may have been tweaked since then so who knows.

    EDIT: The joys of speculation and investigation eh... After examining newer sources and clips it's been adopted by me that what I thought was [3][3][P][P] is actually [6][6][P]+[K][P] and that Brad can go into <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> from that but NOT [3][3][P][P]. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


    All in all, nothing 100% came out of this clip but we did get a glimpse of further additions to Brad. Better than nothing. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  2. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member


    I just thought I'd point out Brad's new [6][4][P]+[G] throw in this clip: Here.

    0:27: I initially gave a description and linked to the pics of it on VF5memo but nothing beats seeing it in action. As you'll see; a down attack is all but assured and I'd sum up the damage of the throw to about 40 dmg, with the down attack totalling it up to 53 dmg.

    I wonder what sort of snazzy name they'll give it...
  3. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif Whoa, that throw is wicked, when I first saw it I thought that Lion had turned his back for a second and that was Brad's new throw from behind.
    Brad's old back throw was kinda lame, he would only knee his opponent once on one side before throwing him to the ground, I always wished that he would, at least, knee him twice, once on each side before slaming them. I'm really excited about that new front throw, that was one of the things that I thought Brad lacked in Evo, for a Muay Thai fighter he should have had more throw options.
    Please keep the info coming, kudos.
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member


    Hells yeah.

    Punch from ducking = high guardbreaker.
    Brad does deepslip and totally avoids Aoi's elbowrush, getting her back.
    Brad has gotten his own heavydown animation instead of Jackys.
    Brad does deepslip>knee>ducking p+k 2p sabaki.
    New combo made from 6p+k after that sabaki involving twin uppers that looks absolutely brutal.

    Good times \o/

  5. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It looks like he can sway after [3][P]+[K][P] now. Am I seeing things?

    It looked like the combo was [6][P]+[K], [P], [3][P]+[K][P] (wall hit), followed by ducking [K] /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
  6. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    It's his new [3][3][P],[P], I think.
  7. Kratos

    Kratos Well-Known Member

    I agree with you guys. Brad is a whole lot better this time.
    Good for me bad for the others. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    The vid rocked !
  8. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    If you look at the first page I'm pretty certain the combo was 6p+k>p>6p+k+g>PP>ducking K. Man those ducking PP's came out fast though and with that low recovery / options from them (he can slip from aswell) the options seem endless.

    Will be interesting to see if you can't do 6p+k>p>6p+k+g>PP(G)>66k or other fun stuff.

  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    If you look at the first page I'm pretty certain the combo was 6p+k>p>6p+k+g>PP>ducking K.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What specifically is on the first page to support this? I tried looking but didn't see anything.

    I don't think those double-uppers looked anything like his ducking [P][P].

    Like nobody said, I'm inclined to think its his new [3][3][P][P].
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    The fact that you after ducking PP you now can go into ducking or slipping motion (or finish with a third P). Last move definatly looked like ducking K. I'd imagine 33pp would have to much recovery after for you do it to do a ducking knee afterwards.

    Edit; Well it looks like two elbows and not like the first is a cross so it's probably 33pp which has a ducking / slipping option afterwards to it as well that hasn't been rapported yet. All of this is kinda a huge change in Brad as compared to earlier when you were fucked after ducking pp etc was guarded isn't it?

  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I think the biggest clue was that you can't buffer stance attacks for Brad, like you can for Lei. After the standing [P] he immediately went into the double uppers (at first I thought they were elbow attacks too, but after closer look they definitely look to be uppercuts with the fist).

    If Brad could buffer stance attacks I'm pretty sure we'd have heard or seen them by now.
  12. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    To be honest; come to think of it he might be able to now and we need to rethink how he uses things. In the beginning of this thread I talked about his new deepslip lowpunch (from spin) and Adio said he's sure that he can do it from standing now, without deep slipping (DD) cause it came out to fast - remember that?

    Also; he goes into ducking p+k sabaki (which sets up the whole combo we're talking about) hellafast from the spinning knee attack (which I don't understand).

    I know it's farfetched but I'm not ready to rule out that it is ducking PP again and even more that Brad actually -can- buffer stance attacks now in VF5.

  13. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Hi guys. It’s good to see more people commenting on Brad… /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    0:43: Looks like Brad’s <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P]+[K], VF5memo mentioned that it would give adv on guard but an actual guard break property is great and can only bolster his offensive potential. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    1:04: With regards to his moves from his new evasive <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font>, [8]/[2] I’d wager that he performed <font color="red">SL</font>, [2], [P]+[K] (A modified [4][6][K]+[G] Pap Sok Kao). Other than <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font>, [2]/[8], [K] (a high hitting jumping knee/Kao Dode that causes a head crumble) it’s the only technique from this position that we haven’t seen in a clip yet. What’s even more interesting is its properties on block; either it allows Brad to <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> or it gives enough adv to input [6][P]+[K]+[G], [P]+[K] and beat [2_][P]. Either way it looks good to me.

    1:06: With regards to the finishing combo (which looks like it will be a more profitable alternative in a corner after [6][P]+[K], [P], rather than finishing with [6][P][K]) at the end of round 2 of the Brad vs Aoi clip; I would agree with nobody that it was [3][3][P][P] and not [3][P]+[K][P] that was used.

    EDIT: Now that we have further clips as reference we can now be fairly certain that we actually saw [6][6][P]+[K][P] and it's that new move NOT [3][3][P][P] that Brad can <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> from.

    Forgive me KiwE, but I think you might have mistaken it for <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P][P][P] which is the new string that allows Brad to <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> from the second [P] of the string. EDIT: Brad can't <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> from the first [P] of <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P][P][P] as I originally believed.

    On top of that, it seems that my initial theory on Brad going into stance was correct when, in this latest clip, he follows [3][3][P][P] with <font color="red">D:</font> [K], just as I had suspected when he performed <font color="red">SL:</font> [P] from [3][3][P][P] against Eileen in the clip at the top of page three.

    EDIT: Again, now that we have further clips as reference we can now be fairly certain that we actually saw [6][6][P]+[K][P] and it's that new move NOT [3][3][P][P] that Brad can <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> from.

    Trivia: I like what seems to be his idle stance when he performs <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font>, [8]/[2] without imputing an attack: It’s a defensive measure used to cover yourself after turning your back from say a missed spinning kick like [K]+[G] or <font color="red">D:</font> [K]+[G] for example. I’m starting to appreciate Sega even more for developing his style in accordance with proper Muay Thai techniques. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  14. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    It would be nice if [8]|[2][P]+[K]+[G],[8]|[2] had [1][P]+[K] properties.
  15. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    nobody said:

    It would be nice if [8]|[2][P]+[K]+[G],[8]|[2] had [1][P]+[K] properties.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It looks like it, doesn't it. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif But I'd rather not say yet. Could you imagine the potential if it were though... Brad could instil fear in opponents much like Sarah does from her <font color="pink">Flamingo</font> stance with regards to [2_][P] but with MKs, SKs and MCRs!

    …Fingers crossed. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  16. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Dude, just outta curiosity...
    why must u always highlight Flamingo in pink?

  17. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    SummAh said:

    Dude, just outta curiosity...
    why must u always highlight Flamingo in pink?


    [/ QUOTE ]


    It should be obvious by now considering that I’ve been a member for five odd or so years that I’m rather…anal, when it comes to details. It’s a quirk *shrug*; I always make use of the [G][P][K] command icons and I prefer abbreviations and the like. My reasoning way back then was that since flamingos are <font color="pink">pink</font> I might as well refer to Sarah’s stance in that colour to further distinguish it.

    I’m a sucker for consistency so when I started the trend I felt compelled to continue it… Too this day I feel uneasy if I don’t do so, nor if my posts aren’t grammatically correct. It’s just not proper. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    Maybe it’s a compulsive disorder… /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
  18. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Another point I want to address in that Brad vs Aoi clip: up0062.wmv.

    Link: http://www.hk-vf.net/staging/frame_set/tv.html

    1:33: Brad performs a standing knee with his hind leg that floats Aoi on a counter, he then shifts into [6], [K] that rings her out. In VF5 so far Brad’s [6][K] has been reanimated so that he uses his front leg for the knee…

    So I’m a little confused because in this following clip: PESARAH_vs_karisumaBRAD.wmv.

    Link: http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~yacin516/

    0:19: Though it’s at an angle and misses Sarah you can see that it’s the same knee. Perhaps it’s not [6][K] reanimated again but rather [4][P]+[K]; it’s one of the few new moves that hasn’t been covered in a clip that Brad can supposedly <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> from and other than that piece of info that VF5memo (or rather I, examining VF5memo via Babel Fish) gave, there’s no indication of what sort of attack it is.

    The thing is, if I’m right then it’s in direct competition with [6][K] (which is back to floating on any counter) so I hope it has some other property (advancing with his hands up alludes to a sakaki imo). Otherwise it could suffer the same fate as [2][K] and [4][6][K] in VF4. Ultimately, your guess is as good as mine.

    0:42: This excites me greatly; Brad performs a standing knee from his hind leg but with his arms by his sides in a thrusting manner, emphasising the force behind the technique. Though this strong looking knee misses due to a TR, Brad follows smoothly with a mid hitting push kick that connects!

    I’d put money on this being an actual string and better yet; Brad goes into <font color="red">D:</font> [P][P] (Cross Upper) so it has stance potential too! Considering my initial point about the first knee I mentioned potentially being [4][P]+[K], could it be possible that this knee > push kick string is an alteration of the infamous [4][6][K] (Step Change Knee)?

    This is purely a theory but considering that [4][6][K] back in VF4 was poor in comparison to [6][6][K] (Kao Loy) maybe Sega got smart and decided to make the command viable this time. Just from examining the animation of the initial knee strike you can see that it looks visibly more powerful than [6][K] and in reality, the use of the hind leg rather than the leading one would make it so anyway…it fits the criteria of being a knee that changes Brad feet position.

    I’m pulling at straws here but in lieu of an official move list VF5memo doesn’t mention any other new moves from a standing position that could be interpreted as [K] based and I’d be delighted if [4][6][K] had a [K] follow-up, especially an outreaching Teep that could then enter his stances like his new [4][K] can for lots of potential damage. Its reputation could be the reason why it wasn’t noted too…

    0:55: Brad’s OM [K] is a knee in the same vein as his <font color="red">SR:</font> [K] (Piercing Knee) in terms of appearance.


    Sega have been impressing me in VF5 with their development of Brad’s Muay Thai that it would sadden me if he didn’t have a Kao Tone > Teep combo. He’s got so many punch and elbow techniques as it is, they should concentrate on [K] strings imo.
  19. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member


    I just want to make an amendment: Now that I believe that we’ve seen <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P]+[K] I’ve gone through all the Brad clips released to date from the usual sources and realised that I’ve mistaken it for <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P] on more than one occasion.

    <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P] is distinguished by Brad’s trademark “shhh†breathing while <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P]+[K] sees Brad exhale a more forceful “hmmph!â€Â

    Now that the distinction has been made I’ll retract the point I made about Brad being able to <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> from <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P] like he can from <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P][P] (stated on VF5memo) because in truth it was actually <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P]+[K].

    I’d give actual proof with clip references but most of the links featuring Brad are down and I don’t have a way to host the clips from my HD. Suffice to say; if you have the clips on your own HD, check the following times for these points with this crude guide:

    “Brad vs Pai in the city (arguably Jacky’s) stage.†(23.2 MB) - 1:18: After an “Excellent†victory in round three Brad performs <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P]+[K], you’ll hear the tell tale “hmmph!â€Â.

    1:19: Immediately after <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P]+[K] Brad does <font color="red">D, D</font> into [P][P] before the replay and the eventual start of round four. Listen out for the “shhh†on the first [P].

    “Brad vs Lion in the carved out canyon bed (arguably Eileen’s) stage.†(28.5 MB) – 2:41: After winning round five Brad does <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P]+[K], <font color="red">SL:</font> [P].

    EDIT: New data presents too strong a case to believe that <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P]+[K] has <font color="red">D</font>, <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font> capabilities. Rather, it's the frame adv from its confirmed guard break and staggering properties when it hits that gives the illusion of what I thought to be the case.

    The subtle sound differences beween <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P]+[K] and <font color="red">D, D:</font> [P] still stand however.


    I planned to provide links to clips that showed all his new moves but that’s gone to pot too. I’ll edit my third post on the first page that has the VF5memo translations as well for consistency.
  20. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    up0101 has Fuji Brad going slip-crazy. Notables are his retreating punch to slip ([4][P]+[K]?) and a knee I can't place in the third round that looks like his SL[K].

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