VF5 Brad Thread

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Adio, May 14, 2006.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Adio said:
    4. An additional win pose, probably earned, seen here: up0103.wmv'

    Link: http://www.hk-vf.net/staging/frame_set/tv2.html

    Brad skips at the waist from side to side then throws a downward angled spinning kick while hollering triumphantly:

    "Might makes right!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks for settling that. Nobody in swe could make out what he said; I could've sworn he said "My mixed 'roiiiiids!' haha /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    Btw, you had some info on Brads 2/8 p+k updated as well. Can you direct me to clips where it has been seen? I'm very interested in this move.

  2. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    "My mixed 'roiiiiids!" /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif

    Seriously, no problem mate. Happy to help. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    With regards to [8]/[2][P]+[K] - Beyond the "three sources" I've yet to see it in the clips that have been released so far. It's been described as being very similar to [4][P]+[K], only that it can go left or right. [4][P]+[K] is seen at 0:20, 0:21 and 0:34 in clip: up0101.wmv.

    Link: http://www.hk-vf.net/staging/frame_set/tv2.html

    Just as [6][6][P]+[K][P] seems similar to <font color="red">SB:</font> [4][P]+[K][P]. As far as I know there's only a single pic of [8][P]+[K] - In the Brad section of VF5memo:

    Link: http://www.geocities.jp/lettuce1781/locationtestinfo/brad.htm

    The pic is linked to the actual command on the page. Just reverse it in your mind, and you're looking at [2][P]+[K]. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  3. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    The following comments refer to this clip: up0112.wmv.

    Link: http://www.hk-vf.net/staging/frame_set/tv2.html

    0:15: No sooner does the round start than we get our first look at [6_][K] = A high angled “Dtae Wiang†or Round Kick. Since Brad doesn’t follow through with this kick as he does when he performs [K]+[G] (High Spin Kick) he has more control of his kicking leg and delivers it with speed and accuracy rather than sheer power.

    In a Muay Thai fight a high kick, if delivered with skill, can seal a boxer’s fate or win the match in an instant. So to look at the damage it dishes out to Wolf on a normal hit I wouldn’t blame you if, like me; you thought it was a little low…

    Yet the worth of this new technique becomes readily apparent at 1:25: Again Brad cunningly starts the third round with it and this time Wolf was caught in the act for a counter that caused a head crumble. From here, like any head crumble situation; Brad had the opportunity to apply the “tried and tested†[K][P] (Stepping – Mobility Jab) and rather than finish the combo with the canned [K] to form the (Teep Combination), the Brad player feels adventurous and goes for <font color="red">D:</font> [K] (Ducking Knee Upper) for admirable damage in total.

    What makes [6_][K] appealing to me is its speed “off the line†to potentially peck an opponent out of their offensive for the head crumble. When you consider that <font color="red">SL:</font> [P] (Smash Hook) is bound to its stance, the retreating nature of the new [4][P]+[K] and the allegedly evasive [8]/[2][P]+[K] are all punch techniques that, intrinsically, have less range than a kick, [6_][K] shines brighter not only because of it’s superior range but also for it’s practicality; it travels forward.

    When it hit initially at 0:15 we see how it smacked Wolf’s head to the side (I liked that…) for about as long as it took Brad to put his kicking leg back down, and at 0:44 when it’s blocked Brad has enough time to attempt an evade before Wolf threw him so it appears to have decent recovery, at least breaking even on a hit and not presenting a guaranteed throw opportunity for your opponent then they guard against it.

    If the above proves true then the ability to use it at a moments notice is balanced by its relatively low damage, it hits high and lack of potential for anything to follow it outside of a counter, where it shows its true colours. And aren’t they pretty indeed. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    0:28: Brad’s new throw; just in case you missed it in the earlier “Location Test Version†clip against Lion where it debuted at least, I think so, within VFDC… Here you can see that when combined with a small down attack, that the Wolf player couldn’t escape despite his/her best efforts, it delivers a credible amount of damage. Unfortunately, due to Wolf’s stature there’s a bit of clipping in the finishing frames of the throw. But here’s hoping that this gets sorted before release.

    It’s worth noting that the input for this throw isn’t confirmed. Two out of the three sources believe that the command is [3][P]+[G] while the other thinks it’s [6][4][P]+[G]. On one side the former makes the throw easier to dish out yet tying it together with [3][3][P]+[G] (Face Fang) would put arguably his strongest throws under the same escape direction. While, if it were [6][4][P]+[G] it would be paired with [4][P]+[G] (Neck Slash) – A throw that doesn’t do the best damage but isn’t possible to TR from, making it dependable in a crunch.

    Yet, if you really want to think about this… If you put two reliable throws under the same escape command then, when in a dire situation where a throw opportunity presents itself and you need every ounce of pain you can give your foe. If your opponent has uncanny yomi skills they might anticipate you using your safest throw and input [4][P]+[G] as their escape vector (remember kids, too much Star Wars rots your vocabulary) and beat your throw attempt…

    Isn’t Virtua Fighter the greatest!

    So really…it doesn’t matter. Brad players will use it imo because it looks slick, especially as a round or match finisher. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    0:52: As I mentioned in a review of an earlier clip which featured the [2][P]+[K][6][P] (Last Shot) string I spoke of how this command from VF4 seemingly conflicted with Brad’s new [8]/[2][P]+[K]. I won’t go into detail about all that again but I do want to bring to your attention that in this instance we see Brad perform what, in VF4, would’ve been: [2][P]+[K][P] (Shovel Hook Double). So now that we’ve seen the beginning, end and most of the middle of the string, I think it’s safe to say that rumours of its death have been greatly exaggerated… /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif

    0:58: Jumping [K] while descending is a “Teep†(Push Kick)! Yes! This is the sort of mentality I’ve wanted to see applied to Brad by Sega in respect to his techniques. It’s as if they actually hired a Thai boxer this time round and asked him/her what Muay Thai actually is, because until FT they sure as hell had been watching nothing but Van Damme films and playing Tekken 4 for inspiration! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    …With that off my chest… I think it’s great that Sega are further distinguishing Brad, and all characters for that matter, visually. I believe that in order for game developers to convince consumers of a character’s credibility in a certain field that they actually have to do some bloody research. Having Brad perform a “side kick†originally in VF4 would be akin to a boxer kicking their opponent in the bollocks. It’s just not in their mindset, a part of their style and repertoire of techniques that would’ve been honed over considerable time and effort.

    It's not even just an aesthetic change either as when it hits it shoves Wolf way back, as it should. A “Teep†is a stab at an opponent’s vitals, usually around the chest area much like one would thrust a spear at the belly, chest or head of their enemy (you may have heard a Nak Muay refer to a certain part of their body used in the art as a “weaponâ€Â). As in any martial art; there are practicalities and philosophies behind these techniques. The point of pushing out with your leg is to intercept an incoming attack, repel it at its base and hopefully break a rib or two in the process. I’m so glad Sega are coming to terms with this concept.

    1:11: I don’t know; AM2 must have had a coup between FT and development of VF5 because the person/people who had the brilliant idea to actually study the martial art they’re trying to recreate seems to be in the driving seat, as they’re really making an effort this time round to make the animation for Brad’s kicks look authentic. Here we see <font color="red">SB:</font> [K], reanimated to look like a credible Thai-style kick aimed at about thigh level. To those in the know you can see the explosion of power as Brad turns his hips over; whipping his leg at the opponent (not snapping it), his kicking leg bent slightly in this instance to better embed his shin into the target area for maximum effect. Textbook stuff and most appreciated. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    1:32: Brad performs his new [4][K]+[G][K] = The first part; the knee is blocked by Wolf but is caught out by the following push kick that knocks him back in the same manner that Brad’s altered jumping [K] while descending does. Also more importantly, due to the distance this and probably his [4][K] counterpart create for Brad you’ll notice how the player’s attempt to capitalise with <font color="red">SL:</font> [P] was wasted as Wolf was too far away. This new scenario will therefore present Brad with an opportunity to make use of <font color="red">D</font> and <font color="red">D, D</font> to close the gap or <font color="red">SL</font> and <font color="red">SR</font>, [8]/[2] to potentially harass his opponent from an angle.

    1:45: At last…the ever elusive <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font>, [8]/[2], [K] makes its first appearance to date, isn’t it beautiful. Though it’s performed after the match is won we can still see it’s relatively quick and of course will naturally head crumble the poor git who gets it in the face. Worth mentioning is that until this clip was released I initially thought this technique was a “Kao Dode†or Jumping Knee from the pics I’d seen in VF5memo’s Brad section. Yet seeing it in motion you notice that Brad doesn’t leave the ground and thus this knee kick would be considered a “Kao Kang†or Lateral Knee and is referred to as “Kao La†or Farewell Knee when used immediately to counter a linear attack from the side when the opponents has left themselves open for punishment. Which I guess this is sort of...

    Just in case you wanted to know… /versus/images/graemlins/deadpan.gif


    The past three clips have arguably shown more new moves and techniques than all the rest combined. OK, perhaps I’m exaggerating just a tad but it can’t be denied that the latest clips have gone a long way towards fleshing out Brad’s new moves and overall direction as a character. And so far, I like what I see, a lot.

    With me it’s the little things; better animations, more appropriate attacks that take his fighting style into consideration, rather than the merit of each individual new technique. To be honest, without the certainty of frame data, all we really can debate till the cows come home is whether X and Y new attack looks good, or has been tweaked for the better in this latest version of our beloved series rather than whether it has. Though, that’s fun too. I’m doing it right now after all… /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    In closing; along with <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font>, [8]/[2], [P]+[K], <font color="red">D:</font> [K]+[G] I’m really looking forward to dishing out <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font>, [8]/[2] [K], [K]+[G] for tons of style points; just as the Brad player graciously demonstrated at the end of the match, and he/she was just hitting air at the time. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  4. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Considering [6_][K] is looking incredibly similar to Vanessas OS move with the same command, I'd wager a guess that it's special High.
  5. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Sure, it’s possible, I guess. Examining the VF4 FT frame data of Vanessa’s [6_][K] (High Kick) = Exe: 16, Block: -2, Hit: +2, <font color="gold">LC:</font> +4, <font color="orange">MC:</font> cr.h, <font color="red">HC:</font> cr.h.

    Considering that Brad’s counter dependent moves have all been "smoothed out" across the counter ranges, perhaps AM2 are getting rid of counter level specific properties…

    It does look very appropriate, though to me Brad's new [6_][K] looks like it inflicts 18-20 dmg rather than 15 dmg.

    He could certainly do with a H* classification for his "[P]-cancel" strings though. Just so that he could deliver them at close range without fearing a [2_][P] and force his opponents into the nitaku situations of his [4][K][P] and [4][K]+[G][K][P] variants.
  6. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Van's [6_][K] gives head collapse on all forms of counter hit in VF5 (like it did in Evo) and Brad's just strikingly similar in many ways.
  7. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    The following comments refer to this clip: 6-23_23_3_LEI-FEI_vs_BRAD.wmv.

    Link: http://www.hk-vf.net/staging/frame_set/tv2.html

    0:33: A dismal performance from the Brad player...he/she just didn't know how to deal with Lei-Fei's flamboyant style. The only conciliation is actually a fair trade when I consider it: Here we at last see <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font>, [8]/[2], [P]+[K] actually hit (it makes a distinct sound too…), ironically it's in a clip where Brad is soundly trounced (blindfolded no less), but I figure we've been lucky up till now. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    What's important here is that <font color="red">SL</font> or <font color="red">SR</font>, [8]/[2], [P]+[K] staggered Lei-Fei, not stumbled as I'd garnered from "VF5mobile". It still presents Brad with a strong opportunity, just not in the way I thought earlier. It’s comforting to have the facts in front of me though.


    This is how it's going to be till we get the move list: I'll watch, read, interpret, comment...then edit. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  8. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    It appears that our friend at "BBX" has acquired a full move list. Whether it's from Arcadia #75 I don't know, but it's worth a look none the less.

    Though, with Arcadia #75 just around the corner, with its glossy pics and usage of the universal [G][P][K] icons making it easy to interpret; I'm going to hold on till then.

    Link: http://bradburnsx.hp.infoseek.co.jp/vf5-waza.html
  9. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Article - VF5 Brad Combo List
    Author - Ohsu Akira
    Source - Myke
    Translation - Noodalls

    1. Counter hit [2_][3][P] [6_][P] [4][K]+[G][K]
    2. Counter hit [2_][3][P] [6_][P] [P][6][P][K]
    3. [3][3][P][P] [6_][P] [6][6][P]+[K][P]
    4. Counter hit [1][P] [4][K]+[G][K]
    5. Counter hit [1][P] [4][6][K]+[G]
    6. Counter hit [6][K] [6_][P] [6][6][P]+[K][P]
    7. Counter hit [6][K] [6_][P] [P][6][P][K]
    8. Counter hit [6][K] [6_][P] [6][P][K]
    9. Counter hit [6][K][6] Ducking [P][P] [4][6][K]+[G]
    10. Counter hit [6][K][6] Ducking [K] [P][6][6][K]
    11. [6][P]+[K] [6_][P] [4][P][K]
    12. [6][P]+[K] [6_][P] [6][6][P]+[K][P]
    13. Counter hit [6_][K] [6][6][P]+[K][P] stomach side [2]or[8] slipping right [K]
    14. [6][6][K] [6_][P] [6][P][K]
    15. Counter hit [6][6][K] [6_][P] [6][P]+[K] [6][6][K]
    16. Minor counter or above [2][P]+[K][6][P] [P] [4][P][K]
    17. Counter hit Slipping right [K] [6][6][P]+[K][P] stomach side [8]or[2] slipping right [K]
    18. Counter hit Slipping left [K] [P][K]

    After combo 1's [4][K]+[G][K] you can deal with any kind of movement with okizeme, making it strong. Against opponents that don't roll, you can get a small down attack. Combo 2 is guaranteed in open stance. It will work against heavy weights as well.
    After the [3][3][P][P] in combo 3, you can get basically the same combo after [3][3][P].
    While slipping under high attacks and giving a combo on counter hit, [1][P] is a strong and important attack. Accurately confirm the hit! Combo 5 works on all characters, and even if you're slow in confirming the hit it will still work.
    After the [6][K] in closed foot stance, combo 6. Combo 7 will work in open stance. Combo 8 will also work after the [6][K] in closed stance. Combo 9 will work after a counter hit [6][K][6] in either stance up to Lau.
    Counter hit [6][K][6] into combo 10 will work in closed stance for best damage.
    After [6][P]+[K] if the foot stance is open combo 11 will connect. After [4][P][K] with the joystick you can go into special movements, meaning okizeme is possible. Combo 13 works on all characters. It's easy and moreso powerful.
    Combo 15 will work when in open stance after [6][6][K][K]* for best damage, on characters up to Jacky.
    Combo 16 will work in open stance. In closed stance add [6][P][K].
    Combo 17 will work on all characters, for high damage. Against lightweights, the final slipping right [K] can be exchanged for ducking [P][P] for big damage.

    *Pretty sure this is meant to be [6][6][K]
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Thanks noodalls!
  11. Gebudiah

    Gebudiah Member

    Here is Brad Burn's command list for VF5

    Strike Attacks:


    Jab-Spin Kick:

    Jab Straight:
    [P][P] ([6] to Ducking, [2] or [8] to Slipping)

    Combination Low:

    Jab-Body Straight:

    Grinding Knee:

    Grinding Knee-Catch:
    [P][6][P][K] (counter hit) [P]+[G] (To Catch)

    Combination Upper:

    Combo Double Knee:

    Elbow Hook:
    [6][P] ([6] to Ducking, [2] or [8] to Slipping)

    Elbow Hook-Screw High Kick:

    Spine Whip:
    [4][P] ([6] to Ducking, [2] or [8] to Slipping)

    Lumpini Combination:
    [4][P][K] ([6] to Ducking, [2] or [8] to Slipping)

    Lumpini Combination-Catch:
    [4][P][K] (counter hit) [P]+[G] (To Catch)

    Sit Jab:

    Rising Upper:

    Jolt Upper:

    Ti Sawk Combination:

    Gazelle Upper:

    Gazelle Combination:

    Sharp Shoot:


    Stepping-Mobility Jab:
    [K][P] ([6] to Ducking, [2] or [8] to Slipping)

    Teep Combination:

    Teep Combination-Catch:
    [K][P][K] (counter hit) [P]+[G] (To catch)

    High Kick:

    Knee Upper:
    [6][K] ([6] to Ducking, [2] or [8] to Slipping)

    Flying Knee:

    Stop Kick:
    [4][K] ([6] to Ducking, [2] or [8] to Slipping)

    Fake Jab:

    Body Crush Middle:

    Quick Low Kick:

    Step Change Knee:

    Cutting Low:

    Low Kick:
    [2_] or [1][K]

    Double Strike:
    [2_] or [1][K][K]

    Turn Sobat:
    [2_][4][K] ( turns around)

    Middle Kick:

    Middle Kick~Catch:
    [3][K] (counter hit) [P]+[G] (To Catch)

    Ti Sawk Bon:

    Sawk Klab:

    Short Upper:

    Upper Combination:
    [6][6][P]+[K][P] ([6] to Ducking, [2] or [8] to Slipping)

    Fading Hook:
    [6][6][P]+[K][2] or [8][P]

    Step-Out Hook:
    [4][P]+[K] ([6] to Ducking; [2] or [8] to Slipping)

    Shovel Hook:

    Shovel Hook Double:
    [2][P]+[K][P] ([6][P] to Last Shot)

    Shovel Hook Triple:
    [2][P]+[K][P][P] ([6][P] to Last Shot)

    Last Shot:

    Fading Smash:

    Destruction Body:

    Ti Sawk Ran:

    High Spin Kick:

    Tornado Combination:

    Step-In Knee:

    Front Kick:
    [4][K]+[G][K] ([6] to Ducking, [2] or [8] to Slipping)

    Pap Sawk Kao:

    Jaguar Tail:

    Over Step Middle:
    (In Defensive Move) [P]+[K]

    Body Blow:
    ( In Offensive Move) [P]

    Quick Knee Kick:
    ( In Offensive Move) [K]

    Ducking Attacks

    [6][P]+[K]+[G] ( [4] to Sway Back; [8] or [2] to Slipping)

    Body Hook:

    Cross Upper:

    Ducking Knee Upper:
    [K] (can be charged)

    Ducking Knee Upper~Catch:
    [K] (counter hit) [P]+[G] (To Catch)

    Death Trap:
    [P]+[K] (sabaki: LP)

    Gazelle Upper:
    [P]+[K] (sabaki) [P]

    Middle Spin Kick:

    Long Ducking Attacks

    Long Ducking:
    [6][P]+[K]+[G][6] ( [8] or [2] to Slipping)

    Quick Hook:

    Ti Sawk Ran Combo:
    [P][P] ([6] to Ducking, [2]/[8] to Slipping)

    Double Ti Sawk Ran Combination:

    Quick Knee Kick:

    Double Knee Combo:

    Corkscrew Straight:

    Crush Knee Kick:

    Arrow Kick:
    [6][K]+[G] (turns around)

    Sway Back Attacks

    Sway Back:
    [4][P]+[K]+[G] ([6] to Ducking; [8] or [2] to Slipping)

    Sway Back Jab:
    [P] ([6] to Ducking, [2]/[8] to Slipping)

    Sway Back Middle Kick:

    Sway Back Straight:

    Combo Cutting Elbow:
    [P]+[K][P] ([6] to Ducking, [2]/[8] to Slipping)

    Combo Elbow Middle Kick:

    Rajadamunan Combination:
    [P]+[K][P][K](guard or hit) [3][K]

    Cross Counter Hook:

    Sway Back Low:

    Slipping Right Attacks

    Slipping Right:
    [2][P]+[K]+[G] ([6] to Ducking; [8] or [2] to Slipping)

    Body Break:

    Piercing Knee:

    Waving Body:
    [P]+[K] ( To Slipping Left)

    Slipping Left Attacks

    Slipping Left:
    [8][P]+[K]+[G] ([6] to Ducking; [8] or [2] to Slipping)

    Smash Hook:

    Hunting Middle Kick:

    Hunting Middle Kick~Catch:
    [K] (counter hit) [P]+[G] (To catch)

    Waving Body:
    [P]+[K] (To Slipping Right)

    Fading Turn Attacks

    Fading Turn:
    [8] or [2][P]+[K]+[G][8] or [2]

    Flicker Jab: [P] ([6] to Ducking, [2]/[8] to Slipping)

    Chopping Blow: [P][P] (can be charged)

    Grand Sweep Hook: [2][P]

    Face Crush Knee: [K]

    Double Crusher: [P]+[K]([6] to Ducking,[2]/[8] to Slipping)


    Elbow Slash:

    Body Knee Crush:

    Neck Slash:

    Hold Elbow:

    Face Fang:


    Pap Sawk Kao:
    (opponent's right side) [P]+[G]

    Reu Impact:
    (opponent's left side) [P]+[G]

    Power Gradation:
    (behind opponent) [P]+[G]

    Neck Catch Attacks

    Elbow Slash:

    Gokko Ti Kao 1:
    [K] (1st attack)

    Gokko Ti Kao 2:
    [K] (2nd attack)

    Gokko Ti Kao 3:
    [K]/[K]+[G](3rd attack or performed as 1st or 2nd attack)

    Position Change-Right:
    [2] (1st movement; remains in Neck Catch)

    Position Change-Back:
    [4] (1st movement; remains in Neck Catch)

    Position Change-Left:
    [8] (1st movement; remains in Neck Catch)

    Right Through:
    [2] (2nd movement; exits Neck Catch)

    Back Through:
    [6] (2nd movement; exits Neck Catch)

    Left Through:
    [8] (2nd movement; exits Neck Catch)


    Death Trap: [1][P]+[K] ( Mid K, Side Kick, Mid Spin K)

    Well there you have it. My sources for this information was VFBBS and the Virtua Fighter 5 Command Book that came with Arcadia #75. Since the Virtua Fighter 5 White Book is already out, expect some updates to this list until I get the book. Until then, enjoy!!!
  12. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Gebudiah, welcome to the forum and thanks for the info!
  13. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Man, this is type of boxer that I like. I love the new evasion. I love Steve Fox in Tekken 4 but then they made him to overpowered thus took away his box nature. Brad is just the type of character I like. I haven't seen any good vids of him yet though.
  14. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

  15. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Man, I found some good vids of him now and wow!! Sebo, that vid you posted was too good!!
  16. Rekano

    Rekano Member

    To be honest, I havn't been this hyped about a Fighting Game character since Maxi in Soul Calibur.

    I'll definately be reading these threads more than posting in them(well, unless I ever get some hands on with the game before Xbox 360 release and develop questions).

    For me, It's all about nailing those KNEES! Those POWER KNEES!
  17. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    I hate your avatar. Jacky ftw.
  18. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    yo Jerky, he'll get his fair share of dum dums and rimrockers, gotta represent for my fallen comrade unconk... it will be time to rock and roll that face off cause the big time player is here...
  19. Rekano

    Rekano Member


    It's staying then.
  20. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    I'm with Jerky on this one...Bo Duke > Luke Duke.

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