VF5 Brad Thread

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Adio, May 14, 2006.

  1. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, I heard Brad is alot different in this game.

    I don't know much about him but I'm trying to learn him for this one for a little fun. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I'm doing the basic series and combos from the EVO tutorial and reading up on strategy for him in EVO. He is crazy fun.

    I would like to know what Brad players think are some good series, flow charts for the boxer. I've been brain storming flow charts for the new Sarah (my main), but I'm no expert on Brad so what do you think will work with Brad in VF5?
  2. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. I will be watching some more videos on this but I'm just curious how people are using the double duck (DD) in the fights. I love the p+k stagger out of it but you just can't go into Ducking without getting d+p. Give a brother some tips!!
  3. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Found some interesting thing about Brad this weekend!!

    Brad has a 0 frame throw from D/B Throw. If you buffer in d/f, d/f after after the end of animation he will have a back throw. At the least if you are a little late your a buffering in his strongest throw.

    I love K,P6~Sway options. Too me his most aggressive and safest way to get moving and aggressive!!

    His crouch dash is really good but using d/f+p. Makes him very aggressive as well

    I seen in a video that you can tech roll and buffer in the Phase Shift input. Looked realy good and evade a lot of stuff. Something I need to test out today.

    Question, what makes 4PK worth using over K,P? 4PK is a high mid that has the same -6 disadvantage at K,P but K,P hits mid and has longer range?

  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I think biggest advantage to 4P, K over just K, P would be the distance and speed 4P, K has. I too like K, P to start my sway strings but the initial K is fairly slow in comparison to his P starters for the sway.
  5. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I highly doubt the back throw is guaranteed after surprise exchange. I think your opponent is slow upon reacting while backturned from the initial throw.
  6. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    True that! You're better off trying to pull off Brad's back throw after his Right/Left/ Back Through from Neck Clinch. This throw leaves your opponent more vulnerable than his Change 7p+g.

    KrsJin, I agree that 4P has more reach than k and it does execute one frame faster but his K P connects way more due to the fact that it's a mid, his 4P misses crouch dashers and you'll get hit by attacks that go under high attacks, a lot. You can get Neck Clinch from the Lumpini Combo when you counter but you can get it from K after KP also. It helps if you condition your opponent NOT to expect you to do the last K.
    Also when guarded 4p leaves Brad at -3 while k leaves brad at -1.
    KP > 4PK

    UnsafeDan, try Brad's 66P+K P, sip left/right, ducking. It's a really great tool to close the distance and go into Brad's sipping and ducking attacks/throw game. Switch it up by doing 2P or 8P instead of just P after 66P+K. This hook will leave your enemy sideturned if it connects, you can go into the side attack/throw game from there and it's a pretty safe move to do even if the opponent blocks it PLUS it hits opponents that sidestep the initial punch AND it gets a Super Replay /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
    Brad's Front Kick 4K+G K is an awesome mid/long range move because he can go to Sipping/Ducking from the kick or he can FAKE the kick and go into his Fake Jab-middle/low.
    This Fake is not listed even in the in-game's movelist but it's a really good move once you've conditioned your opponent to expect the kick. Hope this helps /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    I think 4PK is great because 4P is half circular, and even if it IS crouchdashed under (which depends on when you use the move), you can go straight into Brad's special movements from it (including ducking > P+K~).

    I'm not saying that KP isn't useful, but in some ways it's just as risky because you need to do the high P follow-up before you can go into Brad's special movements. In some ways it leaves you in the same spot.
  8. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is is DancingFighterG. tonyfamili, I LOVE 66P+K, P. Great move that closes that gap and the 66P+K, 2_8 P sidesteps and puts you off axis for sideturn hits. The fact that it's safe and goes into ducking options makes it one of Brad's best moves.

    I personally like K,P more but I can see people's points with 4P, K. The cool thing about 4P, K is that you can buffer in throws a little bit easier in my opioon and it closes the gap quiker as well. I try to mix them up as much as possible. Keep them guessing between the high, mid and mid high. Both moves have there there good points
  9. tnpr

    tnpr Member

    any brad ver b.combos???

    hey dancingfighter g lol yes im using brad /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    VF5 v.a amd V.b are the same thing move list/combo/gameplay wise. Or so I've heard.
  11. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. ok, I have grown an fine appreciation for entering ducks/sways/phase turn with the simple 6_4_2_8P+K+G. After trying to abuse K,P and 4P, K last night I found that I get better results just using 6_4_2_8P+K+G. From a distance 4K or 4K+G, K works really well to bridge the gap and go into sway options. Any other suggestions to force sways options on people?

    Also, my friend show me this as well:

    Using brad's 46 throw, after that do 46P+K if they tech or not. If they DO tech roll it's a back stagger which leads to follow-ups. You can also do 6P that staggers as well. Really nice but takes practice!!
  12. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Hmm, two questions doods.

    From B-Rad's long ducking.

    Is there a better combo followup off of K, K then OM, 2P, 6P, K?

    And also, on this combo, has anyone else had trouble landing the combo from both sides on certain opponents? An example would be with Kage, I seem to land the combo fine if I OM to his right side, but not his left. At first I thought it was lack of dextarity on my part lol, like I might struggle doing the OM left and not right, but I never once got it if I went to his left side. I'd land the 2P, but couldn't follow up with 6P, K.

    (Oh also, how do I do the icons for PKG and arrow directions? I hate typing and reading numpad stuff lol.)
  13. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    There's two that are easier and one of these gives you oki if they tech-roll:
    (long ducking)/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif simple, easy, effective.
    Or if you want to do more damage /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif
    the last hit will not connect against the heavier middleweights and up, unless they're back against a wall. But if they are not and they tech-roll after /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif then you can apply some pressure with /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif from ducking (or any of the other options from slipping/ducking/swaying/long ducking). From (long ducking) you can delay the last /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif of /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gifa long time so after conditioning your opponent, try doing only the first /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif and buffer in a throw. Checkmate!

    Also with good timing you can hit them with /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif or
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif or dash in close and /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif and a light down attack... for some less impressive combos :s

    If you want to use the icons for PKGetc. Just click reply and when the reply window pops up you will see a little /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif in a square, click on that and that's where these icons are at.

    Yo, DancingFireFighterG /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    Abuse his 66p+k p and go into ducking,slipping, etc. from there also dont forget when you use 4k+g k you can fake that last kick and go into Brad's p k or p 2+K.
  14. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Awesome man, thanks for the help on that.
  15. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Thanks Tony!! I've been trying to find the best way to go into sway options for a while now and I must agree right that is the best way due to the sidesturn the the hit does. Another question, against characters like Pai, Aoi and Sarah getting my offense is a problem? What are your suggestions against these fast characters? I personally try to keep in mid range so I can hit but then back out so these bitches won't be up in my face. I get REAL FUSTRATED because I feel that Brad doesn't have the speed (surprising) to keep the momentum in his favor. Suggestions? I started abusing 4K+G,K for spacing purposes. I didn't now that you could fake the last K in this string. Does it work the same way as 4K, P, 2K_K option?
  16. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Yo, yes it does.
    Brad's mid and long range game are great but his CQC (close quarters combat) is not. (lol, I got that from MGS3)
    If you use his P; 2P and 6P too much you can become too predictable and even though he doesn't have a whole lot, here's a few that have helped me out most of the time:

    Phasing Smash- 8P+K (causes head crumple)

    Step Out Hook- 4P+K (causes h. crumple; can go into Slipping/Ducking/etc.)

    High Kick- 4(hold)K (causes h. crumple on counter; special high so it hits opponent out of low attacks including low punches)

    Jolt Upper- 3P; it's only 1 frame slower than his Elbow and you can press P again to go into his Dtee Sawk or go for the throw/middle attack. Keep them guessing.

    Stopping- K; (connect with P and you can go into Slip/Ducking/throw options/etc.) simple but effective, when up close only do when you have advantage but with a lil bit of room you can use it to turn the momentum of a fight.

    That's what I do. It may not be the best but Brad doesn't really have a lot to work with up-close, but with evading, ETEG, crouch dashing, etc. you can turn the tide on any CQC fighter. I'm still learning myself. Also check out some of the exhibition matches. I learned some really good stuff from those. There's a lot to learn from these matches as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrUqeldzkxs

    I wish that guy gave classes, lol.
  17. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting that first vid hombre. I never even thought to use that damn /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d_.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif that much or in those situations. Just one more thing to add to my game /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  18. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    What the hell can Brad use as RN at a larger diss? 2_4K seems like suicide if you get backcrumbled by a simple midkick, 46k etc is useless now, 1p is shit on mC etc etc
  19. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    For RN Brad still has 2_3P (guarded -8)and, believe it or not, when I'm attacking at a disadvantage I sometimes throw out
    6(hold)K (guarded -6)
    I'm also trying to incorporate his 8p+k (guarded -1) and from Evo I still throw K out there. I think that's why they named it Stopping. I need to get out of the habit of spamming his P K so much (can cancel the kick and go for the throw, I love that crap)
    His 1KK has saved my ass a few times and so has his Shovel Hook

    Hope that helps.
  20. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I'm talking about attacks that won't clash with a throwattempt. For me the entire clashsystem seems kinda fucked up when chars like Lion can do 44k while combocharacters like Brad / Akira can't do more then 2p. Besides that, moves like 2_3p and 6_k are better used at an advantage aren't they Tony or am I reading your post wrong? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

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