VF5 community numbers after SCIV release

Discussion in 'General' started by funkpanda, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. 33

    33 Active Member

    unfortunately, soul gauge/critical finish sounds more like gimmick than enhancement - i'm not even sure why you'd want to penalize someone for good defense.

    but, sg/cf isn't so much the reason i'm indifferent, it's just that not much else seems to have changed system-wise. too much emphasis on adding cheesy characters and some new moves.
  2. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    All I can say is that SC peaked at 2, and it seems to be going down hill from there. They need to make all these "special characters" to hook casual players, it seems pretty lame to me. With no arcade release how can it be truly balanced? I think I'll stick with VF5 and hopefully R will come to consoles. Other than that I can't wait for SSF2T REMIX. SF4 looks ok, just wondering how it plays.
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I agree, calibur series has been on a steady downhill lately. Since they again go the road of console-release first, I suspect same thing happens as before. It will be riddled with bugs
  4. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    I wonder if you could use this as an advantage. Fighting such an opponent must be very confusing. What happens if you get hit while flying that way?
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    On Finnish site we theoretisized that it will cause uncontrollable bursts of laughter in your opponent leading to variable frame-advantage. ( /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif )

    Of course, thats small fry compared to the variable-cancel.. Players broke SC3 in a week after relase. Thats hard record to break..
    Arcade-release first...is a good idea.
  6. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Any VF players that are permanently lost to soul calibour when the game arrives I'm happy to get rid off.
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine what it must be like having to guard SC's many canned string with lag...
  8. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    I have a feeling with all the new characters the game is gonna be very very unbalanced.

    And I hope they have better online than Tekken 5:DR on PS3. Otherwise online is just gonna be a mess.
  9. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Here's the character list. WTF is a bonus character??? Looks like a lot of characters to REALLY balance the game. I'm sure there will will be one super-character and only the people who use him will say the game is balanced...

    Although I must admit I want to use the dude named Lizard Man. Based on his name alone, he will be my main. If the game is TRULY balanced, then that should work out just fine.


    Returning characters

    * Amy
    * Astaroth
    * Cassandra
    * Cervantes
    * Ivy
    * Kilik
    * Lizardman
    * Maxi
    * Mitsurugi
    * Nightmare
    * Raphael
    * Rock
    * Seong Mi-na
    * Setsuka
    * Siegfried
    * Sophitia
    * Taki
    * Talim
    * Tira
    * Voldo
    * Xianghua
    * Yoshimitsu
    * Yun-seong
    * Zasalamel

    New characters

    * Algol [17]
    * Hilde

    Guest characters

    * "Starkiller" (The Secret Apprentice)
    * Darth Vader (PlayStation 3 version only)
    * Yoda (Xbox 360 version only)

    [edit] Bonus characters

    * Angol Fear (designed by guest artist Mine Yoshizaki)
    * Ashlotte (designed by guest artist Oh! great)
    * Kamikirimusi (designed by guest artist Hirokazu Hisayuki)
    * Scheherazade (designed by guest artist Yutaka Izubuchi)
    * Shura (designed by guest artist Hiroya Oku)
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    If you look back...

    The number of members of VFDC went up during time of SC II, and
    SC III.

    Sure... the number of posts 'might' go down for a while because you have a lot fighting game enthusiasts on this site that are definitely gonna play SC IV. But as I've said in the past VFDC is actually bigger than just the game VF. its a community with some members that have been around for a decade!

    Serious players of VF have far too much time and energy invested in VF to just leave because some other new game comes out. They didn't do it for SC, SC II, or SC III and they won't do it for SC

    Ironically, I think the Soul Caliber franchise creates new VFers. Tekken, DOA, SC are all entry level drugs. A certain percentage of the players of all these games will eventually become VFers.

    So in answer to you question I think we will eventually pick up more members on VFDC as a result of the release of SC IV, although the number of VF related posts[/size] might go down for about 30 days. We might see an increase[/size] in posts about SC IV[/size] on VFDC as VFDC players play the game. Keep in mind that many of the reviews of SC IV will naturally compare it to VF. That alone brings curiosity to the noobs that have never heard of VF.

    That said. Soul Caliber is the best weapon's based fighter on the market.

    We're planning a little gathering in Youngstown where SC IV will be used to identify the top 5 or 6 players and then VF will used
    to pick 1rst, 2nd, and 3rd place from those.

    That's a little whacky, but its how we introduce new players to VF in Youngstown OH. We have combined tournaments whenever a new fighter comes out. We'll do the same for Tekken 6. We usually pick up at least a casual VFer and one serious VFer using this approach.
  11. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Soul Calibur has always seemed more like quantity over quality. It's all fun getting everything (sometimes), but once you've done that (if you can be bothered to - I gave up in SCIII and went back to Evo), there's no real incentive to keep playing, as everything about it feels inferior to VF.

    Also, the adding of Star Wars and other characters that have no relation to the series is a decision that says to me that the developers were thinking "we have no confidence in our franchise's characters so we're adding in all these wacky unrelated ones in an attempt to boost sales". Strangely though, I didn't feel that way about the ones in Soul Calibur II.

    Back on topic, the way I see it on the numbers is as follows. VFDC has 11,233 members at time of posting. However only a small percentage of those members actually stick around and post regularly. We may lose a few that post sporadically and gain a few that do the same, but I highly doubt SCIV will make a huge difference.
  12. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    I've always had a love/hate relationship with SC. Really cool gameplay ideas and design. BUT, it has always been broken. Wich stops being fun after a while. I expect this one to be the same case. Maybe Namco will patch it after the broken stuff starts getting out of control. Maybe not. I will NEVER stop playing VF. Cuz after getting angry for losing over some broken stuff in SC. I can aaaaalways come back and enjoy VF. However I'll give SC4 more time just to have fun at local tourneys. Since gamers in my country are stupid and dont play VF. Because they are afraid to lose since they can't abuse stuff like in Tekken or SC. SC being more "balanced" since u get more defensive options. But I tell u. Once VF5R is out for consoles, I will dedicate all time to it. As for 2D's.... fuck that SF EX 4. Im waiting for SF 2 REMIX and KOF 12
  13. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    Putting Yoda and Darth into SC is really a stupid idea. They should stick with the normal characters, because they're cool enough. What is cooler than mastering Voldo? (I mean in SC, I don't want to see answers like: "Mastering Akira")
  14. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Watch some SC3 JP Tourney vids and you'll see why lol. Defense was too easy for how powerful it was in 3 apparently, and matches epitomized everyone's image of turtling lol.
  15. Kyogaa

    Kyogaa Member

    Personally, I'm a SC and Tekken player. I grew up with VF (although I'm still incredibly young), but I have since picked those up as my favorites. This is probably because I'm rather new to playing games seriously (about maybe 4 years, started with DOA 3) and the fact that I actually played SCII and SCIII most around my the point of my "enlightenment" to competitive gaming. Even still, it's a rather tough decision now that I've had a taste of the wonderful VF community, and its impressive dedication to the game. It's a strong enough community where I don't think it'll be affected at all by SCIV.
  16. 33

    33 Active Member

    why not just have highs, mids, lows, specials, and use all three dimensions?

    seems like namco just put a half-ass band aid on, and said fuck it.
  17. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    they have those- the big issue is that throwing isn't a threat in SC due to the range and cruddy grabs compared to VF.

    SC4 seems to at least be somewhat more aggressive.

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Since this is a SC thread, I must post this...

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JccM9MqJ0hg&fmt=18"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JccM9MqJ0hg&fmt=18" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    Don't even get me started on post-Soul Calibur I's hit collision.

    Anyway, I mainly play SC for other friends who play and Voldo at this point since the series has gone so downhill now. The game might as well read "Your Ad Here" on the case with all the bonus/licensed characters now. Hell, from what I've read, the bonus mangaka designed chars are just palette swaps. Project Soul isn't even trying anymore.
  19. 33

    33 Active Member

    i don't have a problem with namco attempting to be original in dealing with turtling and a broken system, but the oppty to instantly kill someone for "successful" blocking? if i'm crouch blocking and you keep attempting to hit me low, why is namco forcing me to do something different, rather than forcing you to do something different? i understand that you could be described as the aggressor in that situation, but you're also behaving irrationally - don't understand why you should be rewarded (or conversely, why i should be punished for behaving rationally).

    you're right about throws sucking in the past, but i guess i'll give namco a pass on the throw issue, since better/more powerful throws would open up a whole 'nother can of worms for sc.
  20. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    block less parry more.

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