VF5 Final Showdown Announced for PSN and XBL

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 23, 2011.

By Myke on Aug 23, 2011 at 7:25 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]From http://www.sega-australia.com/news/?n=5290

    "LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO— 23rd August 2011—SEGA® of Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that Virtua Fighter™ 5, the latest title in its celebrated fighting franchise, will see a grand update and expansion released as a standalone title for both Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.and PlayStation® Network. The new game, entitled Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, will contain a full overhaul of Virtua Fighter 5’s mechanics, balance and animations, along with new game modes, new dynamic fighting arenas, a massive collection of customisable character items and two all-new characters added to the roster. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is expected to be available in Summer 2012."

    Other News

    Also check out Gamespot's announcement which includes a short interview with SEGA about the home version features.

    From SEGA's facebook page, along with the console announcement is news that Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown will be playable (via arcade cabinets) at PAX!

    It has begun.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 23, 2011.

    1. Burning_Typhoon
      I never told you guys to quit your bitching when you were trying to petition sega to bring the game state-side... Only to lose hope when you thought SEGA changed their mind...
    2. AnimalStaccato
      SEGA is up shit creek atm in a lot of ways. VF5 didn't sell well. Releasing it as a digital only copy is smart because you don't have to print of loads of discs that people might not buy.

      If people support this game then the future can only look brighter for VF6 and SEGA in general. I hear what you are saying Typhoon, but in the current climate, a physical copy of VF5FS would not be particularly sensible.
    3. KillerSkilller
      OMG finally after 4 years they are releasing new VF version Final Showdown. I just can't believe it. I hope my 360 will last until next year and if it does it's definately day 1 purchase and btw small question. Will we be able to change music in game so that if I want to have some stages have music from 5 or R or FS because I absolutely loved Virtua Fighter 5 Kage's stage music and Akira's Statues music in R. THANK YOU SAGA even though you have been ignoring many many VF fans all over the world for years but still THANK YOU.
    4. Myke
      Burning_Typhoon, please pay no attention to Kamais_Ookin.

      For the longest time the site had to endure his bitching and whining that VF5 was dead, and now he's back, sticking his nose in where it's not wanted, bitching and whining at everyone else for their opinion.

      Some people just never learn.
    5. Burning_Typhoon
      Yeah, it's just that everyone's not going to have the game... Here's another thought... Limited prints that can only be ordered through sega's site... I wouldn't mind that either. Just as long as I can get a physical copy... You don't have to have them all shipped to gamestop, best buy, and target.

      Yeah, I understand.
    6. Rare_Entity
      While Sega has yet to announce a price, a $60 price point is extremely unlikely. All things considered a 20 to 30 dollar price seems more realistic.
    7. MAtteoJHDY

      My 2 cents are:

      The game is not coming out on DVD. It is expected to sell poorly. It will sell about 40K is we are lucky. Sega is doing this for us, for the people of VFDC who signed a petition and showed sega that we are VF until the end.

      Sega is going to lose money on this. there is no way they are going to make a profit. the DLC is to minimize losses, but losses will be.

      the good thing about DLC is that it cant be resold. so people who are on the fence wil not be able to buy a second hand copy one month after launch for 99 cents. its either everything or nothing.

      IMO there is a chance of people buying this game out of curiosity. there are a lot of newbies online all the time, mostly randoms spamming, but at least they're there.

      So, losses. VF is going to sell poorly. its a fact. we wont see MK sales, we wont see shit, its just us, VFDC people, playing the game regardless.

      You can chose to join this community of players or remain outside it. so many here stopped playing VF5 and now they are coming back because next year FS is coming out. TBH, it doesent make sense to me, but hey, everybody needs a break sometimes.

      so, do you have an xbox? if you do, lets play online sometimes. if you dont, maybe somebody here maybe lives near you and you could meet up. we are getting old and old people become more tolerant and easy to get on with.

      the people who post here saying "I wont buy the game because..." they are not just cutting themselves out of VF, they are also cutting themselves out of the community. TBH, it think its sad, but hey, what can you do.

      PS: I just read your post on the VF petition. It seems you only have a PS3 and you dont have VF5 and you havent owned a VF since VF1?

      I recomend you check who else in ohio is playing the game and make an effort of become acquainted with the game before FS drops, otherwise you will be destroyed online against the people of this forum and it will be frustrating to no end, waiting for years for FS to drop and then coming to term with the fact that most of people here have played the game for 10 years or so, solidly, every week, and you have only had just a few hours of practice.
    8. Burning_Typhoon
      Well, you've already answered your own questions...

      I do not play on 360. I even refuse to buy games for it, play online, etc.. It's not that 60 bucks a year to play online is a lot. It's just I could always, always, always find a better use for it.

      A gift for a friend, or spend it on something more practical. I just can't justify it. And, a fighting game on 360? lol.. Right... Also.. No HD while using stereo speakers? No Wifi either?

      Anyway. I used to absolutly hate Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike... The parries, no air gaurd, and, comboing just wasn't something I was used to..

      However, I'd gotten SF:III online... Why? The menus were awesome. And so, I've picked up on how to play the game properly.. The first three days online, I'd lost every battle.. But, since the fourth day, my odds have gotten better.

      I used to love MvC2 for how it was, but... today, with more experience in fighters, I still love it, but, can also say spamming is heavily rewarded in that game.

      So, I don't think I need to worry. I can see that Virtua Fighter, like Street Fighter III is a technical game, and, I'm sure I'll make the jump just fine. There will be tons of newcomers, and, with the recommendation system on PS3, and more fighting game fans on PS3, I'm betting that one will do much better.

      You guys, (SEGA included) are underestimating how well this game is going to do.

      Punch, Kick, Guard, Block... All I need to know until I get the game next year. I'm going to have to do some searching for my main... I mean, I had no idea I would main Chun-Li in Street Fighter III. I thought I would have mained Makoto, Ibuki, or Ken like I used to, but, it's all about finding a character that fits with me.. and, I'm thinking about Alex, or Hugo as secondary mains, even Elena, but, I have to spend time, to see who fits best.

      And, same case with VF5.. I'd rather wait until I got the version I'm playing and go from there. Outside of the ones in VF4, and Eileen, I don't really know the rest of the cast...

      Most of the Tekken and Street Fighter players are already going to pick this game up. Then, maybe three months later, a ton of good players are going to rise.

      PS: Wow, I just read the post again myself... That was a long time ago... Sonic 4... I hated that game long before it's release, and didn't buy it.
    9. MAtteoJHDY

      I dont know what to say. I hope you are right, maybe it will sell well, maybe we are too jaded here at VFDC

      And maybe you will also be able to pick the game up in 3 days and 'play the game properly' on the 4th...

      Looking forward to see you online!
    10. 5haolin
      As a Seattlelite and ex-frequenter of Gameworks I was fortunate enough to get hands on with the game after leaving PAX. Day one buy, I can't even look at vanilla Goh the same anymore...
    11. Sudden_Death
    12. THE_WALL
      Really excited for the release of VF5 Final Showdown. I will deffinately be picking up the game for both systems.

      For any one questioning why they are doing digitall download let me take u back to when I got my copy of VF4 EVO. Long story short I had to wait 3 days after street date to get my copy because it wasn't x titled FPS shooter. It will be nice to download the game in about and hour or so after midnight of whenever they release VF5FS game instead of waiting a few days later.

      It would be nice to have a hard copy! If they did for some odd reason decided too do it it would have to be on a pre reserve basis only.
    13. SoulKatana
      thx 2 sudden, trailer = pure climax
    14. noodalls

      Mention of some new VF news coming. Really hope that it's not the next big thing (VF6) given that we just got word that VF5FS is coming, would very much spoil that. Like crashing a car that you're still paying for.
    15. Chanchai
      I agree... I would rather have a VF6 announcement at NEXT YEAR'S TGS (not this year's).

      Granted, that would be my selfish view because outside of Japan, we'd like VF5FS to succeed, have a chance at having populated scenes, and well... succeed!

      Though I can imagine that from the perspective of Sega, "We gotta stimulate our arcade business more before arcades completely die out!"
    16. DurViener
      I hope it's not VF6. It would be better for them to wait till the new consoles come out, since every sequel to the series was a major jump in graphics. If they do, then just imagine how awesome the game's gonna look then. Plus, seeing the reaction to FS would be another thing that would help in the development in the game.
    17. ScoringJohn
      I can hardly wait!!!!!
    18. Richkwondo
      GOD Damn it, I didn't crush you all. the prophesy was not fulfilled.

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