VF5 Final Showdown Announced for PSN and XBL

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 23, 2011.

By Myke on Aug 23, 2011 at 7:25 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]From http://www.sega-australia.com/news/?n=5290

    "LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO— 23rd August 2011—SEGA® of Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that Virtua Fighter™ 5, the latest title in its celebrated fighting franchise, will see a grand update and expansion released as a standalone title for both Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.and PlayStation® Network. The new game, entitled Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, will contain a full overhaul of Virtua Fighter 5’s mechanics, balance and animations, along with new game modes, new dynamic fighting arenas, a massive collection of customisable character items and two all-new characters added to the roster. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is expected to be available in Summer 2012."

    Other News

    Also check out Gamespot's announcement which includes a short interview with SEGA about the home version features.

    From SEGA's facebook page, along with the console announcement is news that Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown will be playable (via arcade cabinets) at PAX!

    It has begun.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 23, 2011.

    1. Mister
      Wonderfull News [​IMG]
      Guys this not only means we will have he game we always wanted. This means VFDC will come back to life. I can already see another vf gathering in amsterdam like 2 years ago. I had so much fun with Krye, NGKrush, Marlyjay, and many other guys. I wanna play woffline again with new people too [​IMG]
      This is going to be sooooo fun.
    2. Doomwatcher
      Unbelievable! While the resurgence of fighting games over the past couple years has been encouraging, nothing stands up to Virtua Fighter. This news calls for celebratin'.
    3. Feck
      Playable at this years PAX!

      From SEGA's Facebook news feed - "Very happy to have this news go up for our dedicated and extremely passionate VF community. We will also be bringing two custom Lindbergh Virtua Fighter arcade machines to PAX - check the blog for details!"


      In other news, they won't be unbanning any of us from Facebook.
    4. jerichompm
      OH boy business has just picked up.
    5. man3k
      i'm so happy i came by just to post how delighted i am regarding the VF5FS console announcement! [​IMG]
    6. adriana3
      Awesome news to start the day! [​IMG]
    7. Ylyon
      finallyyyyyyyyyyy, now also some Shenmue news, please
    8. Rodnutz
      usually the ball on the right(Xbox360) is the one I prefer to suck on, but it looks like I'll be double dipping come summer of 2012. I guess that left ball(PS3) won't be so lonely anymore and can finally stop bitching that I never give it any attention.

      Sega you did good... finally!
    9. Shinobi
      As I've said in another topic, I always believed that SEGA will bring VF5FS home. It is a glorious moment for VF fans. I'm more than happy to see SEGA understands that the future of VF is the home consoles. All VF5FS needs is a little promotion from SEGA and a lot of love from fighting fans.

      We are back in business baby !
    10. DarkVincent
      Ops. It's my pants, they got all creamy inside.
    11. mitsuruga
      Is someone going to PAX? I`d love to see some FS videos [​IMG]
    12. JKTrix
      Thanks SEGA, will buy twice like I did with retail VF5.
    13. FarOutFreak
      This can't come soon enough. Insanely ecstatic that this is happening.
    14. Vortigar
      They what now?

      I've been staring at my computer screen wild eyed for some fifteen minutes now.

      Summer 2012?

      Ah well, waited this long what's another fr!@#$@#%^@$&#in year?

      I wonder if I'll get back into fighting games then. At least I'll finally have a game I can play somewhat decently online. Would be a refreshing change from getting kicked to the curb 24/7 in any other game. (well, apart from LoL, still going 50/50 there.)
    15. Aidan
      Can´t believe this is really happening...
      I really hoped for a retail game and spectator options, but right now, I don´t fucking care.
    16. AnimalStaccato
      I cant comprehend what I'm feeling right now. I'm pretty much in a state of disbelief.

      ..............took them long a bloody 'nuf.
    17. Tormentosa
      We will meet at last!!
    18. MarlyJay

      If it doesn't happen there or somewhere else i'm sure i can set something up in London. At the very least, this is in time for SVB 2012.

      I'll have to try to get this going in a lot of events.
    19. llMICll
      I have to be dreaming...
    20. Shag
      I think some owe L_A an apology. [​IMG]

      Trust in L_A, I H4Z IT. [​IMG]

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