VF5 Final Showdown Announced for PSN and XBL

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 23, 2011.

By Myke on Aug 23, 2011 at 7:25 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]From http://www.sega-australia.com/news/?n=5290

    "LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO— 23rd August 2011—SEGA® of Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that Virtua Fighter™ 5, the latest title in its celebrated fighting franchise, will see a grand update and expansion released as a standalone title for both Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.and PlayStation® Network. The new game, entitled Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, will contain a full overhaul of Virtua Fighter 5’s mechanics, balance and animations, along with new game modes, new dynamic fighting arenas, a massive collection of customisable character items and two all-new characters added to the roster. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is expected to be available in Summer 2012."

    Other News

    Also check out Gamespot's announcement which includes a short interview with SEGA about the home version features.

    From SEGA's facebook page, along with the console announcement is news that Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown will be playable (via arcade cabinets) at PAX!

    It has begun.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 23, 2011.

    1. StoneColdSerb
      Like a sleeper cell waiting for a secret command I have been checking vfdc every few days waiting for THIS announcement!

      Thank you SEGA!

      Thanks to everyone who kept asking for this to happen!

      This is awesome!

    2. Shidosha
      problem sega seems to have, is that they DON'T fix shit later, not for us. you KNOW sega's gonna try to release FS on some end all-be all shit, so this is NOT good
    3. Shidosha
      thx for coming and reading, i hope you are considering our list of complaints and talking to SOMEONE out there that can help us out here. IMO, the lack of lobbies and spectating is what made the game die out to the less "hardcore" fans out there. i want this game to go well, i want to see the longevity, im tired of SSF4 damnit! make it happen!
    4. FallingEdge
      wtf @ boycott.

      you guys have to be trolling.
    5. Syzygy
    6. Emerald_Wolf
      SMH @ people talmbout boycottin'.
    7. BlackDragon37
    8. Auvii
      Wow, this is awesome news! I can't wait.
    9. Tricky
      I was right! That is all I have to say. Well and Fn' finally. YES!!!!
    10. SicilianVizzini
      This has been a brilliant news day fo gaming; and took me completely by surprise, shame it is still months away, but glad I bought my Hori RAP V3-SA at the start of the year now to motivate me to play more VF5.

      And speaking of joysticks, has anyone else noticed the prices have been going crazy after each big fight game gets released, but then staying high for those joysticks?

      The spectator mode question&answer is interesting, but I'll be very surprised if VF5 FS doesn't get the ability to launch from with in Playstation home; and then have its own Home space with online Spectator video walls of online matches; especially as home is getting a reboot. Sega will want as many opportunities to sell dlc content, and Home is the most logical place to sell; even to people not playing VF.

      Anyway, really looking forward to this, and now wondering if a sneaky cross-platform version for PS3/PS Vita is in the mix too, like all the other fighting games are getting.
    11. Hated_Greatness
      Couldn't have said better myself. It's as if they take one step forward, followed by four steps backwards. Why put so much focus on making the controls more welcoming to new players, but leave out features that would lure-in and keep said new players?
    12. Kiuju
      no fucking way. holy fuck.
      and here's the extent of the damage
    14. RORY
      But playing fighting games online is shit, why are people getting upset over no spectator mode?
      Feck likes this.
    15. CJA
    16. LostCloud

      Haha! WOW, an announcement out of nowhere. I can't fricking believe this... I can't stop laughing! [​IMG] After 3 years of waiting... This is unbelievable. YES!! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

      I'll definitely be getting it for both systems just to support VF as much as I can. And VF5FS machines... at PAX?! That's amazing; I wish I could go and play it, but August 26th is just too short notice. I think playing it now would make the 1 year wait even more unbearable though! But, damn... a year? I'm glad Sega/AM2 is taking their time and making the best experience that they can on consoles, but I can't wait a year! [​IMG]
      Who am I kidding, I'll wait as long as it takes. I'll just keep playing VF5, but with a renewed passion.

      A new Virtua Fighter game is coming out on consoles. I almost thought that I'd never hear that again. This is one of the best days in gaming history!

      Damn, I'll be able to play Goh in FS. We can all play VF5FS. I can't believe this. <span style="font-size: 11pt">THANK YOU, SEGA!</span> [​IMG]
    17. MP
      Actually it is because of Gaddafi's fall from power. He was the only obstacle preventing Sega from releasing FS. And now that he has gone, it gets released.

      I knew the Libyan's where fighting for something.

      Ps: good to be back [​IMG]
    18. Rayne
      Final Showdown finally arrives and people are bitching about download only and spectator mode. From all the people that aren't whiny babies: Thankyou Sega!

      As for constructive advice on what we would love in the game, I really hope there's a record mode in the training, exactly like in VF4 Evolution. Other than that, just do your thing Sega [​IMG]
    19. Shidosha
      I NEED to get to PAX now - must... record... footage!
      must... ask... questions!

      HELP ME!!!
    20. Brisal73
      If removing spectator and tournament mode would help lag then I am all for removing it.

      However, I am pretty sure if they wanted to create a VFnet Channel for instant replays it would be possible.

      What they really need is a Seth Killian type to promote the game maybe get the director of the game involved.

      Capcom and Namco have laid down the foundation in regards to promotion... SEGA needs to follow suite.

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