VF5 Final Showdown Console FAQ

Discussion in 'Console' started by akai, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    Yea, PSN is alil random where I am in the states as well. E3 is release week so I assume they'll be on point.
  2. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    The answer is not in the original post and I don't want to use the search button b/c "kick button" is problematic...

    Anyway, is there going to be a kick button for online? I know it is abused in other games, but we must have some defense against the jcblacks of the world!
  3. LostCloud

    LostCloud Well-Known Member

    Lost Cloud86
    Shidosha asked that in his PAX East interview with Frank (Around the 1:20 mark):

    I'm glad that I won't have to just get up and walk away anymore when someone like Cooladdy joins. [​IMG]
  4. def

    def Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know for sure if the PS3 version will allow the use of custom soundtracks?
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I believe there's a video where it's been stated that custom intros aren't present. Can anyone verify?
  6. ghostphacEZ

    ghostphacEZ Member

    I don't know about a video but I asked Frank back at the norcal regionals about the custom intros and he said they weren't in it. Personally I think it's a small blow to the console version because they were a fun and clever way to bring insight into the fighter's personalities aside from a story mode.

    Now my question is what about the item win poses? What does my opponent see if my character does a win pose but they don't have the dlc?
  7. lotrzyna

    lotrzyna Well-Known Member

    Point 8 in FAQ:

    "Scoreboards (PS3) or Leaderboards (360)


    Does this mean we will have ranks starting from 1kyuu and going up for online fights separately or will we need to use the same characters that we wil have for offline fights ?
    First option being preferable of course...

    Provided ranks are included in console version ..?
  8. Cathellos

    Cathellos New Member

    Will there at least be base items in the game? Or no?
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    There is probably no specific kick function in the lobby, but from the trailer and what Fank mentioned in the video, it seems like the host can decide which 2 players are going for the next match. As long as the host don't confirm to play with the players like JCback/Siraddy, I think all they can do is occupying the seats and being spectators only. I actually think it's much better cuz these assholes would just re-join again no matter what happen, trust me they will. [​IMG]

    It's time to see what's the limit that JCblack has this time. [​IMG]
  10. 2nd_striker

    2nd_striker Member

    is vf3 music in? wolf's theme was godlike!
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Yes, music from all previous VF games will be present in the console version.
  12. Katsuro

    Katsuro Well-Known Member

    Amen, brother. My favourite track in any VF game, followed very closely by Akira's VF2 theme.

    I hope we can select different music for individual stages rather than, for example, just having VF3's music for every stage in the game.
  13. Cathellos

    Cathellos New Member

    Wow! Ok I know in the internet world people hate double post but my question just got flat out ignored, so...WILL there be based customized items in the game OR NO???
  14. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Not flat out ignored. It was already answered from the first post -

  15. Cathellos

    Cathellos New Member

    Ok thanks. I thought It was the new guy treatment.
  16. LostCloud

    LostCloud Well-Known Member

    Lost Cloud86
    Yeah, Frank's answer was kinda vague, so maybe there is no actual kick button, but man, I still hope that there is. Regardless though, as long as we can do something to stop "The Bane of VF5 Online" (what I call JCBlack and Cooladdy [​IMG] ), I'll be happy.

    Dang! Really? That's disappointing! I've been wanting to use those intros ever since I saw VF5R for the first time.

    With the size limits that they're working with for the console version, I guess I can understand why they didn't put them in (other things are obviously more important), but it really would've been awesome to use them.

    I agree as well, the intros really do add a lot of personality to the characters, and I think that new and casual players would've really liked that. Oh well, maybe they'll be DLC someday. (Yeah right [​IMG] ).
  17. Aion

    Aion Well-Known Member

    I remember Frank telling Shidosha that players in the lobby can set/toggle their status to indicate that they are either ready to play or not. I'm sure you'll be able to kick people though.
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Ranking match includes a disconnect stat. The more you pull, the worse it gets.
  19. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    Sad, you have to have costume packs to play Special Sparring.

    I'm getting them so no worries.
  20. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    I hope its easy to see that stat in the lobbies. I don't even want to start a match against someone who is going to disconnect.

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