VF5 Final Showdown Console Features

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. DepressedHippie

    DepressedHippie Active Member

    They need to make the online mode a safe place for scrubs. I don't know why more games don't rip off Dead or Alive in this aspect. If your a new player you should be able to set up a room to allow players of similar rank in, and keep higher ones out. I know a few of my friends who tried to play and stopped abruptly since they where constantly getting destroyed. All fighting game fan bases are built on the backs of scrubs, and Virtua Fighter needs to make the online mode more accommodating for them.

    Something I don't want to see is DLC. Few games have done it right this gen and none of them where fighters. DLC should be the means to give a game longevity, not to make a fast buck. You may call DLC just icing on the cake, but who in the hell wants to eats cake without icing?
  2. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    what did your friends say about their experience?
  3. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I disagree with this as it applies to VF specifically. Leaving newcomers alone in their group isn't going to grow our community anymore than racking up huge win streaks on them will. Where's the motivation to improve at the game in your scenario? I am skeptical that people pick up VF for the same reasons they get a more social game like WoW or CoD. If they want to rack up a few wins/kills and get rewarded for simply playing the game there are far better options. The game really needs to indicate what's important to know about the game as a new player. Not all of us have the ability (or patience) to explain the game in a way that's easily digestible for new players. It's also incredibly hard to motivate people to look things up without an established context for it.
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    We were all scrubs at one point.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Maybe people could just be a bit nicer to newer players? Rather than just rape the other guy for 3 rounds, play in a way where you both take something from it? This isn't just a VF issue, but in VF it's particularly difficult to beat someone better than you and the standard of people still playing is actually pretty high compared to a lot of other games.
  6. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    I've playing a lot of VF4:Evo Quest mode recently, and it feels great having regular unlocks for items and colours and cash (at least in the initial stages as you work through the ranks) - added to the ability to choose a quest to follow and get more cash for your play if you meet the criteria. The only thing limiting it are the sparse items in the shop compared with so much more available in VF5 Quest's shop. However, VF4 Evo's Quest mode feels like there's more going on with it (with more to do, something constantly to work towards) as opposed to VF5's where all it was was about filling up the orbs rings for items.

    So, I'd really like to seee a quest mode that is constantly feeding the player with unlocks and items, enhancing how the mode feels and gives extra insentive to play through and level up. This would feel less of a grind. If you think of how a game like Call of Duty and Halo constantly rewards players with ranks and perks, etc, if we see the perks in VF as clothing items, icons, titles for customisation then I'd like to be showered with as much as possible in the modes - it's one way of keeping the players hooked.
  7. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Lies. I'd say there's a lot of average players who just happen to know a little bit about the sytem. This games not very intuitive is all compared to other fighting game systems.
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    How is it lies? How many other games do regional or national champs sit online waiting for games and just play anyone who comes along?

    I'm not saying VF is hard to play and i'm certainly not saying it's not very intuitive. I'm saying It's a game where the better player will nearly certainly win and the margins between players become apparent very very quickly.
  9. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    Replays: Another feature I would like is to be able to save replays from literally any match in the game you play. VF4:EVO allowed you to save a replay after any match by pressing the "select" button (PS2 controller) on the victory pose screen.

    Also, with replays, I'd like all ranking points, items, titles and PR quotes to be saved in the replay. With VF5, none of that detail was saved (neither from online matches or local versus play). With online it didn't even show the gamertag of the player when saving a replay. I hope it can be more like Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition, in this regards, where the replay will save your exact rank, icons, etc at the time of saving - and that when it comes to naming the file it gives you a date and time as default name entry, which you can change if you want to and type something else in its place.

    And then, to reiterate, allow replays to be uploaded to some kind of VF.TV network for console! With a voting system, that would be good too.

    PR Messages: Concerning the PR messages that flash up at the Vs screen, those can also be improved because they're a little restrictive right now. If the character limit is increased from 13 characters to 20+ for each line, with the ability to add emoticons. Also, it would be nice to add functional icons to the PR message like facebook, twitter, e-mail, or website: in case you want to display those things online to other people when you play. [Taking this one stage further for interactivity, if there are links in peoples PR messages to websites or twitter, then for the PS3 version, maybe allow those links to be clicked on to open up into the web-browser]
    But either way, hopefully the replay feature should capture exactly what you and your opponants's PR message was at time of fighting so that can also be displayed/archived for posterity's sake.

    Rivalries Local Console: Hopefully they'll be a way to import customised characters from console to console (either by upload/download to server, or by memory card like with VF5 vanilla - but I also hope there's a way to have mutliple user log-in on the same console, i.e. My friend comes around to play VF5:FS and wants to customise his own character on my master account. He picks Brad (for example) decks him out, gives him a user name and then fights my customised Goh. The game records our win/loss ratio on local console (a little bit like how the Pro Evolution Soccer series/Winning Eleven series allows a kind of rivalry. More recently for fighting games, I think a game like Dead or Alive 4 on Xbox 360 allowed this kind of local-console rivialry to be tracked.

    I should then be able to import his saved ghost data into my Quest mode so that I can play his ghost at anytime of my choosing.
  10. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    This "Problem" can be fixed with the vf4evo's training.
    Another idea could be the free training ONLINE between 2 players, like you can do offline.
  11. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    If we don't get multiple player lobbies (which I would be fine with), I'd love a win-loss counter like there is in offline vs-mode. It brings that extra thrill when you see how little you're trailing behind and you want to make up that difference!

    Also makes it easier to do a quick first to 5 or 10 with someone =)

    I think in general it would be good to flesh out the online mode with simple things that make sense, like having the ability to switch characters and stages without quitting the session. Winning items online would be sweet as well, such big hype when you get that colored dragon item battle when fighting a friend offline.

    A huge quest mode-like thing or whatever for online play would be nice and dandy, but I'd prefer the basic online features to be worked out to 'perfection'.
  12. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    In training mode i hope they add more variety specfically choosing a character's moves or set of attacks to practice defensive and evading skills. Also include frame data input/output similar to those youtube vids. Bring back vf4 training tutorial with revamped info on vf5fs additions. Invite other players online to join training mode.
  13. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    A list of every available match online, connection shown in numerical form.
  14. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Yeah, earlier in the thread I suggested just that, along with other possible solutions. "PLAY THE TUTORIAL?" type prompt at the beginning of loading up online mode might help. Pre-generated feedback is always going to be imperfect but at least being able to see what is and isn't working statistically might help too.

    If this is an accessibility-focused update to the gameplay there's really no excuse for throwing people into the deep end like VF5 did. We want opponents who aren't totally lost with what to do. Even if you're an amazing player there's always an opportunity to improve.
  15. DepressedHippie

    DepressedHippie Active Member

    Ultimately training mode only takes you so far, it can give you the tools to win but it is in competition where you learn how to use them. I think if my friends where able to find a group of players simmilar to there skill level whom they where competitive with they would still be playing, thus gradually learning and getting better at the game, till they could have join the big leagues.

    Just like matchmaking in Halo or Call of Duty. You don't start playing with the top players in the world you work your way up to that level and thats what needs to happen with VF.
  16. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    I know this is a long shot, but since Sega is listening. Put Kazuma Kiryu in this game!!! Yakuza3 and 4 were well received in Japan and did ok around the world so why not. I find that he would be a great addition to the cast and Yakuza fans might just pick up the game just cause he's in it. Only factor would be he's fighting style, since the rest of the cast is based on real world martial arts, but Sega can make an exception for The Dragon of Dojima.... Make it happen Sega!!!! thats all i ask.
  17. redtiger

    redtiger Member

    I see your point but adding characters at this point is not a good idea. It's too much work and the character would be unbalanced anyway, since they cannot locktest it.
    But as a skin for Akira or whoever it might be fun yeah !
  18. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    So unfortunately it's unavoidable and I say that because it's done gross right now, but it would be nice to see it done right!

    1. The best way would be, to have the option to unlock items, extras, etc. in-game or pay for it, instead of "Just don't buy it". This worked back in PGR2 for OG Xbox. Have separate icons letting people no how it was obtained would be a nice little feature, such as "Balling Outrages" for those who paid "Path of the Virtua Fighter" for those that unlocked it

    2. If not #1, don't HAVE CONTENT ON THE DISC WHERE THE ONLY OPTION TO GET TO IT IS TO PAY EXTRA FOR IT. This is pretty much the grossest tactic of all time.

    3. Having the extra VS. play modes, win quotes, VF1 character models from VF4, and the items from the VF4's and OG VF5 should not be paid DLC since they were in the previous games. If we got them then without having to pay etra for it then, there shouldn't be a reason we would have to pay now.
    People don't like saying or feeling "Man, we got this in the previous games without having to pay extra..."

    Stuff that would be cool paid DLC as long as it's not on the disc already, would be VF2, 3, and 4 character models, stages . For the ones in 3 it could be just flat versions of them, maybe? I think the stuff we see in the arcade version(specifically choosing music from different VF's) shouldn't have to come with an extra price tag. Finally, Just make the DLC at the very least feel like an extension of the game instead of an incomplete game like Capcom does.

    Almost forgot: If there are DLC which you have to pay for (like the 2-4 character models for example) make it so the other player can still see it, even if they didn't purchase or have no plan to purchase it. I feel bad for the people who bought the cosumes in SSFIV(the ones not already on the disc) to not see them on both sides of the screen.
  19. stormshadow75x

    stormshadow75x New Member

    My biggest concern for this game is the netcode.

    I never played it on XBOX, so don't know what that experience was like.

    I do hope that training mode is exactly like VF4: Evo, I remember playing VF5 on PS3 & it just didn't help as much.

    I'm pleasantly surprised that SEGA is getting involved with the community & hope they market this game the right way to bring in new blood.
  20. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Netplay is good and better than the majority of fighters out right now, but could still stand for improvement. There is a difference but it's not trash like T6 or the SNK games before XIII.

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