VF5:FS Defensive Technique Compendium

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Strider786, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Hi, just noob questions...on -6 or higher (-7,-8-9-10 etc) fuzzy miss,but gte is ok or no? After -6 nitaku? At -6 To avoid throw ,i must attack ? When am i am guarantee throw? And Guarantee attack +15 of higher?
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    yes at -6 is nitaku, either you GTE or attack. Some character could also do K canceled with G to avoid CH launchers and avoid throws a the same time.
    segasaturn96 likes this.
  3. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    Remenb throw is never guarantee only the "grab" your opponent still can throw escape is guess the direction. normal throws takes 10f them you have a guarantee throw at +10.
    Guarantee attack is different, its depends of your faster attack, for example if you are at +11 and you are playing Lion [P] (11f) is guaranteed.
    When your opponent are side turned he need 3 frames to face you, to guard he need to face you first, them (lion again) if you are at +8 and your opponent is side turned [P] will connect if your opponent try to guard, he still can crouch without guard and duck [P]. If your advantage is longer for example +11 them [6][P] (a mid attack that connects crouching opponents too) "is guaranteed" (@Myke ¿some sabaki reversal or inashi works without facing the opponent?) if you are near enough.
    segasaturn96 likes this.
  4. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member


    Why at -6 gte not possible? What is thé différence between -3 and -6...?

    Nitaku is choose to:

    Evade to beat attack
    Guard to beat attack

    Throw escape to beat throw
    Poke to beat throw

    Sorry i begin and my english is very bad( difficut to understand english)
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
    Mister likes this.
  5. Dreamboat

    Dreamboat Well-Known Member

    Attack startup is immune to throws, so if you're at anything less than -10 your attack will beat throw, the throw being quicker doesn't matter in that scenario
  6. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Ok thanks and for other points of my post
  7. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    A throw connects in 10 frames; the ducking anymation (just tapping down) let you be in crouch state after 7 frames. So if you are -3, it means you will be considered crouching after 10 frames (7+3) and in that case the throw will MISS the connection.

    Usually a mid attack will come out at 14 frames (there are exeptions but let's stick with this for now), so if you tap guard and down, you can be able to avoid high throws and stand up in time to block the mid.

    Now you CAN guard and do a lazy throw escape (guarding and avoiding a throw) but this is a GAMBLE while with the fuzzy guard (tapping down while holdi guard and letting it go) you avoid ALL throws. So yeah, you can GTE but is less efficient in this case.

    Now let's move to -4 and -5. Ducking won't do it this time, but there's still crouch dashing which will let you be in a crouching state after 5 frames instead of 7; so -5 and 5 frames to duck = 10 frames. Again you'll be able to stand in time to block mids, in this case the input will be [3][3][G] and you can avoid high throws AND mid hits.

    from -6 there's no way you can duck under a regular high throw so you're in nitaku (two choices) attacking to beat throw, or defend (the way you will defend is up to you).

    I hope these numbers are helpful and give you a better understanding of the core mechanics.
    Dreamboat and segasaturn96 like this.
  8. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Yes. This isnt Tekken. Lol
    segasaturn96 likes this.
  9. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Honestly you should always gte when you guard anyway.
    segasaturn96 likes this.

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