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VF5 Location Test Movies

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Myke, Feb 10, 2006.

  1. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    OMG ! I didn't know ,I'm really really sorry about that.
    Please forgive my insolence and ignorance and keep up the good work your doing.
  2. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    [ QUOTE ]
    GodEater said:
    man, I cannot watch the korean videos. All I get is sound. Is anyone else having the same issue?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I use FireFox and everythig looks fine...
  3. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    well more credit to myke for most of the videos.
    but, nothing beats the rush of a slow download and praying for an hour that its not crappy porn.
  4. zokun

    zokun Active Member

  5. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

  6. zokun

    zokun Active Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    My pleasure, Ogi /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif

    Another VF5 Demo footage at AOU :

    Akira vs Sara (wmv streaming)

    But make sure of that, it may be deleted during a few days from the server.
  7. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    Well i think this is the same footage that was floating on irc. so a couple of comments.

    The akira player really makes an effort to include VF5style into his play. While the sarah is still playing VF:FT. We can see numorous attempts at the new evade attack in this video and the results i must say are really dissapointing. I had high hopes that this new evade attack would prove as a useful counter to many situations in textbook play, creating a more forced yomi situation, but after seeing the move utilized in actual gameplay, i realize the anger with certain japanese players in calling this VF4.5. The reality of this new evade attack is that it is very slow. This once again encourages a safe attack style of play, as FT did with red counters.

    While I cant judge everything on this video alone, graphic gawking finally aside, what I have seen is pretty dissapointing. Im hoping AM2 can step it up a bit more before release or the next playtest.

    Eileen has no last name?
  8. Kratos

    Kratos Well-Known Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    I agree with you PheonixDth, it is dissapointing for NOW... Hopefully, they can tweak the gameplay alot more(fluid) in the near future. It is kinda sad. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    I think people are still not able to get away from the habits established in VF4. Of course, the elimination of the dodge button going from 3 to 4 forced people to change, but going from 4 to 5, people seems to still fall back on the 4 style movements. I see a few successful dodges by the Akira player, but either he does the dodge attack, or he sat and waited. That is a FT style response. I also kept seeing people opening with jabs, people still can't get away from that habit even with the new throw frames and the attack/throw clashes. Well, I'm sure when the frames start to trickle out we'll finally be able to see some different styles of play.

    But yeah, it's feeling a bit like 4.5.
  10. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    Well, at least those new low walls don't seem that risky from this clip.

    Akira [4][6][P]+[G], [P],[P],[P],[P],[P], [2_][4][6][P] against the wall and still no ringout. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

    They're still playing it like VF4, but as soon as the frame data is released, maybe things will change. Throw range is much shorter now, so as soon as AM2 tweaks that new [2][2] evade I'm sure the gameplay will be different from VF4.
  11. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    Ya, once people figure out how to do the VF5 stuff, I'm sure we'll see some more change.

    Old habits die hard. People are reacting like it's VFFT, so that's kind of what we see. Once people figure out VF5 stuff, I'm sure people who play VF4 style will get stuffed. The new sidestep appears to be really slow, but who knows what properties it has? None of us yet.

    I wonder what kind of stuff is possible after that new dodge, and I'm curious to see side/back crumple attacks. I like how the new attacks and sidestep are animated. There's a spot in the last vid, 1:42 or something like that, where Akira dodges a punch and attacks, but Sarah dodges with her attack. I thought that looked really natural. It's almost like Tekken style dodging but much better animated.

    At about 30 seconds, Sarah dodges a punch from Akira after he gets up from her throw and she backdashes automatically (?). It was pretty interesting looking.
  12. zokun

    zokun Active Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    [ QUOTE ]
    PhoenixDth said:

    Eileen has no last name?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, looks like SEGA doesn't give her a last name.

    Btw, I think `Eileen` is clearly a nickname for English-speaking lands. Could you see following character?


    Strictly saying, in Japan (and also China), we can pronounce her first name as ` ai ran`.
    But, of course we prefer to call her by the name of Eileen as well as you all say so.

  13. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    yes, "Love Storm"!

    interestingly, the 2nd character is "Arashi", like Taka Arashi... We can't have the Eagle Storm anymore, but we can have the Love Storm.
  14. InspectorTrue

    InspectorTrue Active Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    So that's why eileen has the word love on her butt.

    I thought that was weird, i thought she was some kind of hippy or something.

    But if its her name then that would make a lot of sense. Sort of like goku from dragon ball, he used to have his name on his costume during the freeza saga.

    I think "ai ran" is her full name, her family name is "ai" ( wierd family name though for a chinese girl) and her given name is "ran".

    I wonder why its pronouned eileen in english, if her chinese name sounded more like "ai lin" it would make more sense.
  15. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    God I feel dumb for not noticing the character.... /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  16. zokun

    zokun Active Member

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    @ KTallguy


    @ akiralove

    Well, that's a bit triviality, but technically, he also didn't have a real name in the real

    world through to the end.

    `Taka Arashi` meant kind of a `sikona`(it means mnemonic name only in sumo world)
    like as `Hokuto Arashi` who is sumo wrestler on the active list.

    @ InspectorTrue

    That's a good idea, although I'd also say using `ai` for the last name instead of the first

    name is very very rare case in Japan or China.
    even if so, I don't know why SEGA addressed her without knowledge of that.

    >> if her chinese name sounded more like "ai lin" it would make more sense.

    Yes, that's something strange for me as well, SEGA should've named her same as Eileen Tung .
  17. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: Be ready. New VF5 clips.

    Just saw this thread, so I'm commenting on an old image, but damn that image of El Blaze pointing made me think of "Ring", the Japanese horror movie. It looks so real it's like it's coming out of the TV.

    Yearly post quota met, back to obscurity. (thanks for the videos and media everyone)

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