VF5 Pai Thread

Discussion in 'Pai' started by InspectorTrue, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN

    Nice set-up:
    [6][P]+[K]+[G](low throw) -> [6][P](stagger) -> [3][K](stumble) -> [P]+[G](back throw) -> [6][6][K][P] -> [P] -> [6][6][P][K] takes ~100dmg /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    BTW: (back throw) [P]+[G] is now 0 dmg throw.
  2. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN

    It seems that Pai's [P][P][P][2][K] has been nerfed. The new animation makes the attack a LOT slower, so mixing up between [P][P][P][4][K] and [P][P][P][2][K] will be a lot harder. Lau's [P][P][P][2][K] seems to come out at the same speed as always.
  3. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member


    Post deleted by Cephiros_VII
  4. HCLightning

    HCLightning New Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN

    Could you reupload those pictures, they disappeared by the time I checked this post.

    I kinda feel bad having a request be my first post...

    EDIT: You can add red to the color variations on Pai's glove items. As seen here:
  5. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN

    Hi i'm first time here on forum, and i have a big pleasing...
    Can u give some links to lot of VF5 Pai pics???

    Cephiros, skąd masz taki fajny avatar???
  6. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN

    Article - Pai Arcadia 80
    Author - Yanaga
    Source - Myke
    Translation - Noodalls

    Up until now, *ubKorK+G hasn't gotten that much attention, but it is a mid hitting move with considerably good propeties.
    The execution fast at the same as upper(cut?) class moves (when does as *ubK+G), knocking down on normal hit and doing more than 30dmg. On guard there are fairly much no retaliatory moves, and it opens up space making it hard to attack. This alone is adequate properties, but in addition it is a sommersault move meaning it is difficult to sabaki, and it is considered airborne during its execution so it will not clash with throws, making it even better. This can definitely be incorporated into matches. Also, the followup *ubKfK has evasive properties at the start, and allows for a combo on hit. Go for it if the opponent tries to retaliate with short ranged moves.
    Although you would probably put *ubK's first use as beating sabaki, other useful applications include after *FCfP or *dP on normal hit. This situation was reasonably high risk when using mid moves to overcome abare standing *P's or low guard, but this move will deal with both situations adequately with reasonable expectation of reward. Also, the properties are strong and the execution frames are long, so it can be used in ukemizem and okizeme easily, and also as a defence agaisnt OM.
    - Be careful in that if you don't do it as *ubK+G the execution will be slower.
    - At the wall, on anything above a standing normal hit it will cause wall splat.

    Options from *bdP+G
    After bdP+G recovering from *standing P is difficult, so going for *PK is the basic options. For characters for whom it is not possible to avoid the standing *P by not recovering, Sarah, Lau, Wolf, Jeffrey, Vanessa and Eileen, it doesn't hurt to think of it as guaranteed. Against characters who can recover to avoid it, standing *K will work on all characters who don't recover. Mix it up with *standing P. Otherwise, against characters who recover in time for the *standing K, a ASAP tsukam is useful. Because it grabs them just as they recover, it's difficult to input throw escapes.
  7. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN

    Article - Pai Chan Arcadia 78
    Author - Yanaga
    Source - Myke
    Translation - Noodalls
    Main important changes in Ver. A
    Pai's changes aren't a major influence on battles, but they do drop her damage output in many places. Firstly, the wall combos with *fP+G introduced last month have been removed. However, the wall hit to bound combos still exist, so you don7t have to be that concerned. The launch height off *D,fP has been lowered slightly, but it won't affect most combos, however for combos like *DfP x3 *ffPK it is now harder to connect. The damage on opponent BT *P+G or opponent BT crouched d_fP+K+G has been altered to zero, but on the other hand the camera switch has been sped up, so it's easier to connect combos.
    The move that has been changed the most is Bokutai *K+G. It now has airborne properties, as it would appear to, and there are no longer guaranteed retaliations for having it blocked. so it is much easier to use. Use it after *bKd where your opponent would attempt to hit you with a low kick. The timing for the delay on *dfPK~d has been increased, and now it will no longer combo into standing *P on counter hit.

    Article - Pai Chan Arcadia 79
    Author - Yanaga
    Source - Myke
    Translation - Noodalls

    This month, we introduce combos from Bokutai *K+G. Remember the combos and implement them in battles.

    A new source of damage from bokutai.
    The biggest change in ver.A is that of bokutai *K+G, allowing the following combos.
    1. FP ffPK
    2. 2P (refloat) ffPK
    3. ufK+G 2P ffPK
    4. dP FCbP ffPK
    Combo 1 connect on all characters in open stance, and in closed stance Akira, Jacky, Lion, Brad and Heavyweights it's worth going for. Against most characters you can add an extra standing *P. Against Jeffrey and Akira in closed stance, they can just-ukemi, so be careful. In closed stance, against the characters on which combo 1 won't connect, use combo 2. The dP ofcombo 2 against Lei, Goh and Blaze can be done asap, but against other characters you have to delay it slightly. Combo 3 will connect in closed stance against characters like Lau etc. but the ufK can be ukemi'd. Combo 4 works against closed stance Eileen.
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN

    Thanks for the translations as always Noodalls...
  9. GsUp1974

    GsUp1974 New Member


    Thanks a lot. I was trying to remember pai's combos, especially her launchers. You helped me out. Go Pai! I still think she one of the tightest players on the game.
  10. Myke256

    Myke256 Guest


    I never liked Pai much in VF4 but I like the changes they made to her and now I'm using her in VF5. Just some quick questions.

    After her 33P+G throw, is her swallow kick not guaranteed anymore? Maybe im just slow but it seems to get blocked frequently. Maybe recovery is quicker or the kick is slower. Any alternatives to use in that situation that do decent damage?

    After 6P->K connects there's a brief stun. Are there any good moves to use at this point? I tried crouch dashing into her [2]6 launcher but it's too slow.

    Fastest midrange attack? I've been using 6P after guarding.

    Last one. On a crouched opponent, does she have a move that staggers? Maybe that will lead into launcher or string?
  11. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member


    her best mid range moves are 6p, 9K+g, maybe 6,6p, 3k
    good follow up for 6p,k maybe just p as its her fastest move at 10 frames, or swollow kick, or 6p again, or go for throw, up to u, bare in mind the you are at -2 disadvantage after on normal hit so maybe go for follow up after counter,
    moves that stagger are 6p(i think), 3k, um notsure wot else, imagine if swallow kick staggered on the first kick, that wud be bliss
  12. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member


    greed!!!!!! wanting more than you need, greedy bull! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif
  13. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member


    this really helped me alot on playin pai and i'm just gonna stick with her instead or maybe have a second char but i dunno i'll get confuse if i try to learn a second char and mess but the pai combos helped me alot and also the sideturns staggers,i'm just gonna print this out to keep i got the command list already and like to thank people for posting up the FAQ this really helps alot
  14. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member


    Sorry to inform you Pai players this, but she no longer gets a low throw after /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif. The opponent gets pushed out of throw range. She can get a low punch to combo after but that's about it.

    EDIT: False alarm Pai fans; you can still dash forward and do a 0-frame low throw.
  15. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    OMG... I was scared when i heard that... By the way how can i do ''0 frame low throw''???
  16. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    It means it's still guaranteed but she's out of range so you need to do a small dash prior, 662p+k+g would be an example
  17. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    Thx FOR INFO /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  18. alleni3

    alleni3 Member

    PAI is Weaken I think
  19. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    Why Pai is weaker, in ur opinion??
  20. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    She's deffi not weaker. End of story.

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