VF5FS Brad: Now With More Shoo Shoo!

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Libertine, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    There is conclusive evidence that "Slipping", "Ducking" and "Sway Back" stances are still in. Though there has as yet not been an example of Long Ducking or Phasing Turn that I've seen.

    The issue regarding Slipping stems from the notion that direction specific attacks may have been removed in favour of a universal range of attacks that can be performed regardless of the direction you slip in.

    Brad vs Akira: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAk0h08xOFk

    Brad vs Akira: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWPfirNkKgU (Wall combo practice).
  2. MuayThaiFighter

    MuayThaiFighter Well-Known Member

  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I think if they've taken out Left/Right Slipping, Long Ducking and Phasing Turn, it really is too much of a simplification. I don't think any of those things would have kept people from enjoying Brad, and for my part, they make him really fun.

    I love checking Brad's body and moving Left/Right accordingly when I want the Smash Hook (which is like the left hook in boxing, punch that broke Muhammed Ali's jaw)

    it's depth that makes it more fun, I hope they aren't also taking stances from Lei etc
  4. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    beginning of 3rd round vs Goh, you can see pretty easily he does Smash Hook from Slipping Right, so looks like you're right about slipping being unified
  6. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Oh snap, I was right!

    I've never been right before. Feels kinda good.
  7. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    The side specific slipping and long ducking and phasing turn were the main things that I thought that made Brad a fairly challenging character compared to the others. Gotta say I don't like the look of that new mid kick counter, it looks really unsatisfying. Should've left it the same but opened up a combo opportunity off of it.

    Why is it that every non wall combo with Brad since VF5R ends with that jumping double knee? I was hoping to see a bit more variety from him in FS.
  8. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

  9. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    I think that's what replaced his mid kick reversal because I haven't seen it once in any of the Brad videos.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yah, it's his mid kick reversal.
  11. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    The speaker said "sabaki" tough :p
  12. MuayThaiFighter

    MuayThaiFighter Well-Known Member

  13. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Earning +15 instead of knock down!
    Brad is ready!!
  14. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

  15. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I noticed that:

    neutral throw -1 DP
    new "3 knees to the head" throw -1 DP
    uf+p jumping elbow > uf+k+g jumping double knees float -2 DP
    f+p+k elbow to the face > df+p+k,p > uf+k+g standard float -3 DP

    ...of course shun still won the match.
    Last edited: May 1, 2014
  16. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Uranaha is back!
    Great fight:
    Brad vs Pai
    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/u3VwbU_3Xko"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/u3VwbU_3Xko" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
    I think Long Ducking is still in VF5FS. Check out after the k.o. in round 1. Brad does Ducking followed by what looks like another Ducking and then does K+G. I might be mistaken and that could just be another Ducking but I think both Ducking and Long Ducking aren't as telegraphed as before.

    Brad vs Lei
    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FNn8NWHegrs"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FNn8NWHegrs" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>

    For all you Brad players looking to get better you guys should check out this guy's youtube channel:

    He's got a bunch of old VF5 vids mislabeled with weird letters like bztgxyt and shit like that but even his oldest vids have a lot to be learned from.
  17. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    I don't think that was a long ducking, there was only 1 shoo and that was for the ducking he did after that like dash/crouching dash or w/e he did that almost looked like long ducking.
    maybe he still has it though.. but I doubt it, they probably mapped things to forward K, P, K+G, P+K instead since before you couldn't do that since you would go into long ducking soon as you hit forward after going into ducking.
  18. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    That point at 0:52 in the Brad vs Pai match looked like a regular forward crouch dash followed by Ducking to me (YMMV).
  19. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    [2][P][+][K][P][6][P] is guaranteed on a minor counter hit.
  20. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Out of curiosity, what source are you referencing that from?

    Brad vs Wolf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXPpFR1LwyA

    GARI1423, the uploader of this clip, seems like someone we should pay attention to.

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