VF5FS Kage Guide

Discussion in 'Kage' started by Koenraku, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I think Kage's punishment is ok, 1p+k is 15f and nets you a good 40+ damage with 1p+k, 1pk and +4, plus his pk is 11f and 1pk 12f for more damage and -15 to -16 he has dpod. 6p into jumonji or shippuujin mixup is a pretty effective punisher at 14f too. From crouch he has knee or dpod to -15 sweeps and his throws are good enough to be scary. Sure, he can't launch too often, but can't have everything I guess.
  2. SHwoKing

    SHwoKing Well-Known Member

    Kage must have the best -13 punisher in the game with 4+P,K. And there's a lot of move with -13 recovery.
    If you're proficient with Dpod, he is also a beast at -15. And don't forget 623[P][+][K] [K]. It is more damaging than 1[P][+][K] [P][K]

    He only lacks strong punisher on low moves as DpoD is still the strongest punisher unless you block some -21 sweep as well.
    Koenraku likes this.
  3. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    If you noticed every character in FS has at least 1 major tool missing. Akira its circulars, for Brad its lows, etc. I've always known that for Kage its a good natural launcher. With that in mind I know that I have to be a bit more creative with him than other characters to float my opponent. Just deal with it or use someone else. I've thought about it myself but I find the challenge alluring so I vowed to stick with him.
  4. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I've always believed this.
  5. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    The way I see it is you don't get many normal hits in this game anyway. He has great launchers on counter hit and that's the main thing. Normal hits only really occur from a few situations unless the opponent has a habit of randomly releasing guard. One situation is beating a failed evade but he has a ridiculous amount of half circulars to compensate for this.

    So we're left wanting to find a way to stop the opponent from crouching a lot since we have no move like Jacky's beatknuckle etc to scare them. Ours are a lot slower.

    The way I compensate for this is through poking into stances/backturned where you DO have better mid launcher options. Once they fear these you can start not going into stance again where you have access to your throws.

    The only other places where a nh launcher is nice are after a backdash where [K]+[G] fills that hole pretty well and on oki where [6][6][P]+[K] shines.
  6. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    [1][P]+[K] normal hit can't be followed by [1][P][K] unless a wall stops the backstagger.
    I have to use [6_][P][K](If this is incorrect,please let me know)
    If [1][P]+[K] lands a counter hit, then another [1][P]+[K]>[6_][P][K] is guaranteed
  7. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    1p+k > 1p+k > 6_pk works from the side on normal hit such as after 6p+g throw from side. From front you need the distance from 6_pk yes.
  8. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Landing 1p,k after 1p+k is range and sometimes stance dependable, but it's possible. From open it seems to be more reliable.
  9. SHwoKing

    SHwoKing Well-Known Member

    I just noticed today that [9][P] is a high full circular with +11 on MC and side turn.
    This means [P][P][4][P] or [P][K] is guaranted after it.

    it is a 30 frm move though but I think it is interesting to add it in the arsenal.

    BTW if you land a [P][K] on side and transition to Shippujin, SH [P] [P] is unguardable. The opponent can only use a tech crouch move or crouch to avoid it.

    PS : I wonder why arrows appear as number when I use them and post.
  10. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Need more brackets.
  11. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    SHwoKing , awesome find thanx

    Yomi, I'm gonna look into using 1pk after 1p+k now that I know, thnx
  12. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Started reading your guide which is actually very good :eek:
    Worked through the command list and didn't have any real problems, the just frame stuff isn't very hard imo, getting the timing down to 90%+ will be interesting but it's nothing too crazy like you said. Kage seems to have some pretty good mixup options and I can already see the moves i'll be spamming :cool:

    Kage seems rather deep so it's gonna take a while to get comfortable with his options, which seem to be pretty vast. Will be dropping time in with him and Vane, i'm comfortable with my Sarah knowledge atm, so I can learn some other characters..
  13. Mr_Rellik

    Mr_Rellik Member

    Thanks for the guide elite. Anyone have any good okizeme tips? I find myself just trying to dash out of range to make their rising attack wiff or jumping and doing the descending K roll. I miss the u/f P+G throw wiff to jump over them.
  14. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member


    Front turned if they tech roll you can try to mix up meaty [6][6][P]+[K] with throw. You can use variations of [6][6][K] into backturned (or not) for mixups or even go for [6][P]+[K] to sideturn them. Pretty much any move that has a long startup you can mess around with since they are mostly safe with Kage.

    If they don't tech and you are dealing with rising kick then [9][K]+[G] owns the low one and can even crush the mid one with good timing. It is also +1 on guard to you so it's even good if they just wake up and guard. [2_][6][K] has 7 hit frames and can crush both rising kicks easily. If you knock them down so their mid kick will be linear (after neutral throw etc) you can try [4][P](hold) and then use Jumonji[P]+[K]+[G] to rape them if they don't recover at full speed. From [6][6][P]+[G] they can't interrupt your stance transition but this throw is ass so don't try that setup too often where you could have had tft. After knockdowns like neutral throw you can also manually hit shippujin stance and try to make their kicks whiff and then hit them with SH[6][P].

    From backturned your options are still awesome. Backturned [9][K] is just amazing if they tech roll. Works meaty from certain knockdowns and is +4 on guard. You also have BT[2][K] and BT[K]+[G] which are normal hit launchers. You also can try BT[P]+[G] catch throw once in a while. If they don't tech you can use BT[P]+[K]+[G][P] to flip over while they do mid rising kick and stagger them or just G cancel the backturned and maybe catch them trying to low kick you with [9][K]+[G].
  15. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Are there any characters whose punishment output is worse than Kage's? Lemme know so I can avoid them. Excepting DPoD@+15 and 4PK@+13, Kage's options are truly unimpressive. Also, DPoD is hurt by the fact that many, many moves that are -15 and even some -16s have too little guardstun to reliably land the DP on reaction, -especially- from crouch. To get an idea of just how much Kage is lacking in this department, come up with your best (no wall) punish for Akira's bodycheck(-32!).

    Kage's punishment options and damage by frames:

    P K[31dmg +4]

    1P K[35dmg +4]
    2P[11dmg +4](crouched opp.)

    4P K[43dmg kd]

    6P[21dmg stance options](crouched opp.)

    2_6K (FC)[40dmg kd](crouched opp.)
    1P+K, 6_P K[47dmg +4]
    1P+K, 1P K[50dmg +4]
    DP K[53dmg kd]
    DPoD[66dmg kd]

    3K K[46dmg kd](crouched opp.)

    4P+K P[40dmg +1]

    46K+GK!K[47dmg kd]

    66P+K[22dmg combo starter]

    K+G[27dmg small combo starter]

    3P P[25dmg combo starter]

    4K+G P+G[62dmg hitthrow]

    9K+G[31dmg combo starter]
  16. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I still don't see how Kage's punishment is bad, he has everything but a launcher for the -10 - -15 range, which is the most common range of moves that can be punished. In this range along with a throw or PK, he has moves that give good frames + damage (1P+K, PK_1PK) or a KND + oki (4PK) 6P into either stance (I'd use Shippujin) is also an alright 14 frame punisher.
  17. SHwoKing

    SHwoKing Well-Known Member

    [6][P] is good as long as you punish to obtain the crouch stagger. It is the best thing to do if you block Lion's [4][3][P] and reluctant to go for the DPoD.

    Here are some stuff i've learned recently :
    [9][P] like I said is full rotative high with [P][P][4][P] guaranted + side. Unfortunately, the move has some strange radius so sometimes the move whiff on a evading character, that's pretty bad. Otherwise, it is usefull on Aoi's Tenchi and can be deadly near wall as the guaranted [P] / [P][P] / [P][P][4][P] (according to distance )after will stagger when the wall is hit.
    I still needs to experiment on this move.

    Also, when you're back to the wall, Myke posted that you can do [6][P][+][G]>[4][6][P][+][K][P]>Wall stagger combo. At a farhter distance IE the one you and your opponent are at when choosing posistion "Player's back to wall" in free training, the opponent will not hit the wall. But you can switch to [3][K][K] >[6][6][P][+][K] or [K][+][G]> [4][6][K] [+][G][K][K] > finisher of your choice.
    [K][+][G] is a bit more restrictive but more damaging.This is 100+ combo and unlike [4][6][P][+][K][P] it is guaranted if you connect with the [3][K] . The only time you'll fail is if you're opponent Abare after the throw or if you are playing an Aoi.
  18. SHwoKing

    SHwoKing Well-Known Member

    [9][P] just because of that strange arc. I will never use it again and this is probably why i've never saw a good japanese player use it, not even once.

    anyway, I have started to search for specific stuff on Taka as I now play against a good Taka player.

    [1][P][P][P][K] is you punishement of choice when possible as it is guaranted on MC and mC. DPoD don't connect.

    Also on Taka, when you finish a combo with [4][6][K][+][G][K][K] and most of the combo against him must finish this way, you can abuse [K][+][G].
    If you do it ASAP, it will hit as meaty so Taka is force to block if he doesn't want to eat a 50+ combo. You have the advantage if he blocks. and the good part is, if he stays on the ground, it will hit him as well. So he has only one option there : ukermi and block or it's free damage.
  19. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    9P... Slow ass High move. Yeah, not probably the best move to use.
  20. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    his [4][6][K]+[G][K][K] doesnt connect on eileen and el blaze in a air combo and only on the wall.

    Is there a way for it connect, like after a major counter hit or is sticking with [K][P][K] the best option

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