VF5FS Kage Guide

Discussion in 'Kage' started by Koenraku, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    awesome find! backwards dashing seems a little too obvious sometimes
  2. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Good find...i use bufferred bt 7k alot so i find this extremely useful
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    If you want to do backturned 7K after 2P+KK (like as okizeme after a combo), you end up backturned anyways after 2P+KK. Why would you need to briefly visit jumonji?

    Btw, you can also buffer dashes (both back and forward) while backturned, after 2P+KK. As long as they are buffered you wont turn around, but dash while backturned. This might also help. Ive used this particular setup myself with Kage in vanilla, still works in FS although 2P+KK is not maxdamage. It can still offer nice backturned okizeme with with VT 7K or BT 2K etc.

    End combo with 2P+KK, buffer backturned backdash toward opponent in wakeup, and do the BT 7K as oki attack.
  4. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    The point is that since the move has to be buffered you are forced into obvious timing (either buffered out of the previous move to catch their quick rise/tech roll or backdashing til they rise delayed) using BT JU you can have more freedom for timing. Since 7K crushed rising kicks I can see this being useful. Good find imo.
  5. SHwoKing

    SHwoKing Well-Known Member

    I disagree. Yes you have to buffer your crouch backdash to stay in BT but you can use 7K when you want as you can cancel a crouch backdash by an attack at anytime. So the result is fairly the same.
    This is still a good find. Limited application but good to know.

    About BT on Oki, BT [P][K][G]~[P] ~is suppose to be a special High. But it fails to hit low rising kick :(
  6. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    I've already got a few ideas in mind that make this better than backdashing if they work. Gotta test first.

    Also, BT PKG, P is special high but there's something weird about it's hitbox being so high that it will still whiff on rising low kick from most ranges. I have got it to work very rarely but it's distance dependant and they have to do the kick late I think. I can probably find the sweet spot in dojo if I have time. Mostly you just have to hope they do rising mid kick though.
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Well you can use any of the BT moves in oki as you see fit. BT 7K, BT 2K, BT K+G even although its unsafe, even BT P+K~P+K+G into shippu etc. The BT setup is actually rather easy to use and gives lots of options.
  8. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Manji, I still use BT crouch dash,especially after [2][P][+][K][K] but like others have said, I found it limited my options against a repeated opponent(friend/sparring buddy) also the BT JU ability now opens up more options than just BT 7K,like a simple P now turns me around in JU to reverse there P/6p as well as the biggest advantage for me is the ability to sit and wait. This (for me) changes the flow and reaction of the opponent and turns into a whole new set up.
    P.S. After 2P+KK ,BT 7K doesnt reach for oki, so I need to use backcrouchdash. I also cant get BT 7K to crush wake up kicks, any advice would be great.
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    First, you can just backdash, doesn't need to be BCD. That carries further.

    Second, considering the BT 7K has 5 active frames and does 30 damage, its mid, its +4 on block and starts a combo, theres not much I can say apart that you should practise more.
    (can be up to +8 on block depending on which active frame connects)

    EDIT: Note that the BT Oki is good for when they tech. If they just remain on the ground, you should just turn toward and deal with it normally.

    If they start to block the 7K, you can just move to BT 2K which gives a combo on any hit too.

    If they evade, you can do BT P+G which is inescapable catchthrow. (Not to mention its possible to time BT 7K so they cant evade it) Actually you should do this as a mixup with BT 7K, no need to do BT 2K, but I do it sometimes for funsies.

    Thats about it.
  10. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I dunno if this is known or not but just stumbled upon something kind of useful since my Shippujin shenanigins are getting stale against everyone I'm used to playing.

    You can cancel SH [6][6] into another [6][6] or a [4][4] . This should shakes things up a bit. Continuoulsy tapping [6] will make you twitch forward and you can mix in a [4][4] to cause opponent to whiff.

    You can also cancel JU [6][6] with more [6][6] also for the same twitch effect in Jumonji
  11. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    I do that a lot, already. Those are my already-growing-stale shenanigans .
  12. spyder0080

    spyder0080 Active Member

    What's a good punisher for blocked sweeps? I'm thinking either [2_]3[+][P] or [2_]3[+][K] would work, but they seem to be a bit slow (unless my execution is too long).

  13. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member


    Use those cause [2_][3][P] only works on major counter and [2_][6][K] is weak in comparison
    spyder0080 likes this.
  14. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    spyder, it actually depends on the sweep, but the dragon punch that elite listed is most likely the best however, to punish at -15 the drgn punch must be buffered in early (must start the move immediately on block) so online it doesn't always come out in time. For the [3][K][K] its 46 dmg(minor Counter) and 16 frames , so it wont punish lows at -15 or less. and if the first [3][K] lands a Major counter, the second kick wont hit(hit check this move)
    I actually think [2_][6][K] is a good option as its 15 frames and leads to a big combo if they dont techroll. But for some reason after some low sweeps like pai's ppp2k if input as soon as possible, it will whiff, but can be delayed slightly to still be guaranteed.
    Also [7][K][+][G] is a great 15 frame, no muss no fuss 47 dmg. (But dont use unless guaranteed, very punishable) This move is extra usefull vs. Aoi who can come up from sweep into tenshi.

    P.S. Just found that you can get good(green) combos off of [7][K] , so that becomes a viable option as well.
    If they dont techroll, [7][K] into [6][K][+][G]>[2][P]>[4][6][P][+][K]
    spyder0080 likes this.
  15. Thiry

    Thiry Member

    To punish crouched, the 23K isn t a good move => that move whiff unlike 23P .
    I like the 4K or 4K hold =>i19 but lot of variation after.

    The 2K+G is very good near from a wall => can lot of wall combo. As 3KP is natural combo, that move to punish is interesting is opponent don t know kage ( the 3KP is -2 on hit)
    => 3KP P+K+G ( SH ) P+K ( + 17 ) 2K+G => wall combo
    spyder0080 likes this.
  16. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    [2][K][+][G]...good low punisher indeed, especially near wall.
    Thiry I like the theory of 3kp into SH guard break, but my 3K(X) is often counter attacked, I often have to throw just 3K, 3KK or the full 3KPP just to keep them honest, I get punished for 3kp too much.
    spyder0080 likes this.
  17. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I messed around with [2][K][+][G] for about an hour last night and got a very practical wall combo down. If your opponent back is near the wall try [2][K][+][G] > wall splat > [6_][P] > [K][+][G] > [6][2][3][P][+][K] > [4][6][K][+][G][K]![K] > [3][K][+][G]

    Unlike my other combo that does 75% this one does half life and is reasonable to pull off since there's no throws involved. Also the situation comes up more often since a high wall is not required.
    spyder0080 and EastBayKage like this.
  18. spyder0080

    spyder0080 Active Member

    I forgot that 2 [K][+][G] was a punisher as well.Thanks for the replies, everyone!
  19. EastBayKage

    EastBayKage Well-Known Member

    Now if only I could actually remember some wall combos when I get a wall splat ha ha.
    spyder0080 likes this.
  20. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    Dragon kicks are your friend.

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