VF5FS Kage Guide

Discussion in 'Kage' started by Koenraku, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. Thiry

    Thiry Member

    Something interesting :

    -When kage does a combo with KPK at the end, the 9K+G is very good => if opponent rolls quickly , the 9K+G can t whiff => Kage is at +1 if opponent blocks or the 9K+G is starter on another combo. If opponent stays on the ground, he can t punish Kage.

    - the throw 66P+G
    => after I do 6P hold ( JU ) P+K+G => if opponent wakes with K , the JU P+K+G brokes his K and kage can do a great combo ( 66 K+G K+G P 66P+K 46K+G KK )
    => or 6P 9K+G => the 6P ll wiff but the 9K+G brokes the opponent if he wakes with 2K.
    It s a interresting variation, very good if you think that opponent wakes with attack.
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    After ending a combo with [K][P][K] I have taken to using [2][P]+[K][P]+[K]+[G] or [4][6][P]+[K][P]+[K]+[G] for a free extra hit if they don't tech and forcing them to wakeup against shippujin stance (not good for them :)) There's a similar tactic to yours for fighting Taka where you can follow most combos with [K]+[G] and he either has to tech into your +1 or eats the damage while his lard ass is still on the ground.

    Also, for the [6][6][P]+[G] throw setup you mentioned you can just go into jumonji regardless and use JU [P]+[K]+[G] for mid rising kick or JU [K]+[G] for low rising kick instead of [9][K]+[G]. Also I prefer [4][P] over [6][P] to enter jumonji for this setup since it is faster and moves you right up next to them so your JU [K]+[G] wont whiff. This only works on ignorant opponents though and it's usually better to just TFT them.
  3. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    [9][K][+][G] is an ideal tech punisher, and after kpk ending combo, it shines, just to add..
    if they dont tech and lay down for a bit, throw out a second [9][K][+][G], if done immediately after the first it will crush their delayed rising kick( still hops over low rising, and crushes mid rising) there are 3 levels of delayed wake-up, this only works for one of the delayed wake up speeds, but is a good bet, cuz a rising kick isnt that much dmg if it hits you, and if they wake into guard , you have your plus 1 situation.
    Another guaranteed scenario is after neutral throw [P][+][G], input [9][K][+][G] A.S.A.P., and this will crush the quick rising kick. This is good since, after neutral throw you can setup your[4][P](hold) Jumonji wake up ([P][+][K][+][G] vs. mid rising, and [K][+][G] vs. low rising )however, the one way the opponent can avoid this setup from nuetral throw is to use the fastest possible rising kick, which [9][K][+][G] will crush. So you can force a nitaku like situation from neutral throw. Just take note of what the opponent does after a neutral throw, and then next time react accordingly.

    P.S. After [6][6][P][+][G], if you dont use a ground attack, you get a guaranteed [4][P](hold) into Jumonji and they can not hit you with the fastest rising kick before you enter JU. This is the only guaranteed Jumonji wake up setup.

    I need to test [4][6][P][+][G] to see if the same technique from neutral throw can be applied here. But this is another throw that leaves the opponent head toward which allows the JU [P][+][K][+][G] to reverse the mid rising kick.
  4. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    After testing [4][6][P][+][G], It IS the same scenario as neutral throw.

    Wall combo tips= I am now forever in love with Kage's best(most usefull) wall combo starter [2][K][+][G], it sets up wall splat from farther away than you might think, here's a combo i've been using
    [2][K][+][G](wall splat)>[9][K][+][G]>[P]>[K][+][G]>[2][6_][K]>[4][6][K][+][G][K][K]>[3][K][+][G]

    Easier Online version
    [2][K][+][G](wall splat)>[9][K][+][G]>[P]>[K][+][G]>[2][K][+][G]>[3][K][+][G]
  5. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    about the wall combos, I noticed in a japanese match video a player finished his wall combo with 44p so when the opponent tech rolled he was backturned and in this instance backturn 2p knocked the opponent into the wall again! that setup is clearly quite situational but hey that is just one of many possible options.
  6. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Cool idea, Ill try it out, thnx
  7. Izuna_Shoryuken

    Izuna_Shoryuken Well-Known Member

    "He doesn't have the best combo damage"
    I would disagree here. I've seen some very damaging combos with him perfomed by japanese players in-match. One in particular comes to mind, but I haven't re-found the match vid recently.

    Despite this, thank you based elite for the guide!
    This kind of work is appreciated and it's what we need in the vf5 character forum.
    Info on the characters needs to be shared and spread.
  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    This guide needs a good update now I understand FS a bit more. I'll do that when the character wiki becomes available.

    His combo damage is low compared to most characters. He has good damage ones from some of his more situational/slow stuff and his damage goes up quite a ways when a wall is involved.

    Kage 46K counter hit gives around 80 on most of the cast. Goh 6K gives +100.
    Kage 2_3P counter hit gives around 75. Jacky 2_3P counter hit gives +100

    Most chars have Kage beat on raw damage. He has them all beat on style though :ninja:
    Genesis and Lézardo like this.
  9. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Elite great thread.
  10. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    I actually owe this character & thread an apology lol. I almost neglected my favorite character with people trying to talk me out of using him 1st because of him being time consuming starting out because I was just learning the game. I'm glad that I didn't listen. I'm going to make him do work no matter how much time that it takes. I believe in always going for your favorite character or someone that you enjoy rather than just take "the easy route"..

    Very solid guide.
    Last edited: May 27, 2014
    Tha_FeauchA likes this.
  11. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Right on man. I started my VF career (if that's what you wanna cal it, hahah) with Akira. Even though most will say it's too hard to start with him/not a good beginner character, along with Kage and some other characters.

    With the fighting games, it's always better to go with what/who you naturally enjoy vs forcing yourself to like and learn someone. In my humble opinion.
    $ir JDE likes this.
  12. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    I mean if you like a character, then you're going to accept the good with the bad & do work. That's just how it works. Like honestly, I couldn't see myself not playing with a character that I enjoy a lot less than my favorite character offline at a gathering or tournament.

    His juggling is pretty strict though. I found a few things to work with for the time being until I've learned of his strongest ones. This guide & a few friends of mine are helping out a lot.

    #Kagefan #NinjaFan4life:cool:
  13. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    If you hit the "Combos" link at the top of the page, choose Kage (default is Akira) and hit "Go" there's a list of all the combos you'll need.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any Kage questions or whatever, I wrote this guide very early into my FS days and I don't have the motivation to give it the update it needs :p

    Glad you're finding it useful though
    $ir JDE likes this.
  14. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    Alright, bet. Cool! :cool: Yeah I know what you mean, bro. I wrote Kasumi's guide in DOA & it took me hours to revise it to DOA5U's state. I didn't even feel like it, but did it anyway because I knew that if I didn't then I wouldn't end up doing it. =/
  15. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Sideturned, 4k, options... enjoy. :) (The threat of the string can give you options even if not side turned, but ST is better 'course.)

    at each point after either of the first two kicks connects (even on guard) you have options if you can read your opponent. Ill list a few to consider-

    1. continue the string to prevent them from a response (4k,k~k)
    2.BT P+G to catch an evade or standing guard (this can lead to BT P+G,P mix)
    3.BT 2p(half circ) , BT 2k, BT K+G (basically all his BT tricks)
    4.ST 4k(hold jumonji) ~ you have your extra special BT jumonji moves, P+K for mid combo, or K for +4 on guard. And dont forget 2k is full circ low from here.
    5.. Your ST 4k(hold jumonji) lands a counter (Hooray), this will give you +10, but you are BT now, well good thing kage's BT P is 10 frames , so you get a free BT Jumonji P,k~
    6. Last for now, 4k~p+k+g (4k shippu change) will give you 1 better frame adv. then you would have gotten with no stance switch. And 4k~(hold k jumonji) gives +3 more than no stance switch.
  16. Izuna_Shoryuken

    Izuna_Shoryuken Well-Known Member

    Why does the guide say his damage is low?
    I mean yeah, his launchers are like, throws, ch moves and one unsafe mid launcher but hiscombos can be pretty beefy.

    Also at this point what is the point of DPOD other than style? It's super cool (ARIAL RAVE!!) But damage wise it's the same as dp+kick extension.
    I realllllly like shoryukenning people in 3d though. Hence my username.
  17. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Kage's damage is low because he doesn't have good normal or CH launches which means he can't used them as often or liberally as other characters, and that his combo damage in itself is pretty low because he can't high bound without TFT or walls.

    DPoD is a good -15 punisher, but tricky to do, especially from crouch.
  18. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    2_3P is a good CH launch. Does average / slightly below average damage compared to other launches of it's speed (75 on Goh).

    He certainly doesn't have traditional normal hit launches. 66P+K does launch on normal hit. It's slow and doesn't do a ton of damage but on the other hand it's safe on block and launches crouchers.

    I dunno, I've never thought Kage does bad damage.
  19. Lézardo

    Lézardo Active Member

    his dpod have 16 actives frames,a killing weapon if you can read rising attacks.
  20. Izuna_Shoryuken

    Izuna_Shoryuken Well-Known Member

    Unless I'm mistaken I think that just the regular dp into kick is like the same damage and comes out about the same right?

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