VF5FS patch coming this week!

Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Aug 6, 2012.

By Reno on Aug 6, 2012 at 2:29 AM
  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    According to Sega's AM port team, VF5FS will be getting a patch on August 7. There is no word on when the patch will hit other markets.

    The biggest update will be to the player matches. Before there was a mandatory 30 second wait between matches, with the option of pausing the timer to let other players join your lobby. With the patch, after the wait option, you can now press either Square (PS3) or X (360) again to skip the timer completely and immediately start the match.

    The team wanted to address other requests that fans had, such as player intro movies that are in the arcade version. Unfortunately due to the amount of voice and graphic data involved with these intros, not to mention that they are not especially important to the online experience, they decided that they would not be adding them to the game.

    This also goes for real-time commentary, not to mention they'd have to do English voice tracks for all of the new lines added during 5R and Final Showdown. In addition, they noted that the English commentary wasn't well-received overseas, so they didn't see the point of recording additional lines. Because of these reasons, realistically it wasn't feasible for them to pull it off, and they apologize for not being able to do it.

    Lastly, the team stated that while they wanted to say something earlier, they didn't want to release a vague statement like "we're looking into it", etc. They wanted to flatout say "we're taking care of this issue" so that fans knew what was coming. The team responsible for the update actually has to approve all of the comments posted on their Japanese blog before they're visible, so they actually read every single comment made, and they wanted to let the fans know that they are keeping track of everything posted.

    Other updates coming with the patch include:

    - If you don't end a game properly with a low amount of matches played, your disconnect rate will be "high".
    - During free training, when you set the CPU to "Guard then turn around + Guard", the CPU's guard will come out 1 frame late. This has been fixed.

    1. Select free training
    2. Choose Lion (CPU can be anyone)
    3. Free training menu -> CPU settings -> React settings set to "Guard"
    4. Perform Lion's 6P+G to get behind the opponent
    5. Use Lion's 4P

    Before patch: CPU could not guard
    After patch: CPU will guard

    Note: This will affect some of the game's text as well.

    Source: http://blog.sega.jp/amcvt/?p=401


Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Aug 6, 2012.

    1. Neonomide
      Either the japs don't know what/how to complain or Sega are just lazy. Room wait list, frame by frame slomo rewindable replays (and totally randomizable music please) should have been the way to go. Hope list for new patch, not long, but critical (music part just a preference). Psn also generally lavks but not everything is Segas fault oc...

      And while theyr at it, give Jeff 12f safe mid combostarter.
    2. King9999
      I wonder if any of the Japanese players asked to have the player data shown during replays? I thought that was a big oversight.
    3. SouzenEX

      *silent sobbing*
    4. DS91
      This is good news for Player matches, I tried them once and got p'd off with the wait but will go back now.

      Players met functionality would be good.

      Also, am I the only one who would like to be able to differentiate between different characters' ranked battle stats on my account? It sucks to have to create new PSN accounts for different characters. SF4 has Player Points and Battle Points so you can see if you are facing an experienced player using a new character.
    5. DS91
      That too. ^^

      As much as I love watching PPP2K showdowns and 3-0 walkovers.
      I hope they are going to add a 'skip turn' function in Room Match. I want to experiment with running a 24-hour VF5:FS room stream, but this basic ommission makes it kind of annoying
    7. AnimalStaccato
      No player match invite???

      No being able to see full/in progress rooms or being able to queue to get in to them??

      There's a typo in the article as well. Reno typed player matches when he's talking about room matches.
    8. Plume
      All that is assuming I remember rooms right... I have not played there for quite a while.

      For replays, I think the timer only starts counting once everyone has left the victory screen and returned to the lobby. So by the time it starts counting (and thus can be skipped), everyone should have saved their replay already.

      To skip turn, you can switch, 1P, 2P, blank. The next 1P and 2P will be the ones fighting.
      Did you mean something else?

      I'm very much glad it was not included.
    9. ToyDingo
      The problem there is that at least two people have to ready up. If not, the system will take the highest player that isn't ready.

      So if there are 4 people in a room, the the second person chooses anything (1p or 2p) and no one else chooses anything, the system will pit the first player vs the second.

      It would be nice to have a "skip" function so I can go grab a drink or something between sessions...
    10. resist
      This does also exist on 360...it comes from having an xbox from a different region. For example, I have a japanese xbox. However, all of my location and profile info is US. But sega seems to be matching based on console region because if I select same area, I get 99.9% asia matches with bad connections (again since i'm in the US)..The remaining .1% are countries just outside of asia or decent connections with asia. If I search worldwide, I only get others that listed worldwide as their search criteria. That would be fine but, there aren't that many that use this criteria and even less of them provide a decent match.

      Other games must search based on IP location or console settings...not the region/market the console was made for as I've only seen this issue with VF5FS...no other games.
      doesn't effect when only one, or no player picks 1p/2p

      for example, if there is 6 people in a room match, and NOONE picks 1P/2P, then the top two players one the list play regardless
    12. Darrius_Cole

      This is GIANT. It could break the room play.

      I don't see how they could have missed this. People are impatient when they are about to play. People will skip the time A LOT. There has to be a way to see all the rooms that are currently playing and reserve a spot to join said rooms as soon as they go into the lobby.
    13. Rodnutz
      great patch! We just need a win counter in player / room matches and it's all good. Players met issue on PSN does need to be fix though. Sometimes I want to add / message people, but I can never remember their tag.

      All in all it's great to know that Sega really is watching over us and trying their best to make everyone happy. Great job Sega!
    14. Feck

      I wouldn't have minded it if you could see rooms that currently have matches in progress. The ability to invite people to player matches would have also been nice for the folk that are too impatient to wait 30 seconds.
    15. gl0ry
      Glad they are patching the timer. That was a real annoyance.
    16. wingchun_warrior
      damn intro movies and laus old throws would of been great cuz his new ones suck
    17. R_Panda
      I want the second player configuration to be savable. And button press to config, of course.
    18. DurViener
      Good that they're address that problem since it was a huge pain in private rooms.

      Another thing is not being able to see player's gamertags during replays. Makes it harder to know who's who when watching them. Hopefully that gets fixed in the future.
    19. WingedRegent
      Not a bad patch, but there are a few things I would've rather they fixed. For example, the "Slow-Mo Replay" feature would've been cool, as well as gamertags being visible in replays.

      Also...*sobs* I miss the commentary. =(
    20. LostCloud
      Darn cool of them to do a patch. I didn't think that they would considering how expensive patches are and that there were no huge issues with the game; Glad I was wrong though!

      That timer skip option will be so nice to have. I would basically only use it though when a room was full since people still can't join in the middle of a match. It sucks that we won't be getting the intros though. C'mon, Sega! Release them as future DLC! ...Yeah, I know, not happening.

      Oh and are they really not fixing the issue on PS3 with no one showing up in the "Players Met" list? Darn [​IMG] Guess I'll just keep having to remember all those names. Anyway, thanks for the patch, Sega!

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