VF5FS side tourney @ EVO 2018?

Discussion in 'General' started by BLACKSTAR, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    @BLACKSTAR do you know if you can commit to running this?
    If so, you should front page it and share everywhere.

    If we want good numbers we need to start promoting now,even start sign ups at smash.gg or challonge to get an idea of numbers.
  2. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    I am just saying you probably arne't getting 32 entrants, lets see if i'm right or if i'm wrong. This wasn't VF4 in quality and I doubt 32 people will play in a side tourney at evo.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Yeah, I was going back and forth in my mind about whether or not I should front-page this thread. But I don't have anything personally planned, as far as hosting the event is concerned; and since nobody else seems interested in hosting either, i felt maybe I should not front page it, yet. I guess the reason I made this thread is to get people talking about it and to see how it developed from there.

    I will more than likely not be able to host an event like this for EVO right now, unfortunately. The biggest reason (among others) as to why I can't is logistics, as I live on the other side of the country (on the east coast), which complicates matters, of course.

    That being said, hypothetically speaking, I totally believe a VF5FS side event at EVO could almost definitely get 32 players.
  4. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I agree, we just need someone who is attending, or planning to, to commit to running it.

    From there we can start sourcing consoles and taking sign ups.

    Does anyone know someone who's definitely going?
  5. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    I am. And I'm bringing a setup. Whatever it takes. 360 is gonna be the standard right?

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    One thing I should add to something I said already:

    "That being said, hypothetically speaking, I totally believe a VF5FS side event at EVO could almost definitely get 32 players".....IF enough incentive is given.
  7. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Incentive? I think just having a tournament would garner people to play, tbh. We don't provide incentive beyond playing the game at our majors anyway. But, what did you have in mind? It couldn't hurt!

    If you're definitely going, and can commit to bringing a 360, then we can start putting out notice to ask for more setups and sign-ups.

    @BLACKSTAR if we have someone committed, I an start working on a front page article.

    Everyone here, will challonge work? Any other volunteers who are going to bring equipment and help out Jason in running brackets etc?
  8. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

  9. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    It doesn't matter to me if you use Challonge. But I have zero experience running brackets. So if theres someone much more tech savvy with running bracket I'll offer you all the aide I can. Will you be coming Mademan?
  10. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Unfortunately not, a USA trip from Australia is a bit out of reach this year for me.

    If I was able I'd definitely lend you a hand running brackets etc.

    Hopefully someone can help out with brackets, but it's not too difficult either.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Alright, this is how I think of how to get potential players if I was hosting the tournament.

    I would say, you will be expecting to get most of the 32 player lineup for the potential VF5FS EVO side tourney from the US, since EVO is located in the US. It will be difficult to do that, because most people stopped playing, and the few that do aren't willing to travel, and the minority of those that might travel already have a competing VF tournament to choose from with Pre-NYG in New York in April (and why go to a side tournament when you can go to a dedicated VF-only event?). Without any incentive, other than just the sake of having a tournament in expensive Las Vegas, I think you may possibly fill out maybe half the bracket with US players at best.

    So, unless you can get a dozen or two of international players to fly out for a side tourney, your best bet to fill a 32 man bracket is to fill most of it by somehow convincing (read: beg) people that are already going to EVO for some other game to, for whatever reason (its not like they practice the game), play in the VF side tourney. Tekken players really respect VF, so if you're going that route, that scene would be your best bet.

    That being said, the best incentive to attract actual VF players in the US would be a VF6 announcement (or at least port announcement). If that happened, it would be easy to fill out the bracket no problem (or even a bracket triple that size), but that's probably not happening. Attracting high-level or japanese talent could be incentive, though since not many players outside of Japan and Australia are playing seriously, that would not be as effective incentive as it may have been a couple of years ago. Having a prize pool of a decent amount of cash or some serious swag may be effective, but you would have to do some fundraising for that (and advertising).
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
    IcKY99 and Tricky like this.
  12. Kori_Maru15

    Kori_Maru15 Member

    Hey guys, I'm planning to volunteer at EVO as a tournament judge once they upload the applications to their site and I'm accepted. If you guys need any help with anything, I'd be glad to help as long as I can find any good hotel recommendations. I can provide an Xbox 360 with VF5FS and I plan on getting Yakuza 6 for the PS4, just need players to bring their own accessories. Also has anyone asked Oneida if he's going?

    NTMC was really good and I need to play and learn more Virtua Fighter tactics. I'll even don my Akira Yuki cosplay.
  13. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I don't think it's as dire as you say. Again, we can get 21 man brackets no problem at Australian majors, and we have a much smaller population than USA, AND we're talking OHN and BAM, a far sight smaller than Evo.

    Granted, a decent amount of that is the dedicated scene, but you have to remember:
    1) People that live in that area already who played the game in the past and would go down the road to enter
    2) People who are there for whatever big game they play at the moment, but also love or loved VF in the past. They'll enter the game because it's right there ready for them to enter anyway.

    There are probably more of these people than you think, especially considering the sheer numbers we're talking that would be attending, surely a good number of them love the game or played back in the day and would join. We're not trying to convince people to fly out for VF, but just the people that are already attending to have a chance to play the game again.

    I've seen it happen at Australian and Canadian majors I organised tournaments for, a lot of our attendants were people who loved VF but travelled there for SF/GG/Tekken/Whatever and joined VF because it was made available to them, as well as my dedicated local scene.

    As for prizes, don't fund-raise etc, just reach out to Sega. Ask them to help out with some small prizes. They'll probably be happy to support with some free games or merch or whatever. Sega USA is very helpful and ready to please.

    Thanks Kori, help is always appreciated if you're planning to go anyway. I would suggest we try to keep the console being played on as uniform as possible, so 360 would be best, but any consoles is a big help.

    We're you already planning to go, Kori? I take it you applied for judge for main Evo tournaments from what you said?

    @oneida is not going I believe.

    I feel like we really need to organise something hard if this is going to happen. We need to make a sign up page and official thread. Sign ups might need to be through Challonge unless someone has more experience running through Smash.gg?

    Then a new thread should be made with all the details including time, place, what we still need (EG, we'll need a third console at least if we hit 32 men), and how to sign up and enter.
  14. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    nah i won't be going because it's like a month after i come back from Japan and like a week before NYG.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Hey man, if you don't believe me, be my guest and give it a shot. I honestly would love to be proven wrong.
  16. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Ooh your the dude that was dressed as Akira! What's up dude! I plan on going to evo as well and im bringing a setup.
  17. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    So what's your opinion Star? Shoot for the stars with Evo? Or pump more life blood into the sure bet with NYG?

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    As far as EVO goes, I think its worth trying, even in these current VF6-less circumstances, if there's someone out there that wants to be the one to make it happen.

    NYG is always good, so its always a good bet to attend.
  19. Kori_Maru15

    Kori_Maru15 Member

    @MadeManG74 Yeah, I plan on going once they upload the applications and bringing a group of friends with me. Flights would be no problem since it's cheaper to fly from Atlanta to Las Vegas, just need good hotel prices. Plus, I know a few SEGA folks that might be there.

    If you guys want me to, I can make a doc list to see if anyone in this forum are coming to EVO or anything else you guys would need for me to do. I'll treat it like Fan Jam.
  20. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Do you know how to run a bracket?

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