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VF5FS vs The World

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    VFDC concurs
  2. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I agree.
  3. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    But aren't FPS games like COD overhyped to hell before release? And haven't they always been million sellers? I don't think Sega would ever expect big numbers from a VF game since they never really had big numbers to begin with in the US. The best Sega seller has and always will be Sonic hence why he gets all the commercials and publicity, he's expected to sell.
  4. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Master Po, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to say that...

    I agree.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    We're talking about James Pond RoboCoD here right?

    P.S Bayonetta was advertised fairly well and it sold decent numbers.
  6. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Believe in L_A
  7. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    If VF5FS were to sell, the game itself would have to be dumb down so much to a point that casual Joe Schmuckatelly can play either offline or online and win matches without feeling like their mashing... They want lobbies so they can talk smack to their friends and have fun... They don't want to feel intimidated by the controls or the hearsay from SRK or any other site that the game is too hard to learn, but they still "respect" it and dub it the "most deep(to them its complex and confusing) game"... They don't want to count frames to have fun... To them, its a fighting game, not Algebra II... They want flashy effects, and great sound, including good fight music... People want a good storyline, but they don't want to feel like they've gotta play some mode other than arcade or story mode to really get it (remember campaign scenario?). They don't want the game to be "broken", but quite a few cats really don't understand what broken is most times (and confuse matchups and broken)...

    Think about it. COD has the lobbies. It's stupid easy to pick up and play, but there's "some" "depth" to it (I guess enough for it to be a tournament game, I kinda fell out of fps games though). People can play it and not feel like they need to learn plus or minus frames for getting hit by splash damage from a bazooka. No one has to worry about throw range or matchups. No one has to worry about broken crap, 'cause most of the time it's patched before cats can even complain about it... There's a single player mode, and for cats who love it, they've got it, and I'm pretty sure not much changes in terms of controls for online and offline (story) mode... There was a gangload of hype for this game, too... I mean cats I didn't even know play games were talking about it, and I turn on my xbox and ps3 (yes Po-Boy I'm not xbox-only) and ads for COD whatever number shows up weeks before the game dropped...

    This is how SSF4 is doing it... It's not 3S we all know this, but everybody's playing it whether you really want to like it or not... Sure, part of-- correction, a huge portion of the revenue is simply from the name Street Fighter... But they made it so stupid easy for people to jump in and learn the game, so people can make YouTube videos of themselves winning with Zangief doing jumping attacks and dizzying, or 5 year old mashers crushing someone online without lag tactics... But, there's still some "advanced" stuff in the game for the hardcore to learn and become competitive with... There's lobbies and all kinds of other crap for people to eat up... And it means more dough, and in this case, easy dough... "Oh Street Fighter 4!!! I haven't played this since (fill in any SF game but most of the time its SF2)!!! Lemme get this..." Boom!!! Headshot!!! Capcom at this point can take a dump, make it online, and slap street fighter on it, and its a sale right now... As long as its presentable, and accessible, and that whatever they presented you with was exactly that, and possibly more...

    My guess is that the whole single throw break mechanic and other changes are done for this purpose... Dumb it down, but still have something for the hardcore. Ok if this works, then we'll fine tune it until we deem it ready.. The question is, will it ever be ready, and if it is ready is it gonna just be released as an arcade patch or a full blown console release??? Yeah it would be nice, but if it were released on console, presentation needs to be there, and will it live up to the hype, and be a threat to the other games to come out??? Will people just buy the game and then trade it off for the price to drop down to 5 bucks??? Are people gonna play online for un second then once it gets "boring" gonna drop it, and get back on COD??? Will there be that VF4Evo hype (or better) or will it just be a match stick that doesn't burn for no more than a few seconds??? If Sega is really taking notes, they better not be taking notes like Danny Glover did in "Be Kind Rewind". They better pull off an X-COPY or something for real...

    But really though, Po I agree with ya homeboy!!! [​IMG]
  8. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    IMO the problem with VF is the same problem of the videogame industry at the moment. good studios are closed because of 1-2 games sold poorly. see bizzarre creations. in this climate, only sure-fire hits are bound to survive. there is no room for niche anymore. VF wont sell millions, so sega has to make the game cheap or not make it at all.

    But really, whoever has time to write shit here but hasnt played the game in months, better shut up already. this site has enough empnova/superpanda/instantoverheads already.

  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Some of us just don't have time to play the game seriously anymore MAtteoJHDY. We still like keeping the game in our thoughts though. Just some PoV
  10. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Tricky, as my wife keep saying when we go to bed: LESS TALK MORE ACTION!
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Fuck yeah!
  12. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

  13. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Can we agree that hollow echo of "the guarantee" is just deafening???
  14. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Damn it mine just says "Trust in L_A"...
  15. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    same here, but she added also:

    "trust JIDE"
  16. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i disagree. i know we all like to say that and think that. But look at SC2, or WoW, or MW2, or SF4 (no personal experience on sf4, so i'm assuming it holds true for this game). These are all games with a ton of depth and nuance, that have HUGE followings. The masses of players include both people who are interested in being decent, good, and many who strive to be elite. THe games are filled with nuances, cheese, exploits, and depth, and have an incredible amount of players who desire to play it at a very high level. I think when we assume vf would have to dumbed down we do it a disservice.

    I think Brisals take on part of it correct. It's marketing. If it got the push to make even the casual player try it, then it would be successful. I think the % of people who played it and then found other shallower games lacking would be higher than the % who played it and left based on the learning curve. Hell, no matter how good/bad you are, you can always find a group of friends (online) who are at or below your level. So it's not like a lack of skill will prevent you from 'winning without effort'.
  17. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    I agree.
    SF is a bitch to learn to play well. Quarter circles and shit everywhere, fingers hurt, game is just FRUSTRATING.
    And really, all you EVER NEED are other newbs to face to feel like you belong and to get you interested in a game.

    Its really just SEGA's shit advertisement. Ya i saw ads for bayonetta on TV, but they feature close to 0 gameplay and were a few seconds long and were absolutely shit.
    SF4 ads? fucking great. SSF4 for example made me almost want to buy the game then I remembered how miserable sf4 was and stopped myself.

    I would be VERY SURPRISED if there was a VF6.
    very very surprised.
    so sad... how does THE BEST OF something THE GOD DAMN BEST, die like this?
    hate the world...
  18. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    SF4 doesn't have anything too hard in it... Compare it to 3S or even ST... And if qcfs and other motions are hard, well then-- don't learn Eileen, Akira, Aoi, or any other characters with crazy motions...

    Yeah it might be advertising that's really needed, but SF4 is so dumb down... I like the game for a few reasons, but its no 3S, and yet they managed to sell a game with an ok system...

    And even if VF were to sell, again the mechanics or the "folklore" behind the mechanics would be another hurdle that needed to be cleared... Most games don't have to worry about things like this but Sega does apparently... I'm really hoping that if FS does get released that it busts the "myth" of a high learning curve and blah blah blah...
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Who's action are ya'll talkn' about here? We're mad at sega not the players.
  20. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    I hope Sega is smart enough to get them selves included in EVO Japan. The whole world will be watching. Since they seem to be lazy on the whole marketing thing, this would be a perfect opportunity for them. Then they could release FS around the same time as EVO and ride the hype.

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