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VF5FS vs The World

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    they just need better marketing and faith that they have a strong following in the US, even they even looked at this site they'd see that.

    Fighting games are coming back strong so now is the best time, even those MMA games and kinda jumpin on the bandwagon, sure they aren't SSF4 or BlazBlue or Tekken but its the same concept just more a a sim, VF5 needs to come out and Sega needs to make this happen.

    Not sure if SEGA will ever get there heads outta there asses. Looking back at the Dreamcast and ....i don't kno if they ever will.
  2. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    I think the problem lies with the learning curve of the game and general demographics. The problem is with the advent of SSF4 you have many young gamers who are unfamiliar with the grindings of combo's systems and spending hours in training mode just to get extra damage from that huge combo you've been practicing. SSF4 says "don't worry about combo's or systems, simply get hit for a bit and then retaliate with your Ultra which will normally take 70-80% of your opponents health"

    You have a demographic of young teens who want simplicity and bright colorful explosions on the screen whilst there opponent losses all of there health. They certainty don't want to learn combo's and they don't want depth of any kind. They want games that will hold there hand and tell them it will be ok whilst tucking them into bed.

    I call them the "COD" generation, gamers who have been mollycoddled by recent games. They have never tasted the bitterness of getting to the end of Final Fight, only to be beaten with their last continue. Or felt the utter satisfaction of beating a level on Dodonpachi with a "No Miss".

    VF doesn't appeal to them, for a start you actually need skill to play it. Secondly you dont (normally) have a huge move that saves you and destroys your opponent. In essence you have to PLAY the game. Maybe if VF had generic characters, big guns and was set in WW2, then maybe these young kids would buy it.

    VF will always be a niche game, metaphorically speaking if SSF4 was a martial artist it would be the young master turned slopy by years of gratitude and good living.

    Tekken would be the young good looking martial artist, who always gets the girls but always fails as he puts looks before his art.

    And VF? VF would be the grand old master who uses moves none of the other warriors have ever seen. They would be baffled by his movements ans skills that they would simply bow and leave. He would constantly be meditating, awaiting his next battle whist the other warriors fear and respect him.

    In a nutshell it's part Sega and part our own fault why VF is not the great success it damn well should be. Sega should be promoting the game, something they seem incapable of doing. And as a community we need to do the same and spread the word of VF to a new generation of gamer.
  3. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    Dragonps says:

    BS . . . BS . . . BS . . .

    How many times do I have to repeat. VF is NOT harder or deeper or more enlightening than SF4 or Tekken or even most FPS. It's not going to make you a better person or a smarter person or let you reach spiritual salvation. And you playing VF doesn't make you a better person or a mature person or an enlightened person compared to people who play SF or Tekken. It's a FRIGGING VIDEO GAME for crying out loud!

    Anyone who tries to paint VF as more than what it is a part of the 20 year old problem, not a solution.
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I actually think VF is easier than a lot of games if you take the time to understand whats going on and stop just pushing buttons (took me months, LOL). And VF doesn't have nearly as many grey areas as other games. I can tell you why most stuff happens. Not true for a lot of other games.

    What VF doesn't have is lots super easy to do, damaging, instant gratification stuff. I'd say Tekken doesn't either, but a lot of stuff in it is just more awesome.
  6. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    So your not going to even bother with some constructive criticism of my post?

    Instead your just going to immaturely and ignorantly berate me?

    When I joined here I hoped I would find people who share my feelings about VF, and I have done.

    Although I guess there will always be the ignorant few.
  7. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Don't sweat it dragon, hug it out bitch.
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Dragon, it's cool man. A lot of people here still feel how you feel but they don't voice it anymore. This site has been around for a very long time. This site is older than some of it's members. This site is so old that if it acted it's age, it would die [​IMG]

    Seriously, this argument has been done to death already. Just trust that a lot of people here feel how you do. If you want to have a feeling of belonging, be happy about the fact that everybody on this site loves VF. That is our common ground.
    We don't all agree that VF is sex or the one fighter to rule them all but we will all be playing the fuck out of VF5FS once it gets released.

    Welcome to the site and don't let the trolls get you down. Hyunster is not a troll, he's just pointing out how some people try to use this game to put themselves above other people who play "inferior" games. That's all.
    Don't fall into that trap or mindset. This game is awesome but so are a lot of other games. We just happen to all agree that VF is one of our favorite games to play.
  9. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to think now, that it's just a conundrum. If VF had a plethora of players and competition, than it'd increase the amount of players and competition. However, players would play if the game was advertised better, so I guess it really ultimately just comes down to that first and foremost though. Shove the game down gamer's throats, Sega.

    Difficulty has nothing to do with it, because games can be super difficult and still attract players, we all know games that are like this already. So, another theory I have is just that no one wants the task to seem or feel daunting. If it's assumed the game is too hard, then that will turn players away, the same as a game just being hard or skillful but no one playing it.

    When VF5 came out on 360 there were A LOT of players, A LOT. Then they dropped off, and I almost want to say that it's the fault of those already established and have been playing. VFDC is the most welcoming fighting game community I've ever been a part of, but some people(probably myself included) made the game seem too daunting and arduous, unintentionally. Not meaning harm, quite the opposite, but it caused a negative effect.

    Also, when VF5 came out, Modern Warfare had came out too, and Halo 3 was out for a couple weeks before that. Players just got dragged into playing other stuff more, because they probably received more positive reinforcement from those games.

    Dumbing VF down is probably just something that is effective for the Japanese audience, but I don't think that's something that matters here.
  10. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Most of the people that played VF5 with me from another forum migrated en masse to GTA4, and all of a sudden I did not see them anymore. There were just too many good games coming out for people to stick to VF. Shame!
  11. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I like VF but I don't want to guess as much. I'm sorta halfway with with crouch staggering cuz I can't tell if my opponent is gonna struggle out or not, and that's more guessing within itself. So I want to say overall I like the direction FS took. You just get raw advantage instead.

    That's a lot of the reason why ill stop playing people after a few games... I feel like the first 3 or 5 matches are all that matter (tourney mindset). Or, what if vf had some type of stun meter? How would you guys feel about that?
    Or, maybe I should just sitck to characters where pressing buttons will do all the guessing for me
  12. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    I don't take it to heart dude, it's a forum after all :p
  13. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Honestly I think you're giving this site and regular players too much credit for the fall in interest after the first say 6 months. I blame the player modes and lack of fanfare. The lobby system I believe is a major issue now. The game as is just isn't community friendly. The Master rank hurdle was also daunting and disruptive as hell to a lot of people.

    While you guys are nice people in general you wield game knowledge and Japanese terms like a sword. That being said, people won't stop playing because of some forum guys. They stop playing because of lack of reward. Lobbys simulate the arcade winner stays on ego boost; and I know way too many people who stopped playing ranked at master because they were afraid to lose it.

    The life would have extended simply by adding items earned during online play.

    If they market the shit out of it and appeal to more simple rewards the game will do fine.
  14. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    You just talking about online play.

    It's a community's job to make a game community friendly. All of us have done our best to keep and raise interest, but the way we go/went about it might not be the best approach for this kind of game. Even if it's noble, the approach just might not be right to attract players in mass. Our community is much cleaner and well organized, friendly, and everything, however there's stuff we have missing that has nothing to do with those things, though I don't know what that is.

    SF4 or Tekken 6 would still have a large community of players, playing, whether it had online play or not. Macro advertising helped increase the numbers.

    Sega could have taken care of macro advertising(which they fell terribly short).

    And the community handles micro advertising.

    3s is a game that I'd say, got big through micro advertising, as an example of what I'm talking about.
  15. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Well, from what I can tell there never was a competitive scene that wanted to play offline on any kind of regular basis in most areas. When this game first came out I don't remember many tournaments maybe gatherings sure. Did those gatherings go out of their way to involve other people? Besides Plagues of course, the rest kind of run in the background. I mean NEC will have a VF tournament; it's not like there's a push for people to go compete outside that thread. Matches probably won't even be taped.

    I think the US VF community lacks dirt, spit, and egos that DO take themselves seriously in my opinion. It may be too clean. There never was much hype or tension between players to add to the drama.
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    You the Main Nigga.How the fuck should somebody take something seriously and you don't even take yourself seriously? You the Weakest Nigga on the boards trying to rally troops to fight against something you know nothing about. With all due respect you type pretty good but your VF skills is lacking too much to draw anybody to this site. VF5 is Dead plain and simple. The masses want to see VF5:FS. If you make it they will come.

    The Darker Image that R brought, FS overdid and thats what will gave it the edge. Nobody new to the series will start with VF5 if FS is obviously more shinier to the newest of eyes.
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I take my gaming seriously only in a tournament situation. Truth. I don't think anybodies VF skills would draw people to this site. Hype has way more to do than just one persons skills. I still think if people don't go out of their way to make stuff happen in VF5FS and let the entire country know where it's at people will lose interest again.
  18. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I been a long time fan of the Virtua Fighter series but my bias towards it won't deter me from voicing the truth. VF5 as a total package simply was not good. I say this speaking from a console port point of view and that's the biggest reason why I believe so many players returned the game back to retailers.

    A fighting game community has little to do with the overall success of a game. In a grand scheme of things I'll say perhaps 10% of gamers who buys a fighting game are actually active in the community (SF4 has sold in the millions so 10% is actually a generous estimate). When you compare the best VF on console (VF4 evo) to VF5 it seemed like it was rushed or just a lazy effort. I remember being really excited for the game and when it released I remember forcing myself to play it after a few matches. Aside from learning the new moves (which can actually be a deterrent to some) there was nothing else to do.

    On the PS3 the AI was so shitty that the cpu wouldn’t even bother using the new VF5 move sets or combos it was restricted to only using VF4 moves and combos even if they didn’t connect. Quest mode seemed tacked on and forced this time around it was hard to believe that the quest mode had gone down in quality. It’s hard to enjoy a game where a company bluntly refuses to try and improve from the last version. Training mode was basically non-existent not only was their no trails but if you brought the game used with no instruction manual you wouldn’t even know how to tech roll and let’s not even get into the unknowns on why the record feature was axed out. It’s almost like Sega assumed that everyone that will be buying VF5 had brought VF4 Evo previously, sure information is available on the web but who buys a game with the intent of going online to do data collecting?

    Luckily, the 360 version was equipped with online which was the only saving grace VF5 had over the previous home iterations. The online mode was a welcomed addition for current VF fans and dedicated gamers but it was still a big disappointment for the majority of gamers who were willing to give VF a try. The online mode was too bare bones for most gamers and that’s a huge reason why no one is on it today. No lobbies, Horrible search system, no replay views, no character change in-between matches, a ranking mode that is solely depended on the amount of players that happens to be around your rank to level up (it’s a ranking mode that can only excel with a big player base) and lack of incentive. A large portion of gamers nowadays need incentives such as achievements to get better at a game something that really wasn’t thought out if you read the achievement requirements in VF5. A simple thing such as getting an achievement for completing a combo trail or a training lesson (if it were implemented) would of greatly decreased the amount of players you see online who can’t perform a tech roll. The list goes on when describing what a disappointment VF5 was when it comes to the console version. Instead of questioning the game difficulty on why no one gave it a try its best just to look at the game itself and have that give you the answers.
  19. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Lack of a good training mode didn't help, I agree with that to the fullest. Beginners have no clue about the defensive options they have and what can punish what, when you can and should punish or should defend (even though that's in the manual, but still) etc.

    This game is so bare bones looking from the outside and/or to the untrained eye. You don't know someone is evading linears and trying to escape throws at the same time, all before the evade ends which is pretty fast. Things like that. It took me 2 weeks to like this game, at all. I always thought VF was wack since I tried VF2 (but i'm told I played the it a lot lol, don't remember that) and never cared bout it since. Bro rented VF5 cuz an old friend said i'd like it, I aint played Fighting Games in forever, it had Online, it was there, so I played it. Still thought it was wack, till one match it dawned on me bout how the turn base thing kinda worked. Then I really started to like and understand how it's played somewhat.

    It's a pretty hard game to get into. Especially when playing against others who've been playing for so long. It can get discouraging or make you want to get better. My first week playing, all I played was Ranked Matches against high ranked players just to see how they played. Wasn't impressed lol. Simply cause I had no idea wtf they're doing besides throwing moves out. The fact I had to come here to find out about ETEG (and with multiple TE's) and fuzzy guarding is dumb. Don't know how long those techniques has been in VF, but that kind of info should be in the game. Especially this one. How the fuck you gonna make a game, try to get new players and you don't even give out the info on how to properly battle someone? It's like it was made for old VF heads that already knew all that stuff. I mean how we supposed to know you have to dodge half circulars in a certain direction? Shit like that. It's dang near impossible to have someone get attached to a game where if they beat the whole thing, you still wouldn't know the important shit. Mainly defensive options.

    As far as community stuff goes. I think it's best to stay the fuck away from all of it unless you just want to know something/have a question or drop some knowledge. This the first forum i've been involved with, and recently SRK a few weeks ago. It's full of the same stuff, you have your cool cats dropping mad info, asshole elitist, dick riders, haters if your name gets brought up too much in recognition of skills or good play. The I beat you x times in a row you suck kinda people. This person can beat you/you can't beat this person (that falls under d riding I guess though) Two faced people. I mean it's great to have discussions and talk options and things, but getting caught up and dragged into the bs seems so easy. I've even let myself get caught up in it. Lots of the people Online in HDR have me like "WTF are you serious?!"

    The game itself isn't that dam hard. Attack, block, throw, throw escape, fuzzy or evade/ETEG. Pick one, it's that fucking simple.

    I may regret hitting the submit button, oh well.

    *Runs away*
  20. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Couldn't agree more with the last 2 posts. Like I keep telling my buddy who is/was a huge fan of the series like me: "I wish I wanted to play VF again."

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