VF5FS Wolf Discussion

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Ash_Kaiser, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I guess its because those would have been too damaging once only one throwescape is possible.
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Throwing crumpled opponents was removed in R.
  4. Redchain

    Redchain Member

    Looks like the exploder is no longer a side throw, that's news to me.
  5. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Exploder is now [4]+[P]+[G] from front, replacing DDT. DDT is now [P]+[G] from headlock position. I think Olympic Slam is now not side dependant and Wrist Clutch Exploder is still there.

    Also, Wolf only has 4 low throws from what I've seen so far. Double Arm Suplex ([1]), Tiger Driver ([2]), Tiger Buster ([3]) and Diamondhead ([3][3]).
  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    No [1][1] Low throw?
  7. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

  8. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

  9. Redchain

    Redchain Member

    He still has the big bridge hammer, so still 5 low throws
  10. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Vanessa vs Wolf

    I don't know if it's a garantee combo, but it looks good.
    [4] [P] -> [P] -> [​IMG][3][P] -> [2][P] -> [4][K]+[G],[K]

    it looks to have 71 to 81 pts of damage. I guess the difference is between nh and ch.

    The last part seems to be avoidable with a just recovery.
  11. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    The 225 combo: Wow that's the worst (for them) 50/50 I've ever seen. Jesus.
  12. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

  13. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    Wolf is simply amazing! I dont know how the hek they manage to come up with so many new moves n throws for this guy. Like every vid I see something new. O yea also cool to c Wolf finaly wearing a shirt! took him long enuff
  14. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    9P+G is fucking amazing now. It was great before, but the range on it is awesome. Want another cool mind-fucking option after CH 33P/6K+G? 9P+G can reach it no problem, and it works great if you condition them with mids (6P, 3P+K which is +8/12 on normal/MC, etc).

    The new RAW stance is fucking beastly, and adds a very scary element to his okizeme. VS rising kicks, I think Wolf has the strongest options in the game, due to is plethora of tools: jump delay P>low throw, 9P+K>3P+K/ground throw (made scary if there is a wall to your back with the meaty half-life+ combos from 2P+G), and RAW to name a few (of course attacks that just outright beat rising kicks as well).

    The new RAW stance, of course doesn't catch all kicks (like full-circ kicks), but he has many ways of setting it up.

    So far (list is incomplete):
    Burning Hammer (a 6 break throw that does 100 damage that can set up an additional 60-65 damage? wtf)
    4P+G (dash after)
    63214PP (also if done as a combo ender)
    After TKS or RAW versus punch or elbow all three options (P+G 50, 6P+G 70, 4P+G 65)
    After kick reversal (only against P+G 60 and 4P+G 65)
    all I have in my notes for now

    Move list changes (some from R are included, sue me)
    P6PP hmm, not an overall useful move, but it is nice to have a built in mid after jab, last hit combos if second counters. Knocks down, covers back and sobers 1.

    46P is his old 66P+K (no 2 cancel like old 46P either), it is faster (16 frames now), but is also -15 as well. Very good whiff punisher if you have the reflexes. Very dangerous near the wall as it can lead to half-lifeish combos. Stupid replay.

    3P is a fucking elbow! 14 frames on a single directional input, and is +1 on hit. Love it.

    1PP, mid high, works just like Jeffry's P+KP, as it has a hit throw on second hit. But over all it is a meh move.

    3K no longer knocks down on normal hit, but it is only -9 on block now. I like that trade.

    6P+K is a weird upper-cut thingy that is 18 frames and he yells baah! (and it sounds like another voice actor). It's -13 on block, but combos after it are simple and somewhat damaging (6P+K P 1P+K 63214PP/4K+GK/low throw set up with wall nearby).

    66P+K is a 16 frame double-fisted high push (like evo 6P+K), leads to 9 frames on hit and block, and 14 on counter! Granted, they get pushed away so unless their back is to a wall, nothing is guaranteed. But still +14 is scary even after a dash.

    4P+K is a 19 frame backfisted (covers stomach) attack that puts the opponent in side-turned. -3 on block, 7 on hit, 16 on counter. Master guide says to do 4P>3P+K (quite damaging) as a combo but there must be more available. Also I've seen in a vid 44P+G>P+G(+20)>4P+K> free throw attempt. I was going to practice this set up, but got sidetracked by a Shun/Aoi player today.

    3P+K is a 18 frame mid punch attack that is -4 on block (33 fuzzy?), 8 on hit and 12 on counter. Pushes back far, and if into a wall... well, if you've seen vids, you know what options are available.

    33P+K is now -15 on block, and there doesn't seem like there are many damaging combo opportunities after it. Though it is still a decent sweep punisher (at 17 frames), 4K+G (which is now 16 frames and potentially very damaging with only a 33% of escape) is what I prefer.

    1P+K is the obligatory "bound!" move that almost everyone seems to have now. Only have use for it in combos. It's still a means of setting up ground throws (mind-fucking), and it's 20 frames and only -3 on block, sobers 1.

    66K+G is a 17 frame dashing knee attack, depending on range it can be used as an alternative to 46P in combos and setting up wall splats, and it is also much safer (-10 on block, P+G).

    4K+G, 16 frames now, and only -10 (and unless your opponent is really brave knowing you won't go for the follow up, it's basically safe). Leads to a 50 (P+G), 70 (6P+G), and 65 damage (4P+G) throw. So, you basically have a 67-87 damage hit throw (on normal hit, more done on punishing and counter). The only weak point, aside from being predictable with it, is the range, whatever. It's great.

    3K+G is just like Jeffry's, it's a 24 frame mid kick that covers the stomach, and leads to 80-90+ damage combos (3K+G>9P+G>P>1P+K>63214PP/4K+GK/???). Only -8 on block, lol.

    Deadly move... haven't used it at all aside from post KO taunt to be honest.

    Can't say much about throws (or their names) because I don't know shit about real-wrasslin', but here are as thingies.

    P+G is your regular 40 damage neutral throw. No longer his old throw with 33P+K set ups near wall, but it's good, and can set up RAW.

    6P+G is like Jeffry's old 2P+G. Does 50 damage, and unless they they back rolled, downed-3K connects from my experience.

    63214P+G looks like his old 33P+G, 65 damage.

    4P+G, 50 damage, switches sides of the screen (big deal if you can old do perfect GS from 2P side like me, lol) and sets up RAW (though you need to dash after it). Probably can ring out backwards as well.

    41236P+G, lol. I kinda don't see the point anymore, unless getting escaped still leads to lots of + frames.

    270-6P+G burning hammer, 100 damage, RAW set ups. Fucking scary and awesome, but expect this to be broken almost every time, lol.

    270-4P+G, 75 damage (yells FINISH!). Probably his best throw because YOU WILL LAND IT almost every time because no one wants to get hit by burning hammer. Watch that one tourney where the Wolf wins (his name was something-Nitaku); he lands this throw a lot.

    skipping a few

    46P+G is very scary now. 4P+G throws opponent back (for free 4P and apparently 33P+K), P+G forward (free 4P, and maybe other things), and 6P+G goes to his "imma gonna penetrate yah"-throw stance.

    there's other stuff but not now. I'm tired.

    But to say the least, Wolf in FS, while not the insane bastard he apparently was in R, is very very strong in this game, and he is the embodiment of nitaku (haven't touched Pai in almost a month).
  15. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Thanks a lot for this post CGB_Spender. I really apreciated it. Keep the good work i will read all your notes :p
  16. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Good shit, man!
  17. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Other RAW setups:

    1/2P+G low throws
    3P+G (head towards face down) [hard to test out directions as they're hard to set up.

    Dangerous Move stuff:
    K is his knee, works like Goh's 6K now unlike in the past, according to the Master Guide it's +18 on both hit/counter which means 33P+K and 6P+K is possible after wards, and also because they're in a crouched position low throw is possible as well.

    P is the same ol' unblockable

    P+K is a shoulder tackle

    K+G is a new move, is also unblockable, but unlike P, it is much slower and leads to down

    P+G catch throw with combo abilities? Not sure what to do after it.

    2P+G is a low throw which many of you must have seen by now (does 70 damage!).

    Not sure what else to add to this post so I'll transcribe his frame data.

    Info will be posted in this order;
    Hit Level
    Damage (normal hit)
    Hit Frames
    Total Frames
    Stupid Replay

    (though it will be horizontal below)

    P H 11 12 2 27 2 5 8 both - - Same for 6_P
    PP H 10 13 2 35 -6 -4 3 both - -
    PPP *M 18 18 2 46 -8 down down both - -
    P6P M 14 17 2 43 -9 -1 9 both - -
    P6PP M 18 24 3 59 -13 down down front 1 -
    PK H 20 13 2 42 -4 4 down back - - G-cancel
    6P M 18 16 2 42 -6 -2 6 both - -
    6PP M 20 21 3 56 -15 down down both 1 -
    6PP+K H 21 24 2 51 -2 down down back - -
    63124P *M 20 14 2 45 -8 -3 down stomach - - +3 frame when hitting crouched opponent (?)
    63124PP H 22 23 2 52 -5 down down stomach 1 -
    4P H 20 15 3 42 -4 down down both 1 -
    46P M 25~50 16 5 54 -15 down down both - S.R.
    466P H 30+20 19 3 49 stagger down down both 1 - can't block high, on hit shifts to a "throw" (not really)
    43P M 35 37 3 70 1 down down stomach 1 -
    2P *L 9 12 1 33 -5 4 7 both - -
    2_3P M 22 16 3 39 -4 4 stagger both - -
    2_36P M 23 14 4 55 -16 down down both - S.R.
    3P M 17 14 2 36 -4 1 7 both - - <3 <3 <3
    1P M 19 16 2 41 -5 -2 6 both - -
    1PP H 15 17 3 45 -6 -1 5 both 1 -
    1PP:p+G TH 45 - - - - - - - 1 -
    9P M 15 18 2 42 -4 4 8 both 1 -
    9P:p+G TH 30 - - - - 8 - -
    K H 20 17 2 44 -4 down down back - - G-cancel
    KK H 25 19 4 48 -3 down down stomach - -
    6K M 25 17 3 45 -8 1 down both - -
    62K L 20 17 2 58 -18 stagger down both - - staggers high block (0 damage)
    4K M 22 16 2 44 -6 -1 8 both - - +8 on crouch hit/hard counter -1 (?)
    2K L 15 16 1 50 -15 -6 0 both - -
    3K M 28 18 3 52 -9 4 down back - -
    9K M 30 27 5 52 -14 down down both - - to downed on block or whiff
    P+K H 30 27 2 52 -2 3 6 back 1 - charge
    P+K M 30 45 2 77 stagger stagger stagger back 1 -
    6P+K M 24 18 2 54 -13 down down both - -
    66P+K H 5 16 2 46 9 9 14 both - -
    63214P+K *H 17 22 3 46 -4 4 6 stomach - -
    63214P+K:p+G TH 50 - - - - - - - - - 55 on BT opponent (?)
    4P+K H 24 19 3 47 -3 7 16 back - - side turn on hit
    46P+K M 30 20 3 53 -15 down down both - -
    3P+K M 24 18 2 46 -4 8 12 both - -
    33P+K M 25 17 3 51 -13 down down both - S.R.
    1P+K M 20 20 3 46 -3 down down both 1 -
    9P+K M 23 - 3 - -5 down down both 1 S.R. no idea why frames/tot are blank, probably the same as in VF5 B/C
    K+G H 25 24 6 56 0 6 9 X - - side turned on hit
    6K+G M 30 26 4 56 -4 stagger stagger back - -
    66K+G M 35 17 4 52 -10 down down both - S.R.
    4K+G M 17 16 4 47 -10 -3 -1 both - -
    4K_G:p+G TH 0 - - - - -6 - - - - Goes to neck clinch (I assume -6 is from when the opponent escapes)
    4K+G:p+G TH 55 - - - - - - - 1 - vs bt opponent
    4K+GK M 20 17 3 53 -15 down down both - -
    3K+G M 23 24 3 60 -8 down down back - -
    1K+G *H 25 21 3 53 -7 down down both - -
    8K+G H 30 22 3 60 -14 down down stomach 2 - down
    P+K+G ST - - - 61 - - - - - - it's RAW...
    6_P+K M 20~35 20 3 51 -9 down down - -
    6_K+G H 35 36 3 68 - down down both - - down, can tech roll, unblockable
    6_P+K+G 35 36 3 75 - down down both - - down

    Dangerous Move
    6P+K+G ST - - - 33 - - - - - -
    4P+K+G ST - - - 45 - - - - - -
    P H 35_18 20 3 61 - down down both - S.R. unblockable
    K M 20 16 4 47 -8 18 18 both - -
    P+K M 35 20 3 51 -9 down down both - -
    K+G H 35 36 4 68 - down down both - -
    P+G CTH 30 15 1 40 - - - X - - 50 on BT (?)
    2P+G CLTH 70 15 1 41 - - - - - -

    A P H - - - - - - both don't use this...
    D P M 18 - 6 - -6 11 11 both - -
    A K M - - - - down down both - -
    D K L 20 - 6 - -15 down down both - -

    P H 11 13 1 29 -1 0 7 both - - P strings
    K H 30 19 2 44 1 down down stomach - -
    2P M 20 15 3 42 -8 1 7 stomach - -
    2K L 20 17 2 57 -18 down down both - -

    6P+K+G M 30 - - - stagger down down X? - -

    Down Attacks (throws compressed)
    3P - 15 29 2 80 - - - - - -
    8P - 22 - - - - - - - - -
    3K - 13 26 2 49 - - - - - -
    8K - 24 - - - - - - - - -
    3P+K - 26 45 4 101 - - - - - -
    2P+G - 0 25 1 70 - 8/12 - - - - 20 damage with wall frames dependent on face up/down (?)
    3P+G - 35 25 1 70 - - - - *2 - one version sobers 2 (not sure)

    P+G TH 40 - - - - - - - - -
    6P+G TH 50 9 1 34 - - - - 1
    63214P+G TH 65
    4P+G TH 50
    41236P+G TH 65 10 1 38 - - - 2 - 80 damage/3 sober on fastest input
    8624P+G TH 75 - -~
    8426P+G TH 100 16 1 44 - - - - 2 -
    66P+G CTH 50 21 2 51 - - - - -
    46P+G CTH 0 15 3 55 - 0 - - - - Catch/BT goes to Change
    44P+G CTH 0 40 6 75 - 0 - - - - Change
    9P+G CTH 50 25 2 66 - - - - 1 - No longer to down on whiff
    Wall 6P+G TH 75 (probably your back to wall?)
    Wall 64P+G TH 70 (works on full and half wall)
    Side P+G TH 50
    Side 46/64P+G TH 60
    BT P+G TH 70
    BT 8426P+G 100
    Head crumple 41236P+G 45, 55 on fastest input, 55 on BT 65 on fastest input
    2P+G LTH 60
    3P+G LTH 60
    33P+G LTH 80
    1P+G LTH 65
    Side LTH 70
    BT LTH 70

    P+G TH 0 - - - - 19 - - - - - throws forward, 21 damage on wall hit
    6P+G TH 0 - - - - 0 - - - - change
    4P+G TH 0 - - - - 12 - - - - throws back, 21 damage on wall hit

    P+G TH 0 - - - - 20 - - - - Throws forward
    6P+G TH 65
    4P+G TH 70

    RAW vs. P
    P+G TH 50
    6P+G TH 70
    4P+G TH 65

    RAW vs K
    P+G TH 60
    6P+G TH 60
    4P+G TH 65

    Low Punch Reversal
    2P+K Rev 15+a 1 14 36 - 9 - - - -
    2P+K:p+G TH 45 - - - - - - - 1 - no idea why there is no S.R.
    2P+K4 TH 0 - - - - 15 - - - - Saw BT 8426P+G applied here 0_o

    Copy, put it on spread sheets if you want.

    Hopefully there aren't too many typos and errors (either mine or original writer)
  18. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    That's amazing cgb. Maybe if there's a space where you can put this data in something like excel to let it be tabulated it will be great :p
  19. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Amazing! Thank you very much. It's hard not to GET hard when reading this [​IMG]
  20. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I had most of it in a spreadsheet with movenames weeks ago but never got round to uploading it. I'll try and get it finished today if I can.

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