VF5REVO Wolf Combos

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Myke, Jan 30, 2025.

  1. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    More testing of random combos on the list:

    Can't seem to get this to land on on Goh, last hit wiffs. I tried a 1fk inputting [6][6][P][P] which connects but the last hit is green so it's not real.

    I can land [1][K][+][G][1][P][+][K][6][2][4][P][P] on him instead for 63 damage.

    I'll update if I can test find any other characters I struggle to land the combo on.

    EDIT:: got it to work, but there's a strange timing to it. Feels like you need MORE of a delay between the [P] and [6][P][P] then you expect. Basically if I try and be quick as possible with a [P][G] string cancel then the [6][P][P] isn't going to work. Just doing a [P] and letting the string drop out normally seems to time it better on characters like Goh, Jacky and Akira to combo.

    Testing on Vanessa I could just do it fast as I wanted to with the [P][G] string cancel into [6][P][P].
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2025
  2. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Thought I'd give it a try too and with 1fk I can land it both stances reliably on Goh. Without it whiffs when starting from closed. You must've gotten an inadvertent delay between 6PP hits or something?
    NecromancyBlack likes this.
  3. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    You might be right, retesting it and the 1fk seems way more reliable now.

    Probably might need a note on the combo mention some characters might need a 1fk to make it more reliable when starting from closed stance.

    But also, at 75 damage (90 on perfect timing) just going for the [4][2][6][P][+][G] after it might just be the best option.
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    One trick i use to test variable delay is to delay multiple moves. So maybe doing [1][1][P][+][K] plus the 1fk for the [6][P] could help get a proper timing.

    Didn't test that combo honestly, since it's not advised to use the combo instead of the hit throw from head collapse (if you land it perfectly you get more damage).

    I considered removing the combo starter but I put myself in some new player's shoes and not having a combo there feels wrong.

    It may have ring out potential tho, so using [P] and then [6][6][P][+][K] could be a potential candidate for that purpose.
  5. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    As we were talking on twitch the other night, Wolf's Toe Kick Stunner ([4][K][+][G], then [P][+][G] during hit) actually makes for universal followup to a few things for added 67 damage.

    Main one is Deadly Move [K] > [4][K][+][G], then [P][+][G]. 87 damage across the entire cast and sober 1.

    Other ones are more situational when you get certain sidehits or something. I don't think those make for worth while combos, but the Dead Move [K] one I think is worthy to add to the REVO combos.

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