[VFDC CHOICE] Choosing a stick for VF4 PS2

Discussion in 'Console' started by oldtimer, Feb 4, 2002.

  1. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    i know weight is probably very important in sticks so they dont move but what about all that intricate inside wood? what other purpose does it serve? that other stick above has no such thing and works fine. Wouldn't there be easier ways to add weight to the stick? just curious.
  2. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Let me repeat myself:

    "Because I use a plexi top that's only 1/8" thick, it flexes without the extra wood bracing."

    READ my post about 5 posts behind and I explain in fuller detail what this means.

    If you use something that don't flexes, like wood instead of plexi, yeah, you don't need the extra wood braces. You also can't put an underlay.

    The braces are NOT MEANT TO ADD WEIGHT. The weight was a positive, but uninteded.
  3. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    ok sorry, then what are the advantages of plexi? just smoother and nicer? could you just do wood with a plexi "cover"?
  4. Day67

    Day67 Member

    Catch I still can't find anything negative about that stick /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif It's amazing!
    the advantages of plexi in my opinion would be:
    -it makes the stick look much more attractive and plexi feels closer to the arcade 'feel'
  5. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Soundwave, maybe you can find your answer in here. I mean, I'm not getting pissed or anything... but this is the last I'm gonna comment on the reasons for using plexi and not wood, and the reasons of the bracing.

    One more reason why I use plexi, is like I previously stated in my last post, as well as like Rula says, it allows a way to put in artwork to distinguish your stick.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Catch22 said:

    Because I use a plexi top that's only 1/8" thick, it flexes without the extra wood bracing. I would use thicker plexi, but shaping and cutting the plexi would be in a word, difficult and would in fact take half the day, and also the buttons that come with the Sanwa VF4 sticks are made to hold on material no more than 1/8" thick... Unless you order more expensive, "screw-type" buttons.

    There are a lot of variables to consider, and you'll come across them as you build one, ... like the mounting depth of the stick is affected by thickness of the top mateial, and also if you'll mount the stick with fasteners going through the top material or not because your stick can be a bit higher up, thus making it higher from the outside.... stuff like that.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  6. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    that quote said nothing aobut artwork though? I know plexi is better for the artrwork on top and things like that but i was thinking what about a slightly sunken wooden with a piece of plexi over it to make it look better? sorry i'm a little mesed up right now but i think that makes sense.
  7. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    SoundWave said:

    does that work well? it seems like a much easier way to build a joystick!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It works fine.

    I added a couple of shims to lower the height of the stick slightly. If someone wanted a stick as short or slightly shorter than the official evo sticks, they could probably get away with mounting it directly from the backside of the wood, or use slightly thinner wood. Either method would avoid having to use a router, and you could use sandpaper on the edges. Very straightforward & simple.

    It also seems to be extremely durable. I, ahem, sometimes take out frustration on inanimate objects while playing esprade or the like, and have been unable to faze this stick, whereas even metal faced sticks ocassionally get bent in slightly /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    As for weight, I don't think making things heavier is the only way to prevent slipping - I just put carpet tape on the underside. It sticks to tabletops well enough to prevent all but the most violent slippage, stays attached to the stick, and doesn't leave much in the way of residue behind when you move the stick around.
  8. Byne_Rhode

    Byne_Rhode Active Member

    To anybody who has the Hori VF4 stick (not the Evo one)...where did you find it? Also, what are some good import sites? Thanks.
  9. Player_1

    Player_1 Well-Known Member

    I can have the Hori TTT-stick for 50$ or the Hori VF4 stick for 80$ with a 2-weeks wait
    I'm actually searching the yellow/gray namco stick but I think it's near on impossible to find this stick
    Man what should I do: go and immediatly get the 'cheap' TTT-stick or snoop around for...who knows how long and pay big bucks.
    I'm intending to only use my stick 4 VF purpose and just want a good stick that last's
  10. Lingoon

    Lingoon Well-Known Member

    What about this...?


    I've never needed a stick with the Tekkens or GGXX, so IF I buy a stick I think I'd only use with VF4 Evolution. Plus I don't spend hours and hours per day playing games, so I don't really want to spend too much on a stick anyway. The Hais stick is half the price of the Horis, but do you think this is any good? The layout seems OK to me, and in general this looks a lot better than some of the toys I've seen. I'd buy a Namco arcade stick if I could find one, and this is the closest to them I've seen...apart from the Horis. So what do you think?
  11. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    ugh, if you still have 50 bucks left over for an actual evo hori stick (although hori can break too) then I'd say go for it, although most american 3rd party sticks blow ass for most people from what I've heard, otherwise go with a hori or a custom stick if you really want to throw your money around
  12. Lingoon

    Lingoon Well-Known Member

    I know, I know... But the point is this: I will not spend 50$ on a stick, since I'm prolly not gonna use it that much anyway.

    Well yes, The Hori sticks are 39$ at play-asia.com, but I'd have to pay 30$ more for the shipping and over 20$ extra for the customs + taxes since the shipment would come from outside EU... So the stick would actually cost me over 90$. You said it yourself - throwing money around isn't too smart. And I'm not gonna build a custom stick either, don't know how - and I really don't wanna know either.

    I play Tekken, GGX2 and VF4 Evo with pad, and I like it that way. But it wouldn't hurt to own a stick too just in case, would it? So what I wanna know is this: are the Hais sticks any good? (They're Chinese btw, not American)

    I'd appreciate it if someone who's actually seen or tested those gave me some advice...
  13. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Seriously guys, check E-bay....

    I got both Hori Sticks for under 70$, with shipping, brand new in package too....

    The auctioneer was something like "Egamestar" find some of his auctions....
  14. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    all these sticks. can someone please give me some advice on which one to buy? juts as long as they are cheap. i have no experience with these sticks. i mostly just play with the ps2 controller.
  15. pltan

    pltan Well-Known Member

    Did you read this thread?
  16. thaininja

    thaininja Active Member

    hi, i recently bought the soul calibur 2 japanese stick for the PS2, i know this question was probably already covered but if you guys can direct me where it is from all 35 pages or just tell me what you guys think of the stick?

    I liked the agetic for dreamcast stick alot. Also i like the soul calibur 2 stick because its 6 buttons so ic an play other games to like cvs2 and etc...
  17. Deathmaster20

    Deathmaster20 Member

    Re: DC to PS(2) converter?

    With a stick is there a huge difference? and if so could anyone explain what they are??
  18. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Re: DC to PS(2) converter?

    [ QUOTE ]
    With a stick is there a huge difference? and if so could anyone explain what they are??

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    There are people that could better explain the difference in the quality of various sticks but a few general rules are: Japanese sticks > Americans Sticks; custom made sticks > factory made sticks; high quality usually comes at a high cost.

    Everything else is pretty much personal. Some people like their sticks loose, some stiff, some clicky, some smooth etc. etc.. As a good general rule anything made by Hori is a good quality stick, and the only thing with better quality would be something custom built by Catch22 or the sticks/buttons direct from your arcade. In my opinion I find the Soul Calibur 2 stick to be of very high quality and works well for me.
  19. thaininja

    thaininja Active Member

    i just got the soul calibur hori stick, its not compatible with my psx converter to dreamcast which is a huge disappointment.

    I can't evade with the stick , maybe that mgiht be fixed with practice, but i hae to tap down down or up up, i can't just tap down or up like i did when i used the controller. Sometimes i can evade up by pressing once but evading down never.

    Any tips?
  20. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    [ QUOTE ]
    I can't evade with the stick , maybe that mgiht be fixed with practice, but i hae to tap down down or up up, i can't just tap down or up like i did when i used the controller. Sometimes i can evade up by pressing once but evading down never.

    Any tips?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think you're not moving the stick firmly or not very accurately. Might be worth going into Free Training and turn the input display on so you can see exactly how you are moving the stick.

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