VFDC Lion Combo List

Discussion in 'Lion' started by Chibitox, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Using initial stances, you can switch them for the combolist if you use them. Taka stuff.

    66P, 46P+K,P,P, 66KK does work on Taka from open. Does work from closed too, if you delay the last kick to hit as ground bounce.

    44K~P+K, 6PP works from closed for 53.

    CH 8K, 2P 33 dmg (lol)
    CH 8K, 46P+K, 2P for 40 from closed (lol)
    Just for laughs. Of course the canned follow-up is better.

    46K, dash 46P+K,P,P does 1 point more than 46K, 66KK and it's easy.
    You can also do dash P,K,P (slight delay on K) for 2 point more. Harder though.

    P+K same stuff as 46K.

    CH 2_6P+K to side, 46K+G, 46P+K,P, 8P+K does 83
    CH 2_6P+K to side, 46K+G, 46P+K, KK does 86 from closed

    Why are there so many launches missing from the list?
    Chanchai likes this.
  2. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Thanks for your time, I've updated the list with your findings.;)
    Also got rid of some untested "?" so there' almost none left.


    Do you mean full 46P+K string or just 46P+KP ?

    Which starters would you like to be added ?
    I've been lazy and didn't put 3P+K+G, K (CH) and 4P+K+G,KK cause the combos are somewhat the same than 43P but I know there are small differences.

    I did some research too. I'm working on combos near the wall nowadays.
    Near the wall if you connect mantis catch throw into K canned followup:

    On Aoi (should work on Ei and Bl too):
    2P,6P(wall hit), 43P+K,66P+KP (wall hit), 8P+K (80pts)

    On Lei and Lau (probably works on all middweights)
    44K P+K, (wall hit), 43P+K, 6PP (72pts)

    and iirc On Jacky :
    44K P+K, 6PP
  3. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    For that canned follow-up I mean 8KK is better than doing those jokes of a combo I listed the for the lols.

    I was just wondering why the launches weren't listed. Not that I'd need them personally.

    Lion's probably got some that I don't even remember but from the top of my head it's missing at least.

    4P+K fullcharge (unless the combos are exactly the same, I think they are)
    CH 1K
    CH 2K,K+G
    CH 6P+K+G,P
    CH 3P+K+G,K
  4. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Ok I'll work on some of those launchers

    for 46K+G I got 46P+KPP6PP for some light weights (need to check where it stops working)
    it works regardless of whether opponent was crouching.
    For midweights 46P+KPP, 8P+K works on closed stance but is harder to connect on open stance.
    P,66PP+K,6PP works also in both stances
    On CH p,43P+K,6PP or On CH p,43P+K,P, 66KK might work on a lot of chars
    I'll check that, do you guys have better combos for those ones ?

    4P+K, is mentioned in the side crumple category cause the combos are the same as far as I know (I may be wrong though).
  5. JinKs81

    JinKs81 Well-Known Member

    Infinite wall combo! (If you don't recover from staggers or throw escape. lol)

    46P+G,3K,3P+K, rinse and repeat!
    MisterRadon likes this.
  6. JinKs81

    JinKs81 Well-Known Member

    Another wall combo that doesn't really work against experienced players! It is still fun to use against an unprepared opponent! 195 without CH!

    2_6P+K(wall hit stagger) 3P+K(It doesn't seem to work on certain short characters... lol) 46P+G(throw + stagger) 3K or 2_6P+K(stagger) 44P+K 46K 9P 46P+K 46K+G P 43P+K 6PP.

    I got some hatemails from the online victims after using this. So, use it at your own risk!
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man


    Hatemail is a sign that you have done something right ;)
    mlp715 and JinKs81 like this.
  8. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    vs Lion and vanessa open stance and Jean CH only and open stance:
    44K P+K P 43P+K 6_KK
  9. pana

    pana Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, I've just checked the list and I can't see some combos I'm using after 46K. Some of them have also been posted by darksoul in this thread. Looking at 46K category it seems you're still ordering thoguh, I'll post them anyway.

    Max Damage on Taka is missing in the list.
    Closed, for 45pts: 46K -> 6PP, it's only 1 point more than the "easy" one but you should list it if you're also going to list
    Open, for 48pts: 46K -> KK which is 4 points more than 46K -> 66KK.

    There's a typo, you've written 46K -> 2_3P... instead of 46K -> 4P+K... vs. LW (the combo that does 78dmg). Then you've written the 2_3P one but it can seem that it's the same combo repeated.
    Talking about the 2_3P one, I can get it to work on VA even if she doesn't perfect tech.
    Open, for 79pts: 46K -> 4P+K -> P -> 6_P -> 66KK, it's Max Damage on EI, EL, SA, PA, LI and VA.

    Both stances, for 63pts: 46K -> 66 -> 2P -> 43P+K -> 6PP, tested on Jacky (it's also Max Damage on him in Closed, while the Max Damage listed on him is 45pts but works on everyone except AK, JE, WO and TA.
    Open, for 66pts: 46K -> 66 -> 2P -> 43P+K -> 6_P -> 66KK, it's Max Damage on Jacky in Open but also works on everyone except AK, JE, WO and TA.

    Max Damage listed on HW is currently 54pts, don't know why the list doesn't say that it works on other characters.
    There's a better version for HW and AK.
    Both stances, for 58pts: 46K -> 66 -> 2P -> 46P+K -> 6PP, it works on everyone except TA.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2013
    G0d3L, Shinobi and Chanchai like this.
  10. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    max damage stomach crumple combos (ch 6K, ch 6P+K+G~P, succsesfull 214
    P sabaki and last hit of 46P+KPP ch)
    everyone up to Vanessa:
    2P 66P+K 43P+K 6PP
    MW and HW:
    2P 46P+K 43P+K 6PP
    Wolf and Jeff
    2P 43P+K 6PP
    Shinobi and Chanchai like this.
  11. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member


    and vs Vanessa and Lion in open
    66P 66P+K 5P 43P+K 6_KK 72 dmg (max damage)
    Shinobi and Chanchai like this.
  12. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Against Vanessa you can do the "Eileen special" for 76 in both stances, it's already listed in the combo list.

    I Will rearrange the combo section regrouping stomach crumple combos as you suggested in the previous post.
    I recently added some combos like 1K (CH) , don't hesitate if you have better ones for this launcher.

    Also I recently discovered that 8K, 2,P, 6PP is actually a legit combo on Aoi on recovery hit, like if you hop over a low rising attack or a low punch for ex, no need for counter hit. Pretty strong. I need to check if it works on othr chars probably other lightweights.
  13. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Actually vs Aoi you can do ch 8K 2P dash P 43P+K 6PP

    And vs Vanessa in open 66P 46P+KPP 43P+K 6_KK 79 dmg
  14. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    vs Eileen (finally...)
    2_6P+G 6646P+K 1fk2P 43P+K 6PP 73 dmg (or 6_P 66KK for 75 dmg)
    Chanchai likes this.
  15. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Little update:
    -Added 6PP combo on rch against Taka
    -Added 4KP combo
    -Corrected hit type required for side crumple(FC6P+K rch also gives crumple)
    -Reordered all the list so that it follows the order of the VFDC movelist
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2013
    Chanchai and erdraug like this.
  16. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    2_3P the damage on the first 2 combos seems to be wrong.

    The following is all on Goh.

    CH 2_3P, 66P+K, 46P+K, 43P+K, delay 6_P, 66KK does 79
    The damage is the same as CH 2_3P, 46P+K,P, 2/8P, 66KK but instead of switching the angle it goes straight forward.
    Probably carries even further if the last 6_P, 66KK is replaced with 6PP.

    On another note
    44K~P+K, 46P+K, P, 6PP from open doesn't seem to work.

    Seems kinda vague :D

    I'm sure you know these combos but
    44K~P+K, P, 43P+K, delay 6_P, 66KK does 70 both stances
    44K~P+K, 46P+K, 43P+K, delay 6_P, 66KK does 72 from closed.

    CH 8K, 46P+K,P,P, 66P+K,P does 72 from open.
  17. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    What's the damage with the first one ? Also it stance dependant ?
    The second one has been added

    Ok i'll check the damage on the first two

    About these :
    CH 2_3P, 66P+K, 46P+K, 43P+K, delay 6_P, 66KK does 79
    44K~P+K, P, 43P+K, delay 6_P, 66KK does 70 both stances
    44K~P+K, 46P+K, 43P+K, delay 6_P, 66KK does 72 from closed.
    I suppose this work up to Goh, any exceptions ? Works on LW and SLW too ?
  18. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    8K 2P dash P 43P+K 6PP=74 dmg both stances vs crouching Aoi

    Also i dont think it's needed to post every combi for 33P just max damage for close open and both positons
  19. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I was wonďerin why there isn t this combo on combo list?
    [4][6][K]!>[6][6] (microdash) > [4][P][+][K]>[P]>[4][3][P][+][K]>[6][P][P]
    Tested on aoi both stances 78 dmg on nh 88 on ch
  20. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    this combo is listed. said: Need to 1FK the 4P+K (do 664P+K). For some characters it may require to kill more frame
    8k 46p+kpp 66p+kp up to brad but no remenber if work in lightweight
    And whats about sabaki is the same list than heimonkyaku? in this case i'm sure after sabaki is posible delay 2p to hit the head 66p+k (g) 43p+k 6_p 66kk
    Sorry for not update (or ask i dont have permission )
    You playing lion, good news for me

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