VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Pai_Garu, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Does the Bay Area count?
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    So, if the SoCal scene wins a game disc, I suppose it will be cut up into 42 pieces so everyone in the scene can win. Better yet, have SEGA buy me a brand new Sharp 46" AQUOS LC-46D92U. It's already on sale, I believe. The whole SoCal and world-wide VF scene can benefit when they come play VF5 at my house.

    Here's why I think the SoCal scene should win (not that I can possibly represent all of them myself): unending dedication by everyone involved - so many tournaments have been held, parties thrown, and out-of-town guests graciuosly hosted. We're always striving to make things better-than-ever for the people that live here and the ones who can only visit for short periods of time.

    My contribution to the SoCal contest entry is the history of VF4 in the L.A. area - as told over the last five years by posters on VFDC...

    Spotlite, aka akiralove, and Gribbly - the original scene builders:

    Enter Brisal73 aka EL_Brisal73

    SPECIAL! House party!

    Plague and Catherine join the action

    Momentum builds

    Here's the very post that gave me the idea to host parties at my house

    Akiralove knows that house parties are the way to go

    This thread rocks for me on so many levels...

    - mainly because it contains: The very first Party at Plague's House post

    - and, the origin of the current party post

    The reason I still host parties: the SoCal Scene and VF love in greneral

    Party #2

    Akiralove hosts 2002 E3 party and tournament

    Akiralove throws a party and tournament for FeixaQ

    Party #3

    Party #4

    EL_Brisal73 pushes to get Evo at AI

    Party #5

    Scene recap to hype SoCal

    EC4 - Tomhilfiger invites VFers to a Tekken tourney - SoCal VF loses to MadDogJin

    Gribbly hosts a big one - enter PhoenixDth and Sean

    Gribbly and wife, aimstar, plan, promote, and hold Infinity Cup 1.0 - the first Evo tournament in SoCal

    EC4.5 - a fantastic Evo tourney put on by Tomhilfilger

    SoCal travels to Texas for TiT5

    PhoenixDth keeps the scene going

    PhoenixDth and GoatCheeseBlues host the E3 2003 tournament and party

    Evo2k3 changes the world for SoCal VF

    EL_Brisal73 creates the giant-ass SoCal thread - contains everything SoCal - parties galore

    SoCal invited to NYC - no one makes it

    SoCal travels to Japan for Beat Tribe

    Plague hosts E3 2004

    Party at Plague's house with Myke!

    Evo2k4 rocks SoCal

    Party at Plague's house with Myke! Again!

    PhoenixDth and GoatCheeseBlues pull off the best SoCal VF gathering and tournament ever

    Plague hosts E3 2006

    Plague's House: Shang vs. Ice-9 for $600... or not

    Party at Plague's house with Rocket Pai!

    SoCal goes to NYC

    Onward to 2007 and VF5!

    SoCal for 2007 and beyond - a new thread

    EL_Brisal73 starts things off right for VF5 with the first official SoCal get-together

    Plague plans to destroy his own house with a massive VF5 party and tournament
  3. Dashwolf

    Dashwolf Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    I don't see how plague can lose
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    um... where are the pictures? Like I said... the contest is judged on quality, not quantity. Please try to put in some effort and create some content.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    um... your contest doesn't require that I put all those things in the entry. In regards to effort, the SoCal post documents five years - that's a lot of effort from everyone involved. If you want content - it's there for you to read in each and every link. Thousands of words make for lots of pictures.
  6. ppoint432

    ppoint432 Active Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Too bad I can't enter because there's no scene here. At least not anymore.
  7. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    He just pasted some spam written over the years, don't give him the game. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  8. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Srider, Any love for the UK ? :p
  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Like I said, if you have an address I can send stuff to, you can enter, this includes Europe. NorCal is automatically disqualified in this contest, but we'll be posting an entry just to participate.
  10. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter



    It was back in 2003 June when VF4 Evo hit the Uk. A new breed of Virtua fighters came out of the wood work. Teams were gathered, bonds and were formed and prides were shattered over the love of one game. Virtua Fighter 4 Evo!!!!

    The UK VF Scene!!



    Us @ Absolution 2k4


    Even Ogi came over!!!


    Several Members are missing from this picture. Some retired, some still play! Some will hopefully come back!

    Hopefully as one guy said lets hope 2007 will "Bring the players".
    The UK simply deserve a copy due to their dedication and love for the game. Even when we thought we couldn't get Final Tuned we struggled and got it in the end. We even hosted the legendary australian soap star/admin Myke!!. Sega aren't releasing the arcade version to these shores so we simply have to bring the arcade to our homes. Sessions every week to help new players and veterans. This is VF's time!!!!

    This is a new beginning



    One of the last RB's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Video featuring

    Jide, Optimus, Gee Ho, Kneeninja, Jeffahn, Bare Knuckle, Yun Kun, Iron Mike and Hatim.


    Setup for VF5


    The VF love affair starts again!!

    [This post is light hearted fun]
    PaiChun likes this.
  11. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    last few survivors reside in casino arcade london:
    Match thread
    latest scene pics and video's will be posted there in the next few days,
    will it die out or will a free copy of vf5 cast new life only time will tell..
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    If you guys can... label your contributions as to what scene you are representing... or keep them in the same post. I'll start linking to the entries in the top post soon.
  13. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member


    I think Jide should win on the merit of they are playing Ridge Racer 7 in their setup for VF5 screen. <3 Ridge Racer 4 lyfe.

    Jokes aside that was a good shot of their scene imo.
  14. MarkMan

    MarkMan Well-Known Member


    I'm going to post pics of my crew and I training in some VF4 EVO action in anticipation for VF5... Should I post a new post or just edit it into my original posting?
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member


    MarkMan, you should edit your post and keep it centralized. Decision won't be made until Feb. 20th. Looking forward to what you guys can come up with.
  16. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Well, whatever, I have not much to say, but here is our scene.
    We live in Poland, Poznan, not a big city if you are used to something the size of New York.
    Our group consists of players from Tier1 (we play almost every time we meet) and Tier2 (those who play ocasionally, or when Tekken reeeeally bores them).

    In the Tier1 there is Griever(me;)), Czeci, Bakayaro/Taisho, and Wooolf, and not actual players (though they do try to get into it) Madzik, and Nadolka (they are girlfriends of players, they CAN'T just watch, right?).

    In the Tier2 there is Odyn, Mat, Devil, though it's sometimes hard to get in contact with them and set up some meeting.

    We play Evo, and Evo only, 'cause we don't have FT arcade in Poland, hell I don't even know if we have any VF arcades in Poland /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
    Tier1 meets always at my place, mainly because I'm the one with Evo, and I make tea :p (how sad is that? :p)....The truth is that I usually have few beers in the fridge :p
    When Tier2 plays as well, we meet at random places that have at least one TV, and something to drink /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif


    While there are many good Tekken players in the group, and many more outside of it, we don't have any means of getting them to play VF.

    And here is why we think we should receive VF5:
    Devil and Mat checked, asked, and counted and..... There are at least 40 Tekken players (confirmed) that would be willing to try out VF5 if there was a possibility. But not many of them are going to buy it just for testing, not to mention, that not many of them are going to have PS3 anytime soon (It IS quite expensive /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif ).
    We're trying to get more people to play VF, and fill the hole in VF scene at least in Poznan, then, maybe even in other cities.
    In the begining there were only 2 of us, so it is good /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    This year was already announced by someone, the year of Bringing the Players, and what other greater thing for them to be brought in a place that doesn't have many of them yet.
    I think that our plan is noble and great, and great plans need great means, that's why we need Virtua Fighter 5 (a great thing indeed)!!
    I also recently broke the pad( Broken Pad ) while playing VF, and some of us don't even own a PS2, and jus bought DS2 to play with each other!

    I would also like to say, that this scene is Poznan local scene only, it doesn't include other cities' scenes and other great Polish players like 40i4, GLC, and lotrzyna for instance, but if we are somehow able to lay our hands on the great VF5, they are sure to be a part and the leading mentors of the New-soon-to-be-fast-expanding Polish VF scene. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  17. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    My effort to be helpful.

    For folks who don't have their own webspace, here are some image hosting services you can put your pictures on:

    http://www.flickr.com/ <--- this one's awesome for creating photo albums, if you've got a whole mess of pics
  18. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Man that Socas thread post brought back lots of memories...sniff sniff... thx Plague
  19. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Thanks zero-chan for the image hosting solutions.
  20. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Brisbane, Australia

    I started playing VF back at VF1 casuallly with a friend, but it was during my time in Japan that I really picked up an interst. First came VF4, and then VF4:Evo both of which I acquired for PS2. I played a little at home and in the local arcades.

    On returning to Brisbane, I met up with most of the players who had an interest in the game. Even though they're mainly Tekken players, some of them have a quite good knowledge of the game, and most of them have good fighting game basics (spacing, mindgames, dexterity.) I organised gatherings just for VF and brought VF4:Evo to Tekken gatherings. To mention some of the names then -

    - Argonaut has always been my main competition. We would play marathon sessions of 150 matches straight, with no character changes and maybe one or two stage changes. Strategies would develop, be exploited and then be overcome in this time. Whenever an item match was up, the competition would become extra fierce. It's good to know that about 90% of the losses for each of characters come from one another. When Snap from the Gold Coast came along as well, it was always great fun.

    - Asmo and Ug the Caveman I played several sessions against, trying out different characters and learning more about the game.

    - Seraph I've played a few times against his Wolf. Our matches in Tekken are always ridiculous, and I'd love to get to the same point in VF.

    Partly by good luck and partly by good organisation, I've also had the chance to play against other people from various regions in Queensland.
    - When the Gold Coast players came to visit, I got a chance to play agianst ValestyleGove and Devil7om. Their scene had developed further than our's, so the matches were a great learning experience.
    - For much of last year I was up in Toowoomba, and got to play against SFS and Senseishly. While they weren't at the same level as the Gold Coast players, it was good to play others from another region, and face some new characters. I also had a chance to play a three person session with SFS and Mak from Townsville.

    - When Grim Walker from NZ came over to hang out with the arcadepimp players, I had the chance to play against his Goh. We'd already discussed VF a reasonable amount on MSN, so it was good to see how well he could put his game into practice.

    - But, the best session I've had would have been when Myke came to visit. Although it was unfortunate that more Brisbane players couldn't attend, for me it was one of the greatest sessions of any game I've played. To see the fluidity of execution on my crappy PS2 stick and hear of his experiences around the world was an event in itself. The losses inflicted served as a reminded that I still have a long way to go.

    I've also tried to bring other players into the game, like TT, Draakur and Shukudai from AP.

    Apart from playing, I've tried to contribute to the VF scene with my translations of Japanese texts. I have provided numerous documents for VF4, Evo, FT and now VF5 for the community. Not all of these have been about combos, there have also been tier lists, jargon posts, system explanations and character strategies. Once the new versions stop coming out and I have the time I'm most keen to continue to contribute these items, to help my scene as well as the international players. It would be a great benefit to be able to test things on the PS3 as I type, because at the moment I'm mainly going off move lists and photographs. Although I always did these for the sake of helping the community, I also wouldn't mind it figuring in the final decision.

    So, where to from here. Obviously with VF5 not coming to arcades the only way to get VF5 being played will be a home version. Several people asked about the possiblity of getting FT, and then VF5, and in both cases, nothing materialised. I'm keen to keep holding home sessions and to bring VF along to other sessions. I'm keen to keep teaching the basics of the game, and to bring new players in. We have the http://www.arcadepimp.com website, (which Argonaut wants to boarden to cover various games), to organise gatherings and bring in new players. It can also host media if it becomes available.

    Brisbane has plenty of new players coming into fighting games all the time, and I think with a new game available there's no reason the VF scene couldn't pick up a lot. It's been 5 years since Evo came out, I think our community is keen for something fresh and new, and that's why I want to provide VF5 for them.


    By the way, if this doesn't quite pull me over the line, could I get partial credit for destroying a VF scene?
    - In Japan, I lived on an island of 8000 people, 45% of whom were over 65 years of age. I found one friend, Joey, there who did play fighting games, so we'd have numerous sessions together. We mainly played other games, but occasionally played VF. In an effort to get him more in to VF, I left him MY copy of VF when I returned home. Two years later, we met again, with him about to leave Japan, this time with Tekken shipped home but VF still there. We played for a time, and had great fun. The destruction comes from
    - I played against his friends, and beat them, with the punch button barely working (with Lei Fei!) and the pad going to d/f instead of neutral. It was probably kind of humiliating for them.
    - I had to play against one of his boss' sons. The kid (8 years old) was just mashing, so I let him push me to the edge of the ring then backdropped him out for the RO victory. The father got grumpy and didn't let his son play any more.
    - Joey and I left weeks later, and I'm sure no-one has played since.



    I also have way too much VF related stuff.


    Notable absences are my VF3:tb game and VF4:Green Mook (missing), and VFQuest (I'm not that much of a fan. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif )
    Markman, if this inspires you to post a picture of your gaming equipment, I'd love to see it!

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