Virtua Fighter 360 Confirmed

Discussion in 'Console' started by Jide, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. topher_00001

    topher_00001 Member

    I guess I lied about the new items thing (maybe about everything I said about Ver. C).. sorry guys. I knew I read it somewhere but I wasn't sure that it came from magicbox.

    I forgot to mention.. Srider, I liked your hair on the 1up show.. it looked.. soft...and silky..and stuff.
  2. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Err... are you aware what just happened here? You said the graphics on the 360 version look worse, then you asked if someone could post comparison shots so you could actually SEE what they looked like. FYI, there have been NO 360 shots even shown yet. Everything you have seen so far is for the PS3. ie, it is that fanboyish mindset playing tricks on you. It's VF5... it's coming to BOTH systems... SCREW everything else about console preference/graphics.

    Personally I'm getting it for 360, since I already have one, and the 360 has a lot more games I want. Do I have to suffer through the wait? Unfortunately yes. Might I be rewarded with the version C, a VF4:Evo style tutorial, and some VF.NET live capabilities? Possibly... however none of this is confirmed. We are only hoping AM2 takes advantage of the 6 months to truly flesh out the game as it should have been for the PS3. We all feel that SEGA most likely was pressured by Sony to rush the title out so that some systems could actually move (hasn't worked so far), and that their full vision wasn't reached. Hopefully 6 months is enough time to get it there.
  3. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    O rly?
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Version C has been confirmed by Sega at AOU which just took place this past few days. Like I said, no details were given about what it will include, but the time frame for the release of Version C in Japanese arcades should be right after Kakutou Shinseiki 4.
  5. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    The article doesn't say much.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">However, Kikizo can reveal that early code is running on 360 right now and that 360 owners will, apparently, benefit from the additions and refinements that will be made to the 'Version C' arcade revision, while the PS3 version will be based around the imminent Version B. This is, of course, subject to change.</div></div>

    It also doesn't even really confirm that Sega said anything.

    I'm much more prone to believe Srider if he states that it was confirmed at the AOU.
  6. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 360-Possible online play?

    So I just got this email from Sega saying how VF5 is releasing today, but they also had a little thing at the bottom saying "coming soon to 360". Then they had the 360 logo and the LIVE logo...Possible online versus play?
  7. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 360-Possible online play?

    Probably just leaderboards or the thing that allows you to view what your friendsa re playing. Sometimes they attatch the live logo just to go with the 360. Really doubt it's for online play.

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