Virtua Fighter 360 Confirmed

Discussion in 'Console' started by Jide, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. azrael

    azrael Active Member

    Is the Sega-Stick coming to 360 too? Well Hori-Sticks sucks hard so...
  2. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    The official VF5 high grade stick should work for both PS3 and 360.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    DRE - wouldn't they use different PCBs?

    I was think of a RAP3 with dual circuitry this morning. Two USB cables extending from it, one for each system. If X360 PCB is easy to solder, each button and stick contact on the RAP itself just needs two sets of wires going to it.
  4. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Good point, but I'm sure they'll remedy the problem if that's the case. No worries.
  5. Thanks everyone for your imput. At this point it looks like I'm going to wait and save my money. By the time I get it together they'll be both out and I can take a lookand see if VF360 has any upgrades over VFPS.
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Since the PS3 sticks will have the Playstation button included, I think chances are high that they won't work with the xbox360.
  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    im gonna buy the arcade cabinet o__o)

    i hate both consoles and i hate SEGA
  8. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Of course, one of the big advantages to getting a PS3 and the PS3 version of VF5 is the fact that PS3 can have Linux installed.

    They already have MAME up and running...WOOT!!! And it's not like Sony can release any firmware updates to stop emulation since they aren't allowed to mess with the Linux OS.
  9. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    Since the PS3 sticks will have the Playstation button included, I think chances are high that they won't work with the xbox360.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I guess I should've noticed the yellow PS button on the left. /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
    Well, hopefully they'll make an Xbox360 version then.
  10. pinking

    pinking Well-Known Member

    RE: VF5 For XBOX 360

    Ok guys, its starting to get me fired up again /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif ! I have not been this exited since I heard that VF3 was coming out for the Dreamcast. I'm actually one of those guys who has backed SEGA from the Master System days, puely for the reason that it is SEGA and the massive enjoyment they provide.

    Now that its been announced that VF5 is coming out for the 360 (which I own), I am over the moon /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

    The main reason being is that I don't have to shell out £600 for a PS3, and yes, its not worth getting the lower version for that extra little bit. I'm not really that fussed that I'll be playing version C or B because I just want to play the game. And going back to the countless amounts of fun that I had with VF4 EVO, I can't wait! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    I was actually going to buy a PS3 for VF, because thats how much I adore VF. But the 360 has kept me more than occupied over the last year (ever since I sold my PS2). And I must admit it was the MAJOR contributing factor to my decision in buying a 40" HDTV. Because it DOES make a difference as to where you play your next gen console on.

    I'm actually happy that SEGA have made such an astute decision in going multi platform (i think it was a financial decision too) because it can only help them, unlike the other guys I don't actually see this as a hindrance. I mean, how can they avoid the 360 where there is a market of potentially 8-10 million more customers? I'm not saying that they wont het any customers on the PS3, I'm just saying that the HUGE costs of making a game these days is so 90's, when they say PS2 ONLY or DREAMCAST ONLY. It can't be done anymore..

    Anyway, my countdown starts now. Yes the PS3 will launch in Europe with VF5, but I am willing to wait for the 360 version (arguably a better one at that too ) /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    RE: Arcade stick

    I used to play on my HORI VF stick on Evo, is there any chance release a specific one for the 360?

    Keep up the good work guys!
  11. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Poppa said:

    Of course, one of the big advantages to getting a PS3 and the PS3 version of VF5 is the fact that PS3 can have Linux installed.

    They already have MAME up and running...WOOT!!! And it's not like Sony can release any firmware updates to stop emulation since they aren't allowed to mess with the Linux OS.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    WTF does this have to do with VF5? At all? What you're saying sounds like a combination between the Sony Defense Force and retarded OS zealotry.
  12. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Poppa said:

    Of course, one of the big advantages to getting a PS3 and the PS3 version of VF5 is the fact that PS3 can have Linux installed.

    They already have MAME up and running...WOOT!!! And it's not like Sony can release any firmware updates to stop emulation since they aren't allowed to mess with the Linux OS.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    First what does the PS3 version of VF5 have to do with Linux on PS3?
    I fail to see the connection here.

    Second, they already are messing with Linux, the higher level functions of the machine are locked away and cant be accessed by Linux.
  13. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    pinking said:

    I'm actually happy that SEGA have made such an astute decision in going multi platform (i think it was a financial decision too) because it can only help them, unlike the other guys I don't actually see this as a hindrance. I mean, how can they avoid the 360 where there is a market of potentially 8-10 million more customers? I'm not saying that they wont het any customers on the PS3, I'm just saying that the HUGE costs of making a game these days is so 90's, when they say PS2 ONLY or DREAMCAST ONLY. It can't be done anymore..

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Ya, for sure. I think we've been seeing that a lot lately with previously announced exclusives going to the 360/PS3. I wonder how much of a jump was made going from making a game on PS2 to PS3. Must be huge (maybe double I guess). There are rumours of MGS4 and DMC4 going to 360, and I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I think we're entering a time when 3rd party exclusives will be few and far in between. When we hit PS4 and Xbox 1080 (why not), we probably won't see any. Maybe Nintendo went down the right path...who knows.

    As for fishie and zero-chan, just giving my reasons for getting the PS3 version (guess I should have wrote "that's why I'm getting the PS3 version"). If both versions end up being the same, which is what I'm assuming will happen, then those are big reasons for me to pick up the PS3 version. Of course, if MGS4 does get ported, I'll find it a lot harder to pick up a PS3 since I could always use my PC for emulation. Although, I was under the impression Sony couldn't mess with the emulation since they didn't own Linux... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  14. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I can't wait any longer to play. I never played FT. Never played VF5 in the arcade. I have played Evo since 03, I think. It is nice, but man that's a long time.

    Why does everyone hate Sony? I can understand it somewhat, but when the alternative is MS, who has never even made any money in the industry and can afford to lose hundreds of millions just to have a place at the table in the video game world, well, I just think they suck worse. Bill Gates is a software Robber Baron.
  15. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    I fully respect MS as a company though. They really listen to their consumers when it comes to the video game industry. While I don't like paying for online, and their decision to have 2 SKU's and not making the HDD standard, they really designed the 360 very well.

    The reason everyone "hates" Sony is because of all the broken promises they've made and their inability to secure exclusives on the console (like VF5). Although, like I said before, that's probably because of the much higher costs to make games. However, despite all the bullshit, the PS3 stands as a console with the most potential.

    And Bill Gates has given a lot to charity, but, when you have that much money, I suppose it's kind of expected from you.

    Oh, and:

    Stephen and Melinda Gates Foundation>>>>>>>>Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

  16. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member


    You said yourself that you've been playing Evo since 2k3. If Sony had gotten their way, you'd still be playing Version C, since they agressively tried to stop the PS2 version of Evo from happening. Sony would have you playing a new version of VF every 6 years.

    that's probably the best reason I can think of, as a VF fan, but there are others. They're totally full of shit, they build hype on lies (witness all the "real time footage" of PS3 games from E3 2k5, only to have the games look WORSE a year later at E3 2k6). They make empty promises to their own fan base (PSP Gran Turismo, HDD support), they have a bad record with quality, the list goes on.

    Fuck a company that doesn't even make video games having such a large hand in this industry. Fuck a company that gives citizens from it's own country a 20% price cut over the rest of the world.
  17. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Akiralove, Sony does make video games.
  18. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fuck a company that doesn't even make video games having such a large hand in this industry.

    [/ QUOTE ]Not disagreeing with your post, but Sony actually has produced some really strong first party games. God of War, Shadow of The Colossus, Ico, Gran Turismo series, Twisted Metal and more.
  19. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Poppa said:

    Of course, one of the big advantages to getting a PS3 and the PS3 version of VF5 is the fact that PS3 can have Linux installed.

    They already have MAME up and running...WOOT!!! And it's not like Sony can release any firmware updates to stop emulation since they aren't allowed to mess with the Linux OS.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i want VF.. o__o)*

    i dont want to pay money to play 15 yr old emulation, otherwise i'd have a PSP ~ see how sony's sooo good at being retarted?
  20. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Yes, but now that it's on both consoles, there has to be some kind of reason to get a particular version, be it price or other games on the system. Those are my reasons.

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