Virtua Fighter 4 Evo or Soul Calibur 2

Discussion in 'Console' started by playa, Aug 31, 2003.

  1. evil_ken00

    evil_ken00 New Member

    Re: Mini analysis.

    Neonomide :

    1. The RP was an effort of the entire SC online community. And the Ranking Project is NOT TIER LIST.

    2. Uhhh....there was one National that means Cervy and Yun both have no National titles....Also, it should be noted that a Raph player won a large Norcal tournament and the first and second placers at Evolution was a Nightmare and an Asta, both are ranked fairly low...

    3. Like Cervy's 3B? That get's steped like whoa...You can't just whore it out, you have to know how to use it properly.

    4. You're right, SC2 doesn't have a good training mode. But a player can always do more than spam five moves over and over. Just because Namco doesn't tell you it's important to space, it doesn't mean it's not there. People need to understand ranges and spacing, just like in VF4:EVO. If you don't believe me pick up Ivy.

    5. Yes that's always a good idea. I just want to go on the record that I've been saying that VF4:EVO is the better game for a while on But on all the forums (tekken, sc, vfdc, srk) I've noticed that most people have many misconceptions about games they don't play and make claims that are entirely false. People need to not only play a game, but find a way to understand it, before they can make a clear judgement for themselves.
  2. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Re: Mini analysis.

    [ QUOTE ]
    ManjiMaru said:

    Neo: chill out. You're starting to get irritating.
    I know you're a VF-fanatic but that's not a reason to go on a crusade against any other game. Why do you by the way burst blood vessels when somebody mentions words "tier" or "balanced"?

    - Manji

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, I´m more chilled out now (passed a few exams). If you really like to see some bursting out you should see this ... /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    I think this whole thing has something to do with my before-net-image of fighting games in general. I still tend to occacionally get a bit pissed off when people make childish 1+1 statements about something that cannot be defined so easily. Of course, one man cannot change all (or indeed always KNOW all) about his subject and not all things go straight to hell when some tiny bits feel so unjust. Thanks for advice, I relax from now on.

    Without going too OT:

    Tiers: Attempted theories to define if one characteristic (character) is noticiably infavourable to some other similar characteristic in a game. There are in most cases loads of extranuous factors to consider in modern fighting games, so I could just say it this way: David Hume was right, "there is no certain knowledge (about the game physics of most modern fighting games), because our perception of cause and effect is just that, a perception". Theoretically one can claim a one point of view, but is that enough? There are, as I said, too many factors to take things as truths compared to if someone just says so. Every argument must be falsifiable, or it it not an scientific argument at all. Games are not (only) for being analyzed by people. Games are, because they are a fun hobby for a lot of people.

    Balance: YinYang. Why not Yin&Yang? Simply because it´s simpler that way. Why separate things when one can be in harmony wiht them? Balance in a fighting game is very rarely set on stone. There are so and so many characters, different moves, different situations and different people playing the game. I may well play differently tomorrow, so can you. So, why to separate things unnecessarily? Games are, as far as I´m concerned, ultimately a way to interact. Most dedicated players choose the social way of playing, because it has it´s own advantages toward CPU/training-type of playing. Human opponent tend to learn from their mistakes and make games more interesting, regardless of balance factors that may piss off when playing solo. The thing is, they are two different worlds, but when one is clearly separated from another, people seem to favor the other way of playing, which creates friction. Friction helps people to see their way as the only way One cannot always play optimally, one cannot always top the previous experience. One can only make his best.

    "The World Is Full Of Fighting"

    -video in GGX2-
  3. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member

    Re: Mini analysis.

    Hail to Soul Calibur 2!!
    Because-> There is a plethora of quotes and taunts! There are translations for the Japanese quotes!
    -The character basically is using weapons, but he/she can use his/her body and execute movements as well.
    On the contrary in VF the character is using his/hers body only! /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  4. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    Re: Mini analysis.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Kanna_Nobutoshi said:

    <font color="red"> On the contrary </font> in VF the character is using his/hers body only! /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]
    you ARE one twisted fella alright /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif and sound apprently like a quack doctor
    best post on this thread so far /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  5. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    sc / vf4e

    Though I think I technically like VF more, I had just picked up SC2 again last night in an idle moment and am stoked on it again. Now if only George "Ivy" Washington didn't destroy me so quickly...
  6. Dark_Bandana

    Dark_Bandana Well-Known Member

    Re: sc / vf4e

    Virtua Fighter is better, SC is too short and the Blocking & blocking system gets booring after a while, you could literally stay minutes just blocking attacks that mostly do minor damage, removing the weapon break of soul blade didn't help either.
  7. Allyourbase

    Allyourbase Well-Known Member

    Re: sc / vf4e

    The practice mode in SC2 is rather sparse compared to VF4's and the AI is definitely nothing to crow about.

    Still, SC2 is far more easier to pick up and become proficient in.

    It's true that SC2 has been modified from the original to become more turtle friendly, with the enlarged arenas, simplified GI system and beefed up step. I've been playing the game for a year and a half now and I'll admit the game is far from perfect.

    VF4:E on the other hand takes a long time to learn and perfect. Regardless, the rewards are great.

    Regardless, each game has its strong suits that reward those who choose to sit down and really study them.

    Ultimately, your conceptions of either game will be heavily predicated on your ability to engage in high-quality player-vs.-player play.
  8. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Re: sc / vf4e

    The reason I never got into soul calibur is because its way to easy to pick up and play, when you can just mash buttons and bust out all these cool moves its hard to keep my interest. I like fighting games that pose a bit of a challenge, not saying soul calibur is a cake walk it’s just not my cup of tea.
  9. Allyourbase

    Allyourbase Well-Known Member

    Re: sc / vf4e

    [ QUOTE ]
    FatalRose said:
    The reason I never got into soul calibur is because its way to easy to pick up and play, when you can just mash buttons and bust out all these cool moves its hard to keep my interest.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Some characters are more masher-friendly than others. You CANNOT mash with a slow character like Astaroth, Ivy, Nightmare and the like.

    The current SC2 world champion, Aris, uses Voldo, whose learning curve is insane, up to par with the average VF character.
  10. fjf314

    fjf314 Member

    Re: sc / vf4e

    While I own and enjoy both Soul Calibur II and Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, I prefer Virtua Fighter.

    From the single player standpoint, I think that Virtua Fighter wins easily. Quest Mode is loads of fun, and the whole idea of a virtual city where you fight the AI based off of real people is brilliant. It's enough to keep me hooked for hours if I don't have any human competition. I personally hated the single player aspects of Soul Calibur II, though. I found most of the missions in Weapon Master mode to be more irritating than fun. I also found myself trying to get through it as quickly as possible just to unlock everything, and once I did that, I've had no desire to touch Weapon Master mode again.

    In the 2 player aspect, I think that both games have their high points. Soul Calibur II is a great game if you have some friends around who are casual fighting game fans. Soul Calibur II packs a good amount of depth, but it's also easy enough to just pick up and play against someone with limited experience. Virtua Fighter's 2 player is incredible if you have someone to fight against who is close to your skill level. One of my best friends and I are pretty much on the same level, and we have a great time playing Virtua Fighter. However, he's one of my few friends that I can fight against. The others never play the game, so they just don't stand a chance in a game where knowing the ins and the outs of the system is absolutely key.
  11. Wonderful

    Wonderful Active Member

    Re: sc / vf4e

    Heh, I just got VF 4:evo because of the single player element. The problem is that everyone I know that has at least a fleeting interest in fighting games and plays SC2 ehh.... how do I say this modestly.... I completely own them all, and it doesn´t matter which character I use, I´m adept with all the characters, very good with about 3 of them. So... nobody wants to play with me /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif and unfortunately we don´t really have arcades here in Iceland anymore or any tournaments for that matter, not that I´m aware of /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif And quite honestly, SC2 as a single player game... no thanks... it gets really old really fast. My save got corrupted and I had to start Weapon master all over again, doesn´t look like I´ll ever get through it again, get bored too fast.

    VF4:evolution is lookig quite daunting at first, I´ve still to get the general feel for the gameplay mechanics. I´ve never really played any VF games except VF 2 on arcade, way back then. It was cool then it´s cool now. The AI is great, it´s kicking my ass /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif not like SC2 the AI is far too easy to beat, to the point I´ve started using bad attack-patterns to beef up the challenge /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  12. KageMonkey

    KageMonkey New Member

    Re: Mini analysis.

    Well, I had to register to say something about the discussion between Neonomide and b4k4. As a player of both VF and SC, I can vouch for the accuracy of what b4k4 says. b4k4's is more knowledgeable in the SC2 system, giving him a better judgement of the comparison. b4k4's comparisons are fair and accurate, whereas Neonomide's opinion is based on an inadequate understanding of SC2's system.
  13. HungOver

    HungOver Active Member



    Ummm, my fist question is: /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif Why are you people trying to compare the quality of games from two different genres?
    I mean, come on! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif There really aren't enough similarities to make adequate comparison. The basis for most of these opinions is on the different types of gameplay (i.e. the realism versus the swordplay, the dashes and dodges versus the unlimited sidestepping, etc.) Since the two games are so completely different, I tend to view them as such. I don't compare.
    Now, if you asked whether I like DOA3 or VF4Evo better, I'd definitely be able to talk. They're the same genre, and therefore leave room for comparison.
    My second question is: What is it about Soul Calibur II that gets people so into it? I never much liked it, but there seems to be some depth or something there.

  14. HungOver

    HungOver Active Member

    Re: Hi

    Oh, and Virtua Fighter is far from realistic. In evo they fucking light up when you hit them! I've never seen that in reality before . . . /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Plus, people don't float like they do in the game. It just doesn't happen. Oh, and don't get me started on Kage! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

  15. Kagamura

    Kagamura Well-Known Member

    Re: Hi

    perhaps youre point is correct to a certain extent, though you have to remember that this is a game and bares little relevance to reality. though i do agree, kage's gravity-defying moves are a little overwhelmed though fun to use, i suppose!
  16. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Hi

    FYI, VF and SC are NOT from two different genres...
  17. Kagamura

    Kagamura Well-Known Member

    Re: Hi

    i agree.
  18. Kagamura

    Kagamura Well-Known Member

    Re: Hi

    i agree.
  19. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Stop spamming is yes thx.

    I agree that you spam the board like there's no tomorrow with useless posts.

  20. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: Hi

    Wow, Namu, nice move. No one will ever know you're Necralis! -_-

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