Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution Ideas ! put it in here!

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by NeoTokyo, May 21, 2002.

  1. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    Re: yeah, like SFA Gen

    give Lion a reversal!
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: yeah, like SFA Gen

    Viscious666 -- well said. Lion needs a small addition I think to make him 'complete'.

    About the ranking system not working? Plug pulling could be solved easily. HOW? You enter a same-level match. You automatically lose a point for entering. When you win, you get two points. If you lose, you lose nothing. If you pull the plug... well, you've lost your point and the other guy that didnt' pull the plug got his.

    As for the trading and whatnot --- well, you're right. According to a guy at Sega, the system is not available abroad, b/c of piracy. They didn't want people making high-rank cards & selling them.
  3. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Re: yeah, like SFA Gen

    Lion doesn't need a reversal, he's got a sabaki that does more damage than most reversals and is high/mid independent. Generally, you can block and punish elbows instead of reversing them anyway, and gain yourself some frame advantage from an MC d+P instead of a knockdown from a reversal.
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: yeah, like SFA Gen

    I find it bizarre from a physical standpoint that he doesn't have a low throw, yet he's crouching in his stance.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: yeah, like SFA Gen

    I think i have a better idea than a reversal: Give lion an attack, or defensive technique, similar to a sabaki, but which will execute an automatic Sidestep around certain types of attacks. If the function is added to an attack, that attack would automatically be cancelled out into the sidestep as long as the certain type of attack connects during the early to mid stage of the execution.

    For example, attach this ability to the b+P+K mantis strike and have it effect elbows and knees (just for a change), then you could execute this move when you expect an elbow counter attack, and it would cancel the Mantis Strike animation, and immediately sidestep you around the elbow, at which point lion could attempt a throw, or the P+K+G, or any other strike for that matter.

    Reversals just dont seem like Lion, but a sidestepping sabaki, or inashi, really does go with lions theme of quick movements.
  6. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: yeah, like SFA Gen

    real life mantis has reversals.....

    good point on the ranking system online.
  7. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: yeah, like SFA Gen

    Almost every style has reversals, though some are more redirect/sticky (see wing chung). Mantis works more with redirecting peoples appendages. I think Jeffery needs/deserves a reversal...I mean, his style is soo grappling oriented, its silly for him not to have at least ONE reversal.
    Give sarah a few more kicks, maybe double round houses, skipping side kick, a few different cresent kicks.

    Give shun some more moves off his drunken stance and his d+pkg. There is so much potential there. Make his regular drink a evading high attack move (and show the liqour going into him please!) GIve him a few standing in place moves that evade.

    Take away that stupid low kick crumple (I can't recall the inputs for the move) that Lei has...and slow him the fuck down.
  8. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    Balance this fooking game! It has taken how many tries to reach version C and it is still unbalanced? Did they not wait long enough to release VF4? VF3 was balanced. VF4 is not. Get yer shit together! The effort required to do massive damage with certain characters is just pathetic.
  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    VF3 was not balanced. It had a few versions as well. Can't remember, but at least three.

    I agree about Shun. After seeing the Suiken fighter in DOA3, I feel Shun has been a bit cheated. They should take away a few of his moves that make him fall down -- too vulnerable. He should also be able to do more from facing behind. He just has no reach, and you almost always get eaten alive when you turn around.

    Lei Fei is definitely not going to slow down, as no real high-level fighters used him until Ver. C. He wasn't near as fun to play. He's really not that hard to beat once you get used to him.
  10. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    There was a total of 5 versions....including TB

    and NO ONE can say TB is not balanced.
  11. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    ugh. Lei-Fei...I don't know, GaijinPunch, I'd really like to see him toned down a bit...he's just a bit nuts to me. I definitely haven't found a good tactic against him...for everyone else, I've good my little tactics, but Lei-Fei destroys me consistently.

    Regarding Lion and low throws...that's a good point, it would make sense.
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I didn't say TB wasn't balanced -- I said VF3 wasn't. If it was in the beginning they wouldn't have had 5 versions!

    I just don't have that many problems w/ Lei Fei. You can read him like a book. He's no wear near as easy to destroy people with as Jacky. I'd really like to see him require an effort to use.
  13. blackshadow

    blackshadow Well-Known Member

    yeh lei fei a fuckin crazy ass bitch nigga spend n rapes u like a fucken goat before u can rap him it angers me n kage lololol
  14. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    What the hell did you just say homie?
  15. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member


    I forgot to post this a while ago. What kind of speeds do you think are necessary? Within Japan, I can get a ping of about 60 on someone within Tokyo thru DSL. That's 1.5MB downstream & 256kb upstream.

    Now, considering that Usen just started their fibre optic service which is 100MB download / 15MB upload, and NTT soon to follow, it might not be '10 years away' as you said.

    I've played other, non-frame dependent fighting games online throuh 33.6 DIALUP! I think fibre-optic should be able to handle VF4.

    Now, considering that not many people will have this will put a damper on it, but it's definitely something to consider.
  16. Trashcan

    Trashcan Member

    Vf4: Evolution

    More techniques for everybody, tuning balance a little bit maybe.

    - A less psychic AI.
    - The big (pun intended) return of Taka.
    - Some more costumes/items
    - Better graphics and a better tuned collision system. Characters still teleport from some position to another when hit.
    - Better sound. Hard for a fighting game, I know.
    - Online play. with some rules:
    - If you disconnect (LD or unplug), you get a loss, your opponent wins.
    - Rooms separated by continents. Why?
    1) Lag
    2) Language used. My french and english are good, but my Jap... lol
    3) Location Rankings.
    - The same ranking system will be used, with only 1 difference. Experience points will still be used for ranking purpose after 1st Dan.
    - A way to be a spectator on some games.
    - Reduce loading time.
    - Add some shapes to the arenas. All flat, but sometime round, rectangular, I dunno, but not all square.
    - Some little sub-games, could be fun. Kumite gets boring. Maybe a bit like Soul Calibur's missions.
    - DVD for the PS2 port.
    - Endings.

    I think it wraps it all.
  17. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    If it comes out to a game console port, I think it would be better if the CPU in kumite mode played more like a human. better practice. IE -- Aoi's PPP, low throw works quite well, as they're expecting PPP,d+K -- try that in kumite. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  18. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    Putting experience points into the dan ranks just kills the point of the ranking. The experience points of the kyu ranks is just a hook for beginners that just tries to get you accustomed to winning. The real deal is you beating opponents of your own rank/skill level.
  19. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Required ping

    Hmm, I guess you would need a ping of less than a half frame or so...
    Ping is measured in milliseconds, ne? Sore dewa 8 tsu gurai daroo ka?
  20. NeoTokyo

    NeoTokyo Active Member

    Re: Required ping

    all this online ping crap. I play Tony Hawk 3 a lot on the ps2 networked and it works great. otherwise our goverment has to buy for each and everyone of us a T-1 server :)

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