Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned now has Rollback Netcode!

Discussion in 'Virtua Fighter 4' started by JED-VF3, Feb 10, 2022.

By JED-VF3 on Feb 10, 2022 at 11:56 PM
  1. JED-VF3

    JED-VF3 Active Member

    Hey guys, It's Jed. At the request of @MadeManG74 , i'll be writing a short post on something major that happened to VF recently.

    Some new advancements in Naomi 2 emulation have recently been made by Flyinghead, the same guy who brought rollback netcode to VF3tb last year. VF4, VF4EVO, and VF4FT are now all supported by Flycast which has built in Rollback Netcode, Training Mode, and some nice QOL features that make getting into VF4 much easier and more fun in 2022.



    How do I get started?

    Setting up the emulator and jumping into games is pretty easy, you can download the latest emulator builds here:

    Underneath there is a short guide showing you which files you need, and if any help is needed there is plenty of people willing to help in the Virtua Fighter discord.

    Where can I find players to play with?

    The VF Discord has a dedicated VF4 matchmaking channel that has only grown over the last few weeks, this is where the VF4 online community resides at the moment. The discord also has a VF4 strategy channel to help people learn the game, and other channels discuss it with each other. There is now over 1300 people in the server, Here is an invite:

    I really hope we can continue growing the VF community; whether that be VF3, VF4, or VF5. Virtua Fighter 4 will likely be hitting Fightcade with VF3 very soon which will see a large increase in VF4 players and make setting up just a tiny bit more convenient. Until then, if anyone has any questions please feel free to send me a message.

    ___________________________ ___________________________
    masterpo, neoKEN, Dreamboat and 12 others like this.


Discussion in 'Virtua Fighter 4' started by JED-VF3, Feb 10, 2022.

    1. Blitzball Champ
      Blitzball Champ
      So I followed the directions, but when I try to run the VF4FT or VF4Evo Roms from Flycast, I get a Error: cannot load BIOS naomi2. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
    2. MadeManG74
      Sounds like you need the BIOS file for NAOMI 2, I can't recall where I got mine from. Maybe double check the file path and make sure it's looking in the right place?
    3. JKTwice
    4. Myke

      The wiki landing page has now been updated to be a version select index rather than jumping straight into VF5FS/US content. From there, you can access the VF4 (VF4FT) and all the system/character content that's been migrated from the old site structure.

      There'll be a formal announcement soon, with a call for additional help, once I get some of the underlying framework and information architecture sorted out.

      Thanks for your patience!
    5. kungfusmurf
      FT command inputs is only second hardest to VF2... I'm glad that I'm playing the VF5 Easy Series now, huhuu...
    6. Blitzball Champ
      Blitzball Champ
    7. JKTwice
      Check the link again for the file. Should have the file you need to run the game. Make sure you put that zip file in the ROMs folder.
    8. Blitzball Champ
      Blitzball Champ
      Still getting the same error message. I have the vf4tuned folder,, and the all in the E:\emulator\flycast\ROMs folder, so I have no idea what I am doing wrong. When I opened the file, the file from the picture is there.
    9. Sudden_Death
      Thought this would be a nice place to put this up again. This was useful to the NYC VF scene back when we had the actual machine. Now people have access to this worldwide, hopefully this will be useful to some.

      Challenge Mode Translation

      Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
      Oioron, ChiefGutti, SUGATA and 2 others like this.
    10. ItsameBS
    11. JED-VF3
      Did you end up getting the game working? you can always ask in the Discord's VF4 channel if you need help with it, plenty of people willing to help you set up
    12. Blitzball Champ
      Blitzball Champ
      I did, but will have to do it again since I built a new PC. lol
      JED-VF3 likes this.

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